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Did Your Consultant Encounter a Show Submission Issue with HO?

In summary, the Team Leader had a new consultant put in a show on either the last day of Feb. or no later than March 3 (the last day of her 30 days), but the show did not show up and she received no message that it was on hold or that there was a problem with it. After it did not show up, she called HO and they told her that she submitted it with a duplicate show number so it could not be processed. She had to re-submit it with a new number and it went through, but HO will not count it as being submitted within her first 30 days so she
Silver Member
Just had a team leader call very upset. She had a new consultant put in show number 3 or 4 on either the last day of Feb. or no later than March 3 (the last day of her 30 days).

The Team Leader was helping her submit that last show over the phone and P3 had the SUCCESS message come back. The show didn't show up and she received no message that it was on hold or that there was a problem with it. After it did not show up, she called HO and they told her that she submitted it with a duplicate show number so it could not be processed! She had to re-submit it with a new number and it went through. They will not count it as being submitted within her first 30 days so she will not get her kit rebate, her 100 PC dollars, etc!

The Team Leader was steaming (understandably so) and was voicing her fears...what if she quits, I wouldn't put up with this, etc. The TL called HO and HO said...nope...it counts the day it was correctly submitted and that is that.

Right now I am having her contact our ED to see if she knows a regional sales person that can shed some logical light on this. Also, I told the TL to keep bringing up the fact that the consultant was never notified of any problem.

Has this happened to anyone? Do you think we should just say ok or continue to try and change it. I am guessing we will have no luck, but I must say that I think HO was wrong and should correct it.:grumpy:
I would be steamed! and I would fight it!
I would continue to fight it, but know that it is unlikely that they'll reverse the decision. I had a similar situation (not exact). And it did cost me a pretty on fire consultant!
Hmmm...I had a Consultant try to submit a show and she could not get it to go through. Turns out it had a duplicate show number. She did not get a success message because of the duplication.

By any chance did the Consultant do a screen shot of the success message?
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  • #5
No, but isn't there a communication log on P3? Right now our ED has a call into an Order Processing supervisor but has a meeting tonight. I just think it is so unfair, expecially since she is so new.

Thanks for your support everyone and I too believe they may not reverse it, but there has to be better communication when something doesn't go through. Also, because there was an almost unprecidented (oh, please don't call the spelling police on me!:bugeye:) number of show submitted on February 28th, you would think with a new person that it could be re-considered.
I hope they get everything worked out for your Consultant.

I appreciate you sharing this story because it taught me a couple of things. For now on I am going to teach the Consultants on my team to:

1. Screen print the Success message and hold onto it until the show shows up as received on Consultant's Corner
2. Run a Monthly Sales Report and only display submitted shows

That way I can ensure we do not run into this kind of problem.

Good luck!
I had this happen to one of mine just under her 30 day mark in January. It was very distressing to say the least. I got the *I'm going to quit* as well along with *how could they treat new consultants so {crappy}* She also had the Success screen but it didn't show up on the shipment status. HO said to her that even if it says Success, in RED it says to be sure to check CC to see that it shows up. It was the day of her 30 day mark so she would have had to wait to see it show up anyway and would have missed the mark regardless. Either way, it was A LOT of effort on my part to simmer her down. I ended up (I didn't have any better ideas at the time) buying her $50 PC to make up for the ones she lost from HO. I feel that I shouldn't have, but it made her happy.I have to say that I am becoming very disappointed in HO's wiping their hands and putting so much responsibility in our laps that we have no heads up on. They've changed the polices so we don't even have things in writing to refer them too. I had an inactive consultant order things from the supply order... 90% of it didn't arrive because there are certain things inactive consultants cannot order. NO WHERE is it in writing what they can or cannot order (that I've found or that HO has been able to refer me to). They don't seem to be backing us up on much. Several calls I've made have gone unreturned, unanswered and/or unacknowledged. It's very disheartening. :(Sorry that this doesn't help Ann... HUGS... you're not alone...
finley1991 said:
I had an inactive consultant order things from the supply order... 90% of it didn't arrive because there are certain things inactive consultants cannot order. NO WHERE is it in writing what they can or cannot order (that I've found or that HO has been able to refer me to).


I didn't even know there were certain things they could order. This is dumb that it's not well known. I'm assuming catalogs are one of the items they can order? I always thought it was dumb they couldn't place a supply order if they weren't active.

