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Did You Attend Chris Manion’s Inspiring Cook and Book Training?

In summary, Chris Manion is an amazing speaker and she has a lot of helpful advice for aspiring chefs. She was very inspiring and her talk was full of useful information.
Silver Member
I just have to share my excitement with you all as this was like meeting a celebrity for me. :) I know -- I'm a Pampered Chef Geek. God made me this way -- you have to just deal with it :)

I was so very fortunate today to attend a cook and book training with Chris Manion here in Pittsburgh today . She is my NED and this was the first time I had the opportunity to meet her and I was BLOWN AWAY at this lady.. Has anyone ever had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with her? ? She's so engaging and truly inspiring and she really knows how to motivate. It was a small group of about 25 of us and we all walked away with so much.

I have like 10 pages of notes so I will probably retype them this week, but if you would like to recieve a copy of them send me a PM and I will be happy to share.

She did a cooking show live, spent a lot of time on recruitment, bookings, product information, the benefits to advancement within the company, power words and phrases, ways to read and respond to people with care and consientiousness.... so much really -- she really was outstanding. She spoke with me several times one on one and is has proven to me that there is NO reason in the world that I cannot attain anything that I set a goal and work for.
I pm'd you! Sounds like a great time!
YES I have met with Chris many times and she an Awsome lady . Her Dinners are so much fun at National Confrence if you are in her down line . And if you ever get a chance to her her laugh the you will love her even more . I get her Monday Morning Report and they are filled with so much info .

She will really take the time to talk to you and fill your head with so much info She is the best
Chris IS awesome!! She was at one of our meetings a couple months ago here in IL and I love listening to her speak. Isn't her laugh awesome???? I saw her speak at the very first cluster meeting I went to (it happened to be a multi-cluster meeting) and had no idea who she was. It means so much more when you know she is one of THE top people in the company. I do love her attitude. It's so cool when you get to hear people like this and get to meet them in person!!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Yes!! it makes everything so much more real and when you know how REAL she is (that hysterical laugh and all) you realize that you can do it, too!!

Lots of people asking for them -- I will post them when i have them typed -- i cant promise this will happen fast, but it will happen soon!!!
Thanks for SharingI sent you a PM Thanks again, Terri:)
Chris is awesome!
PM'd you ... thanks for the offer!
You have another PM!
  • #11
And another........

Thanks much

  • Thread starter
  • #12
Holy Moley.... totally forgot to do this.

Sorry everyone -- my mind is like a seive lately. For anyone that I promised these to -- I will do my best to get these done over the weekend and will post the file here.

So sorry!!! I am the slacker chef :/
  • #13
You got PM'd
  • #14
Jenn,You might just want to post the notes as a file on here - less work for you!
  • #16
I would love to have this too. Thanks

  • Thread starter
  • #17
cmdtrgd said:

You might just want to post the notes as a file on here - less work for you!

Yes --- that's what I intended to do :) However -- as good as my intentions may be -- it's just been a rollercoaster of crazy for me lately and I haven't even gotten to type them in yet.

This will be a good motivator for me and my hubby is off until tuesday so... i may actually have some free time to do it, too :)
  • #18
I would love to see it too; whenever you get around to it!:)
  • #19
Can you post the notes here? Thanks.
  • #20
Bump (waiting on those notes) :)
  • #21
I would love to see the notes as well
  • #22
me too please!
  • #23
I PM'd you, too. Better late then never... Thanks!
  • #24
Hehehe...see what you got yourself into?!?
  • #25
OOH I would love the notes too!
  • #27
*Jeopardy music playing*
  • #28
Me, too! Me, too!!!
  • #29
I would love to have the notes also. Thanks!!

  • #30
I would love to see the notes too, when you get a chance to post them.
  • #31
I'd also love to see those notes! Have you posted them somewhere else, perhaps?

  • #33
I don't think we're getting the notes :p
  • #34
I'd love to see the notes too!:p
  • #35
Pampered Laura said:
I don't think we're getting the notes :p
HA! Me neither, lol!:p

Related to Did You Attend Chris Manion’s Inspiring Cook and Book Training?

1. What is a cook and book training with Chris Manion?

A cook and book training with Chris Manion is a special training event for Pampered Chef consultants, led by top consultant and National Executive Director Chris Manion. It focuses on developing skills in cooking, booking shows, and recruiting new consultants.

2. What can I expect to learn at a cook and book training with Chris Manion?

At a cook and book training with Chris Manion, you can expect to learn valuable skills in cooking, booking shows, and recruiting. This includes product information, strategies for advancement within the company, and tips for effectively communicating with others.

3. Is Chris Manion a well-known figure in Pampered Chef?

Yes, Chris Manion is a highly respected and successful consultant within Pampered Chef. As a National Executive Director, she has achieved a high level of success and is often sought out for her expertise and motivational speaking.

4. How many people typically attend a cook and book training with Chris Manion?

The number of attendees can vary, but typically a cook and book training with Chris Manion will have around 25 participants. This allows for a more intimate and personalized training experience.

5. Can I receive a copy of the notes from the training with Chris Manion?

Yes, if you were unable to attend the training but would like to receive a copy of the notes, you can request them from a consultant who attended. They may be willing to share their notes with you, or you can reach out to Chris Manion directly for any materials she may have available.

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