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Did My First Host Coaching Call Go Wrong?

In summary, the speaker had their first host coaching call today, which did not go well. They explain that it should have been their second call, but scheduling conflicts have caused them to communicate solely through email until now. During the call, the host seemed uninterested and unengaged, leading the speaker to feel like they were bothering her. The speaker is also struggling with other potential hosts and feels like they are not good at one-sided conversations. Others offer advice and resources for improving host coaching skills and dealing with difficult hosts.
I made my first host coaching call today and I dont think it went well at all!!
This should have actually been my second call to the host but weve had conflicting schedules and never seem to be able to actually get on the phone with eachother, everything up to now has been done via email.
So today I have the day off work and decide to call her since her show is on Sun.
I get on the phone with her, ask if this is a good time to call and she says yes. So I start talking to her about the show, her guest list, the recipe and everything else, and I swear she barely says more than 2 words the whole conversation and when she answers my questions she sounds very bored and uninterested!! Im not good at one sided conversations and Im pretty sure I came off sounding like a babbling idiot!!
I ask her about her guest list, how many people she expects will be there, and she says she doesnt know, that people will just show up!! I explain about outside orders and ordering on my website and how she can make up a wish list. She just seemed so uninterested and I really felt like I was totally inconveniencing her.
I am at a loss. This is on top of 2 calls for potential hosts that didnt go so well, so I just dont know what to do.
I dont think Im very good on the phone, I think I tend to come off as very unorganised and I always feel like Im annoying people. I dont know, Im rambling and just kinda feel very lost at all this.
Do you use the host coaching sheet from HO? That gives a good outline of things to cover on each coaching call.

That said, some hosts just think they know better than you, because they've invited friends after all. I have found that calling 2 days before the show to get a head count is better. And I word it as, "I need to know how many people are coming so I can make sure I have enough catalogs with me."
I'm sorry you feel that way. It will get better. Take a look at the host coaching sheet. It will help you to know what to go over on each call. You might even ask a friend to let you pratice host coaching with them. There are also tele classes you can sign up for, online training courses, and CD's on host coaching you can order with your paperwork/supply order. Just remember it will get better.
It will come with practice. You will learn some wording to get people like that talk with you better.

I think I am talking about the same thing as Ann but the Host Coaching Check sheet also provides words and should help you.

Don't let these get you down. Others will come along and you will be walking on the clouds.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks for everyones kind words. Im sure with a little practice it will get better. I also was a bit thrown cause I know this person, not really well, but well enough that I thought they might show a little more interest. I have the host coaching check sheet and also another one called the 3 call system. I think I will have to rewrite them and print them out for myself though. I find it easier to work with bullet points rather than actual scripted conversations.
Yes, change the wording to make it feel like you and practice. Even if it is to the mirror, practice. It is always good to have a friend practice with you so it feels more real, then you can always get that friend to have a show too!
PCwithStay-C said:
Thanks for everyones kind words. Im sure with a little practice it will get better. I also was a bit thrown cause I know this person, not really well, but well enough that I thought they might show a little more interest.

I have the host coaching check sheet and also another one called the 3 call system. I think I will have to rewrite them and print them out for myself though. I find it easier to work with bullet points rather than actual scripted conversations.

Sometimes it's even harder to host coach those that you know than complete strangers. Some people just can't be coached at all!

Would you mind posting your 3 call system? I have a hard time with the PC host coaching checklist so maybe this would help?

  • Thread starter
  • #8
I hear that alot, that it can be harder to coach those you know. I guess its live and learn right?

Here is the 3 call system. Dont remember where I found it, but it looked pretty helpful.


  • 3 Call Host Coaching Script.doc
    38 KB · Views: 543
I haven't had a whole lot of shows; but those I've had, I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to do some of the host coaching in person. Whether it was during the show they booked at or later when I dropped off the packet, I had some good face-to-face time that helped. I say I've been lucky--because these people have lived near enough that I could do that. My point is this--while you're still getting the hang of it--it may make you more comfortable to have a face-to-face meeting so that you can feel more comfortable with the coaching (since you say you're not good on the phone). While we all need to improve on our phone skills, sometimes we need some easy successes to regain our confidence. KWIM? Hope this helps!
  • #10
Has she hosted other PC shows? Perhaps with someone else, even?

Sometimes a "repeat host", even if they didn't work with you personally, just doesn't think they need to be coached.