This is all so frustrating!!! I agree, it seems like the level of support there used to be just isn't there anymore.
pamperedbecky said:
I didn't even know there were certain things they could order. This is dumb that it's not well known. I'm assuming catalogs are one of the items they can order? I always thought it was dumb they couldn't place a supply order if they weren't active.

This is all so frustrating!!! I agree, it seems like the level of support there used to be just isn't there anymore.

...they have to cut back somewhere. I agree. It's not the same level it was. Too many things are "too bad, so sad".

Inactive consultants can order the basics from supply order but no products/spices - things like that.
  • #10
baychef said:
Just had a team leader call very upset. She had a new consultant put in show number 3 or 4 on either the last day of Feb. or no later than March 3 (the last day of her 30 days).

The Team Leader was helping her submit that last show over the phone and P3 had the SUCCESS message come back. The show didn't show up and she received no message that it was on hold or that there was a problem with it. After it did not show up, she called HO and they told her that she submitted it with a duplicate show number so it could not be processed! She had to re-submit it with a new number and it went through. They will not count it as being submitted within her first 30 days so she will not get her kit rebate, her 100 PC dollars, etc!

The Team Leader was steaming (understandably so) and was voicing her fears...what if she quits, I wouldn't put up with this, etc. The TL called HO and HO said...nope...it counts the day it was correctly submitted and that is that.

Right now I am having her contact our ED to see if she knows a regional sales person that can shed some logical light on this. Also, I told the TL to keep bringing up the fact that the consultant was never notified of any problem.

Has this happened to anyone? Do you think we should just say ok or continue to try and change it. I am guessing we will have no luck, but I must say that I think HO was wrong and should correct it.:grumpy:

I was just thinking about this. They KNEW she had attempted to submit in time because they KNEW it had a duplicate show number. I'd be all over talking to a supervisor, sales manager, even Jean. If a show is submitted on time but there's an issue they give us some time to resolve it. This should be no different. If they are going to be this way then they need to find a way for shows to show up instantly and on the director screen too so we can know.
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  • #11
Thanks for the support, stories of what your experiences are and suggestions. You all ROCK:love0010:!

This is what our ED was told last night so no resolution so far but no final word either. Colleen, I suggested to this consultant's recruiter who is also a TL that we split the cost of the kit rebate and give it to her to let her know that we support her.

I also found out from the TL that this show was submitted on her 30 day date at about 3 pm ET The TL told her to keep an eye on the declined credit card...when it should have been the shipping status.

Forwarding our questions to Tech Support Supervisor George tonight to look at the transmission log and hopes to have an answer later tonight. They say it is not possible to send a show on P3 with a duplicate number without getting a red dot or error message.

Currently the TL is making a bigger deal about this than the consultant and I am trying to make sure that she is not sharing these feelings with the consultant (and I get a little snap in her voice that of course she is not) but still in time the consultant may realize that this is an unfair decision on HO's part.

Stay tuned!:grumpy:
  • #12
{{{{HUGS}}}} Ann!!!!
  • #13
Holy cow! This is really frustrating. I hope HO does the right thing! Many hugs Ann!
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  • #14
I am sure today we will hear but I doubt if they will change this. It is leaving a sour taste in many of our mouths. We need more specifics to help us help our new people. It is like we are in battle with HO and not working together. As I have said, if this was a seasoned person, I could understand it a bit better.
  • #15
finley1991 said:
I have to say that I am becoming very disappointed in HO's wiping their hands and putting so much responsibility in our laps that we have no heads up on. They've changed the polices so we don't even have things in writing to refer them too. I had an inactive consultant order things from the supply order... 90% of it didn't arrive because there are certain things inactive consultants cannot order. NO WHERE is it in writing what they can or cannot order (that I've found or that HO has been able to refer me to).

They don't seem to be backing us up on much. Several calls I've made have gone unreturned, unanswered and/or unacknowledged. It's very disheartening. :(

^^^^This x1000!!!!! I am not happy with most of my dealings with HO lately.
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  • #16
DebbieJ said:
^^^^This x1000!!!!! I am not happy with most of my dealings with HO lately.

I am still ticked off at this so I am uping your x 1000 by 2!!:D
  • #17
Have you talked with your sales manager?
  • #18
cmdtrgd said:
Have you talked with your sales manager?

I sent an email to my sales manager and it went no where.
  • #19
I would call, not just send an email. Who is yours?
  • #20
I've been thinking about the duplicate show number issue....

You cannot have a duplicate show number in ps, however, has this consultant submitted all of her own shows herself? Is it possible that someone submitted a show for her on another computer or that she is using two computers and not syncing p3 each time?

