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Did You Get Your 2009 Pampered Chef Calendar Yet?

I'm just a little disappointed in the cover design. It needs something more eye catching.Mine came today! I'm excited to try it out.I got mine this week. I like the dots, but I don't like the cover. I think it would look better if it was all one color.
Gold Member
Did you get your 2009 Consultant Calendar? Mine came today. What do you think of the cover design?

I think it's kind of .....hmm.... 'non-descript' :yuck:
Does everyone get a calendar or just directors?
Everyone receives a new calendar.

Linda...I love the ":yuck:"

Can't wait now to see it!!!:D
I got mine today but did not get my NOV KN yet?? Anyone else not get that one yet?
Got my CN last week. Got the calendar yesterday. It's bland, but at least it looks professional.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
chefann said:
Got my CN last week. Got the calendar yesterday. It's bland, but at least it looks professional.

really - dots are professional? :rolleyes:

I wish it had a big ole Mickey Mouse face on it so I could have a daily reminder of my goal for next year....now, THAT would be a fabulous conversation starter!
REALLY? Even me? OMGosh - NOW I am excited! Something in the mail for me - one day, at least.
I got mine last week. I think it looks better than the last one. I like the binding better and like that it has the pocket on the inside. The cover design could be better but I guess they are improving it in baby steps :p
pamperedlinda said:
really - dots are professional? :rolleyes:

I wish it had a big ole Mickey Mouse face on it so I could have a daily reminder of my goal for next year....now, THAT would be a fabulous conversation starter!

That's what I think would be unprofessional. Having a cartoon character on one's planner doesn't scream "business owner," it yells, "kindergartener." I was so afraid that the calendar would be all Disney after the trip was announced.
  • #10
But it would be a conversation starter for sure! ;)

I like the dots, our dots ;) anyways and it's FREE so why not?
  • #11
Got it. Love it. Where's my piece of candy?
  • #12
I like it and I like it alot better than the last two years! I got sick of seeing the Asian Meatballs all year my first year and got sick of the blue this year.
  • #13
Where's mine?????????????

I'm getting anxious!!!!!!!!!!

Neeeeeed to sseeeeee cccccaaalendddaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you feel the excitement in my typing????
  • #14
I got mine I think Saturday. I have never used it. I always use my day planner but I am thinking this year I may try it. These days most of my appointments are in my Blackberry.
  • #15
I got my CN but no calendar. The calendar I had came in my start up kit when I signed last March, mine has no Asian meatball or dots or anything, just says Pampered Chef on it. I didn't know we got one so my friend who makes calendars and planners made me one. Can't wait to get mine though, I love free stuff!!!!
  • #16
I got mine. As far as the cover, I really don't care what is on it as long as the calendar is FREE!
  • #17
Did it come USPS or fed-ex? The fed ex man just came to my door and it is quite a big box, so I doubt it is the calendar, the box was light though. Guess I will open it to see what is inside, don't recall ordering anything.
  • #18
merego said:
Did it come USPS or fed-ex? The fed ex man just came to my door and it is quite a big box, so I doubt it is the calendar, the box was light though. Guess I will open it to see what is inside, don't recall ordering anything.

It comes USPS
  • #20
I do like the dots too.
However, it won't matter since I'll put it into my Franklin Covey portfolio. It slips in there real nice along w/a few extra things I need.

I put the RPOForm in the back -someone always asks.
I keep a sticky note pad in the front.
2 pens in the slot.
Paper clips on the pages, for DP slips and other notes.

I do like the idea someone else had of putting Disney Incentives at the end of the months where to earn. She said she also put Disney stickers throughout -to keep her eye on the prize!
  • #21
I got mine last week. I put mine in the black leather PC binder that must have been with Franklin Covey. Not sure why else I would have it. Then I don't even see the cover. It looks more professional that way. Although, after checking out planner pads, I'm seriously thinking of getting one of those to use for everyday & PC.
  • #22
wadesgirl said:
I like it and I like it alot better than the last two years! I got sick of seeing the Asian Meatballs all year my first year and got sick of the blue this year.

I agree, I do like the dots better than the asian meatballs and the blue stars cover!;)
  • #23
I finally got mine today - it came USPS regular mail. Yippee!! I love it.
  • #24
jrstephens said:
I got mine I think Saturday. I have never used it. I always use my day planner but I am thinking this year I may try it. These days most of my appointments are in my Blackberry.

Me too, until last week when my calendar decided to delete itself! :eek:

I guess that's what I get for not backing up regularly. :grumpy:
  • #25
not in the mail today :(
I did get my replacement dots wine glasses though :) and they were not broken!!
  • #26
Just got mine today!!
  • #27
VeronicaW said:
I do like the dots too.
However, it won't matter since I'll put it into my Franklin Covey portfolio. It slips in there real nice along w/a few extra things I need.

I put the RPOForm in the back -someone always asks.
I keep a sticky note pad in the front.
2 pens in the slot.
Paper clips on the pages, for DP slips and other notes.

I do like the idea someone else had of putting Disney Incentives at the end of the months where to earn. She said she also put Disney stickers throughout -to keep her eye on the prize!

