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Did You Catch PC on Nate Berkus Show Today?

whose show wasn't very successful...who needed help with her office. The products she was given were from a different company, and I don't believe that this program would affect p chef or the reputation of other consultants.
Gold Member
Did you see PC on The Nate Berkus Show today? Check out Nate's show website and watch the video "Organizing A Home Office" and "Inside a Messy Home Office" from the episode "Home Takeover with Tabatha Coffey" http://
Nate Berkus: Episode Guide

She said she can't call all her people from her 800 shows cause doesn't have a database . HELLO doesn't she have Pampered Partner the best software ever Thank-you Tec Suport . That just told everyone that watched the show our software isn't that good
Very interesting. That's my office totally. I chuckled at her recipe file. That's what I have in my drawer too!!I wrote a quote on my whiteboard last night (which is across from my desk). "There are two options: Make PROGRESS or Make Excuses!". I'm tired of making excuses, so I'm slowly working on that progress.It is sad she said that about the database, BUT, if she doesn't have it set up correctly, it wouldn't do her much good. If she didn't use it effectively when she added names, etc. And who knows, maybe she doesn't even realize how to use it! Maybe her upline will see it and slap her. *hehe* And she definitely needs help with those "blank orders". I at least get small sales, versus so many $0.Thanks for sharing!
Awww that was sad to see/hear that no one was really buying at her show that night :(

Hopefully getting the organizational help will be just the thing she needs to do what she wants to do, take her biz to the next level.

I wish her all the luck in the world :)
esavvymom said:
I wrote a quote on my whiteboard last night (which is across from my desk). "There are two options: Make PROGRESS or Make Excuses!". I'm tired of making excuses, so I'm slowly working on that progress.

LOVE that quote!

What's funny is, I was sitting here being lazy and kind of making excuses as to why I "can't" pick up the phone. Well now I have your quote running thru my head. lol

Off I go to make calls :)
O.M.G She is an embarrasment! I wonder if HO knew she did the show?
That lady was a hot mess! It was funny when she got called out about not being a good listener. Which might be why she doesn't know how to use P3 effectively. I for one cannot say that my office is a model of organization and just a month ago I couldn't even walk into my office. I hope this is the jolt she'll need to get it together. She looked like her "show" was good! No wonder she's had 800. She "looks" very put together. Good luck to her.
they never said it was Pampered Chef and they never talked about the products so no bad reflection on us. If anything, if you follow up with your customers and they watch the Nate show, they will realize how lucky they are to have you for a consultant.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
They didn't say Pampered Chef but the products where all over her office floor.
chef131doreen said:
They didn't say Pampered Chef but the products where all over her office floor.

and they zoomed in on a catalog!

I thought them calling her out on her dirty apron was bad! I mean, she would have taken that to a show....ick!
  • #10
Maybe we need Tabatha to come talk at conference. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I thought that too
  • #12
I was HORRIBLE and EMBARASSED for her and about her!! UGH! I just don't understand how she could have over 800+ shows but no data base. P3 IS her database!!! I just hope and pray she takes the products she was given and RUNS with it! I hope her business is a huge success after this. But I DO hope it doesn't affect other consultants or the company for her lack of...whatever you want to call it!
  • #13
I hope they showed her HOW to set up a filing system. Giving her a filing cabinet and saying "you need a system" just isn't enough.
  • #14
jbdowd0798 said:
I was HORRIBLE and EMBARASSED for her and about her!! UGH! I just don't understand how she could have over 800+ shows but no data base. P3 IS her database!!! I just hope and pray she takes the products she was given and RUNS with it! I hope her business is a huge success after this. But I DO hope it doesn't affect other consultants or the company for her lack of...whatever you want to call it!

I don't believe that this program would affect p chef or the reputation of other consultants. All it showed was a woman who had a business out of control and who needed some help organizing her home and business.
  • #15
I thought she was very sweet and genuine. She obviously has a lot on her plate. Even though I am anal about organizing, it doesn't come naturally for others. I think she just needs some help. It is hard to ask for help and find the time to do it. Let's face it, we can all use a kick in the butt from Tabatha for something.
As for her cooking show, I would have completely freaked out being on camera. :eek:
Kudos to her for 800 shows. :sing:
  • #16
NooraK said:
Maybe we need Tabatha to come talk at conference. :D

I easily get hooked watching Tabatha's show "Salon Takeover." It makes me critique any salon that I go into. I like how she's applying her biz sense to the home-based biz. Hmmm, may be just the excuse I need to watch more of her show.
  • #17
after 800 shows she must have a team too... or maybe not because she is so disorganized??
  • #18
Most of the time my office looks like hers. Unfortunately I don't have a room all to myself/office. But, I've honestly never had a show where people don't even fill out the order forms, gather up catalogs into a pile, etc...
  • #19
I would have been mortified and embrassed!!
  • #20
skaugchef said:
Most of the time my office looks like hers. Unfortunately I don't have a room all to myself/office. But, I've honestly never had a show where people don't even fill out the order forms, gather up catalogs into a pile, etc...
Mine does too, I have a desk shoved in the corner of the dining room. Anytime we need to eat things get shoved on my desk to clear the table. Plus with 4 small children trying to keep their hands off my stuff in a loosing battle.
  • #21
PC NewsWire mentioned it today. She's an AD, so she must be doing some kind of follow up. I'm thinking HO didn't know about it, and is putting a positive spin, since they're telling us after the fact, instead of before like they do with other TV clips.
  • #22
NooraK said:
PC NewsWire mentioned it today. She's an AD, so she must be doing some kind of follow up. I'm thinking HO didn't know about it, and is putting a positive spin, since they're telling us after the fact, instead of before like they do with other TV clips.

Agree, agree. She must be doing something right to be an AD. Maybe HO didn't put out the heads up b/c PC is not specifically named.
  • #23
Could be.

On one hand, I can't imagine HO would let her say some of the things she said if they'd known about it ("I don't have a database").

On the other hand, I can't imagine the production staff of a show like that wouldn't think to dot their i's and cross their t's by contacting HO to make sure what they're doing is fine.
  • #24
Well, as for HO knowing about it, the link was in the PC Newswire, so I'm guessing they know. LOL. It also stated she's an Advanced Director!! You'd think as an AD, she'd have P3 and know how to use it! I can't imagine HO wanting to advertise her being on that show. What an embarrassment! I am pretty new at this and already I'm much more organized than she was. I felt pretty bad for her. I found it hard to believe she didn't get many orders at her show, because it looked like a really nice house and a lot of people. Plus, I thought she did a great job at the show. I guess it goes to show that no matter how good your shows are, you have to be organized and be a good listener. I hope they were able to help her and she took all their advice...much luck to her.

Related to Did You Catch PC on Nate Berkus Show Today?

1. What is "Did You See the Nate Show Today"?

"Did You See the Nate Show Today" is a segment on the Nate Berkus Show that features new and innovative products from Pampered Chef.

2. When does "Did You See the Nate Show Today" air?

The Nate Berkus Show airs weekdays at 3pm EST on select networks. Check your local listings for specific air times.

3. How often does Pampered Chef products get featured on the show?

Pampered Chef products are featured on "Did You See the Nate Show Today" approximately once a month.

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Yes, all products featured on "Did You See the Nate Show Today" are available for purchase through Pampered Chef's website or through a consultant.

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