I don't think I'd let this go away with out a fight.
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  • #21
cmdtrgd said:
Have you talked with your sales manager?

No I have not and do not even know who it would be. .I had my TL call out ED and I posted the result of that above.

You know, I would have no problem with this if it was spelled out but even when it is spelled out, there is room for interpretation. I just wish they would lay out more details for either for us to guide new consultants with or to help the new consultant with details.

I may just call my sales rep to share my feelings too no matter what the outcome. I totally get the "we can't make exceptions" concept but it is almost to the point of splitting hairs in quarters and feeling like a game of waiting for someone to not follow the rules...when you don't know what the rules are in the first place. Not sure if I am making sense but...:(
  • #22
HO is definitely NOT in "how can we help you mode" these days. I had a show last month--host is disabled wit CPalsy, cannot carry anything. 2/3 of the show ordered stoneware, so one of her friends VERY KINDLY said "have it delivered to me and I will sort it and help her deliver it." I couldn't have it delivered to me, she lives an hour away. 2 people ordered DBS's, they were back ordered. I called HO and asked if the backordered orders could be drop shipped because the original kind friend was going out of town for the month of March, and original host couldn't carry them. HO tells me they are not due to ship till March 16, shouldn't be a problem. I call back on Monday (the 8th) and find out that they came in early and already shipped to--you guessed it--the kind friend who is out of town for a month. I spoke to no fewer than 3 supervisors and was told "once it's in the system, it's a done deal". I pointed out that the original supervisor told me that they wouldn't ship till the 16th, (pointed out that she told me this on the 4th), but now on the 8th they ship out anyway? I am so frustrated--they had 4 days to change the shipping addresses. Now it's going to be sitting in someone's living room for a month, I can't get it, host can't get it, and even if she could she can't carry it....this is really a sad situation. I offered to pay the direct shipping costs and everything. They told me it couldn;t be done unless the are returned to HO and re-submitted as direct ships, which will take over a month.

Dorothy, we ain't in Kansas any more.
  • #23
My only other issue is that I have 3 special needs consultants that I call HO on their behalf... two are mildly retarded... the other is severely. He cannot speak. They receive grants from the state to help them start businesses and almost all of them do some form of direct sales. Their care-takers help them with the order-taking and I go monthly and fill out the Show Order Form by hand (3 different locations) so they can submit their orders. We cannot use P3 because they submit using money orders. Unless you are put on Money Order Only status from HO, you cannot use P3 for manual orders. And we can't request that either. I don't want to sound like I am complaining about my consultants because I love helping them... I am definitely not earning barely anything from their sales... I'm doing it because I feel they deserve a chance too!!!A month ago, the one who can't speak was docked $15 from his commission check, and it should have been a credit. His check ended up being $8 after the changeover box adjustment and insurance. There was an error on the entering of the paperwork when it got to HO. I called HO on his behalf and was told he would need to call himself to have it cleared up. I explained that he can't speak and that was why I was calling... the rep grumbled something about something not being able to speak and being a consultant (this REALLY irritated me) and all I have been able to do is leave messages. NO ONE from HO has acknowledged my call and/or returned it. It's pathetic. With that, I guess all we can do now is adjust... times are changing and things aren't the way they used to be and they don't seem like they are going to go back to being that way. So I will pull on a better attitude and smile and do my best. (How was that for a peptalk!?!?!)
  • #24
Colleen, can you add him as a user on your P3 and just have him give you the money order? I'm sure there's a way you could make that work.
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  • #25
finley1991 said:
My only other issue is that I have 3 special needs consultants that I call HO on their behalf... two are mildly retarded... the other is severely. He cannot speak. They receive grants from the state to help them start businesses and almost all of them do some form of direct sales. Their care-takers help them with the order-taking and I go monthly and fill out the Show Order Form by hand (3 different locations) so they can submit their orders. We cannot use P3 because they submit using money orders. Unless you are put on Money Order Only status from HO, you cannot use P3 for manual orders. And we can't request that either. I don't want to sound like I am complaining about my consultants because I love helping them... I am definitely not earning barely anything from their sales... I'm doing it because I feel they deserve a chance too!!!

A month ago, the one who can't speak was docked $15 from his commission check, and it should have been a credit. His check ended up being $8 after the changeover box adjustment and insurance. There was an error on the entering of the paperwork when it got to HO. I called HO on his behalf and was told he would need to call himself to have it cleared up. I explained that he can't speak and that was why I was calling... the rep grumbled something about something not being able to speak and being a consultant (this REALLY irritated me) and all I have been able to do is leave messages. NO ONE from HO has acknowledged my call and/or returned it. It's pathetic.