That was me on the Disney Thread, here is what I did:

I wanted to let you know what I did w/ my new planner. I am a very visual person & have put the flyer from the meeting on the fridge, went and picked up a book from the travel agent to look at, & getting a better picture of the hotels PC chose.
Level 2 ~ a moderate hotel
Level 3 & 4 ~ are deluxe hotels (I want Level 3, if I am really good I may get level 4)

Anyways I took the other flyer (same one that is on the fridge) & cut all the pics out and the levels out. I went through the calendar and filled in what I need to do monthly for the whole year. I will reach level 1 by the end of March so I glued the level 1 requirements at the end of March to remind me. Same for level 2 in August, same for level 3 in November when I follow my plan.

I glued the pictures on each month and added a few I printed online. Next I am going to put disney stickers in there as a nice reminder of where we are going. I also glued The Celebrate the magic in the big cranberry dot (I love the new cover, I love the dots) on the front cover.

I hope that makes sense for you. It's a nice healthy reminder for me.:D:D
  • #28
Still haven't received mine yet....hopefully by the end of the week.
  • #29
Got mine yesterday; thought it was cute.
  • #30
I got mine yesterday too - very cute cover!!!
  • #31
The calendars are never what I would pick but it doesn't stop me from using them. I was a bit disappointed with the dots since they aren't my favorite SA anyway, but whatever. I take it to my shows and it matches my products. Who am I to complain.
  • #32
Still waiting for mine.
  • #33
You are not alone Harriet, I haven't received mine yet either. Seems we in the Northeast are the last to get everything LOL
  • #34
here in alaska, i haven't got mine yet either!
  • #35
Have not recieved mine either.....:(
However I am not too worried about the cover. My wonderful director made us all cloth calendar covers in a striped cranberry colored fabric!:love:
  • #36
Nothing today either!
  • #37
Haven't gotten mine yet either, but finally received my wine glasses woooooo hooooooo :)
  • #38
No calendar or CN
  • #39
I still haven't received mine yet. How long should I wait before I contact HO on this?
  • #40
I got 2! Mine and someone else's.
  • #41
I just got mine Saturday.
  • #42
I guess I will call HO tomorrow and see what they have to say.
  • #43
Got mine today all mangled courtesy of the USPS :)
  • #44
Oh Man!!! I still haven't gotten mine! What the heck?
  • #45
merego said:
Got mine today all mangled courtesy of the USPS :)

Oh no, I hate when they shove things like that in your mail box!
  • #46
i haven't got mine either... and my CN always seems to show up at the end of the month. is that normal?
  • #47
Got mine last week. I do like the cover. Much better than the meatballs and blue cover!! Of course, looking at it all year, you get tired of whatever cover it is come December!! :)
  • #48
Got mine yesterday! Love It!
  • #49
Husband lost the mailbox keys over a month ago. (After having to pay to be rekeyed, because he lost another pair) I had to try to catch mail lady each day to get my mail. Finally I got him to pay AGAIN to get it rekeyed. We had the keys two days, I didn't even use them yet, when he lost them again! Yikes!! He's looking for them today, because I want my consultant news and my new planner.
  • #50
lockhartkitchen said:
Husband lost the mailbox keys over a month ago. (After having to pay to be rekeyed, because he lost another pair) I had to try to catch mail lady each day to get my mail. Finally I got him to pay AGAIN to get it rekeyed. We had the keys two days, I didn't even use them yet, when he lost them again! Yikes!! He's looking for them today, because I want my consultant news and my new planner.

Oh boy, that sucks... :( Maybe YOU should be in charge of the mail keys?? ;) Hope he finds them soon!!
<h2>1. Did You Get Your 2009 Pampered Chef Calendar Yet?</h2><p>Yes, I did get my 2009 Pampered Chef calendar. It is a great tool for keeping track of important dates and events for my business.</p><h2>2. Did You Get Your 2009 Consultant Calendar?</h2><p>Yes, I received my 2009 Pampered Chef consultant calendar. It is a valuable resource for staying organized and on top of my business.</p><h2>3. Mine Came Today. What Do You Think of the Cover Design?</h2><p>I personally like the cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar. It is simple and clean, which makes it easy to read and use.</p><h2>4. What Do You Think of the Cover Design?</h2><p>The cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar is a matter of personal preference. Some may find it plain, while others may appreciate its simplicity.</p><h2>5. I Think It's Kind of 'Non-Descript' :yuck:</h2><p>I understand that the cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar may not appeal to everyone. However, the important thing is the functionality and usefulness of the calendar, which I believe it delivers on.</p>

Related to Did You Get Your 2009 Pampered Chef Calendar Yet?

1. Did You Get Your 2009 Pampered Chef Calendar Yet?

Yes, I did get my 2009 Pampered Chef calendar. It is a great tool for keeping track of important dates and events for my business.

2. Did You Get Your 2009 Consultant Calendar?

Yes, I received my 2009 Pampered Chef consultant calendar. It is a valuable resource for staying organized and on top of my business.

3. Mine Came Today. What Do You Think of the Cover Design?

I personally like the cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar. It is simple and clean, which makes it easy to read and use.

4. What Do You Think of the Cover Design?

The cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar is a matter of personal preference. Some may find it plain, while others may appreciate its simplicity.

5. I Think It's Kind of 'Non-Descript' :yuck:

I understand that the cover design of the 2009 Pampered Chef calendar may not appeal to everyone. However, the important thing is the functionality and usefulness of the calendar, which I believe it delivers on.

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