With that, I guess all we can do now is adjust... times are changing and things aren't the way they used to be and they don't seem like they are going to go back to being that way. So I will pull on a better attitude and smile and do my best. (How was that for a peptalk!?!?!)

WOW!!! Colleen, I would get some help with this one. And I am always getting a name when I call because our efforts are paying their fannies so they best be helpful and pleasant. I don't expect the red carpet rolled out, but less attitude is expected in my book. Even if this is not a recent event, it must come up for you frequently and others may have similar issues. You are so patient to help these fine people feel useful in society. Bless your heart!

On the saga of this problem...we are getting so many conflicting answers. I finally advised my TL to call HO and as to speak to our sales rep in this area. I did not want to pass this off on her but she is getting conflicting info from the consultant too...not back conflicting but she called HO and talked with someone. Then tech support tells my ED that they have no phone log of her calling them...well she doesn't know who she talked to. She barely knows what she is doing so far.

This way I figure that the TL has first hand account of what is going on and can ask questions back to the consultant.

I sent an e-mail to all of those who currently have recruits in their first 30 days and to all of the new consultants. The e-mail kind of explained why I was sending it. My main message was do not wait until the last day to submit your party and check back within a few hours to see if the show was received by HO....AND print out the success screen when they submit the party for their records. It was hard to balance the positive with the feeling of HO are hard asses!!

The topper was that HO called this new consultant concerning this party. The person on the other end was snotty. The new consultant is very laid back and is disappointed but not upset. With this last experience...she is getting upset. My attitude is going down hill :grumpy: so I will stop now!!
  • #26
I log all my calls and do get names... problem is, I can't talk to anyone at HO about this.Thanks for the idea Deb!
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  • #27
finley1991 said:
I log all my calls and do get names... problem is, I can't talk to anyone at HO about this.

Thanks for the idea Deb!

Even my ED said that she has never run into this situation before. 95% of the time, I love HO but I think that there is more cold blood running through the company.
  • #28
I am not one to complain about HO, but this is an excerpt from and email I just got from my down line.
" I just thought that a company, such as PC, might give have a little bit of understanding as I have never made this mistake in the past.................
Just a little upset now with the customer service end of the company. Thanks again for your time."
This is from a consultant of mine who has been pretty hands off with needing help. She has a lot going on right now but is trying to stay active. The thing that bothers me is she said the guy she talked to at Pampered Chef was rude to her.
I am all for not making exceptions for anyone because then they have to make them for everyone, but I wish they would just nicely explain this when someone calls. So I don't have to run damage control. Also I almost asked if she got a confirmation email on the show(she thought it went thru and it didn't) but then stopped myself because I only get them on about half of my shows. I wish they could be a little more consistent with that!
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  • #29
Chantell..I agree with you. I am pretty laid back and in 10 years the only other time I was this upset at HO was when it took hours to get resolutions on products, etc.

There is no room for rude operators. These issues need to be brought to HO's attention!

Related to Did Your Consultant Encounter a Show Submission Issue with HO?

What is "Have You Ever Run Into This?"

"Have You Ever Run Into This?" is a phrase that refers to common cooking or baking problems that people may encounter in the kitchen. It is often used in reference to Pampered Chef products and solutions.

What types of problems does "Have You Ever Run Into This?" address?

"Have You Ever Run Into This?" addresses a wide range of common cooking and baking issues, such as cutting, chopping, measuring, and mixing difficulties, as well as challenges with food storage, cooking times, and recipe substitutions.

How can Pampered Chef help me with "Have You Ever Run Into This?" problems?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of kitchen tools and gadgets specifically designed to help solve common cooking and baking problems. These products are designed with innovative features and high-quality materials to make cooking and baking easier and more efficient.

Are there any specific Pampered Chef products that are recommended for "Have You Ever Run Into This?" issues?

Yes, Pampered Chef has a number of products that are specifically designed to address common cooking and baking problems. Some examples include the Mix 'N Chop, the Quick Slice, and the Adjustable Measuring Spoons. These products are available for purchase through Pampered Chef consultants or on the company's website.

Can I get tips and advice for solving "Have You Ever Run Into This?" problems from Pampered Chef?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers various resources such as instructional videos, blog articles, and cooking classes that provide tips and advice for solving common cooking and baking problems. Additionally, Pampered Chef consultants are knowledgeable and can offer personalized recommendations for addressing specific issues.

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