What you might find helpful is, in this situation, at least, is to say something like, "Hey, I'm sure you already know what it takes to do a really great show, but, if you don't mind, I really need to practice saying this stuff to my hostesses so I can get good at it. Would it be OK if I "practiced" on you?"

This way, she is not threatened, but actually "flattered" that you want her to, in effect, help to "train you" at your job!! It's a win-win situation, for BOTH of you!!

Don't worry, none of us are "on" all of the time!! It will get better, to be sure!!

Hope that helps!
  • #11
Ask more questions and talk less. Some people procrastinate so really don't think about until a day or two before so it's not all you.

"I'm so excited about your party. Are you going to have fun hanging out with your friends for a while?..... What is it that you want to get from the party?.... Oh, you're not sure....Well, you better start shopping cause I hope we can get you at LEAST $100 worth of free stuff AND some half price items. You'll get those little extras you want or a jump on your Christmas shopping......So how are your invites coming? Did you remember to invite xxxx (neighbor, host she booked party from, former co-workers, family in other states)......It sounds like you've got your invites out. I'll call you next week to get a head count and to remind you to do reminder calls. People really forget to RSVP or sometimes never even get the invite. Amazing how many husband's don't pay attention to what's in the mail. Talk to you next week and remember to go through the catalog and start dreaming!"
  • #12
Now this may sounda bit odd at first but one key point is you. What type of mood are you in? Are you scrambling to get the call in or do you actually have the time to do the call justice. I find that if I am just making a call for the sake of calling, it sounds bad. So I make the call a planned call. I tell the host first time I talk to them when I will call them again. AND I STICK TO IT. This way I am prepared. Also, put a smile on your face the minute you dial that phone. People can "hear" that smile! Really - it's true!!! If you sound regimented and bored, they will react in the same tone.
So, find someone who will help you. Someone who can listen to you, and help guide you with some advice and critisim. It never hurts!
And practice, practice, practice! It took me along time to get it right too and I know I am not the only one! Otherwise there wouldn't be workshops and books about "hanging up on your phone phobias"!

Now - please also take this into concideration. You made your plan, you called your host. You spoke to her about what you needed too. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU FAILED????
ANYONE who picks up that phone to "work" their business IS NOT A FALIURE!!!

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  • #13
boy i needed to here ethat today john! thanks! LOL ... i actually picked up the phone today for the first time in a long time and think i did pretty good!

stacey - werent you supposed to ahve that other host coaching call with the salon lady today? how did that go?
  • #14
And don't forget to smile when you talk. It really does make a difference.
  • #15
PCwithStay-C said:
I made my first host coaching call today and I dont think it went well at all!!
This should have actually been my second call to the host but weve had conflicting schedules and never seem to be able to actually get on the phone with eachother, everything up to now has been done via email.
So today I have the day off work and decide to call her since her show is on Sun.
I get on the phone with her, ask if this is a good time to call and she says yes. So I start talking to her about the show, her guest list, the recipe and everything else, and I swear she barely says more than 2 words the whole conversation and when she answers my questions she sounds very bored and uninterested!! Im not good at one sided conversations and Im pretty sure I came off sounding like a babbling idiot!!
I ask her about her guest list, how many people she expects will be there, and she says she doesnt know, that people will just show up!! I explain about outside orders and ordering on my website and how she can make up a wish list. She just seemed so uninterested and I really felt like I was totally inconveniencing her.
I am at a loss. This is on top of 2 calls for potential hosts that didnt go so well, so I just dont know what to do.
I dont think Im very good on the phone, I think I tend to come off as very unorganised and I always feel like Im annoying people. I dont know, Im rambling and just kinda feel very lost at all this.

How was the show???

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One way to improve your sales with Pampered Chef is to host more parties and invite more people. You can also reach out to your existing customers and offer them special deals or discounts. Additionally, you can utilize social media and other online platforms to showcase your products and reach a wider audience.

2. I'm struggling to meet my sales goals. What should I do?

If you're struggling to meet your sales goals, it's important to evaluate your current strategies and make necessary adjustments. Consider reaching out to your team leader or fellow consultants for advice and support. You can also attend training sessions and workshops offered by Pampered Chef to learn new techniques and improve your sales skills.

3. I haven't had any successful parties lately. What can I do differently?

If you haven't had successful parties lately, it could be a sign that you need to switch up your approach. Try offering different themes or types of parties, such as a virtual party or a themed cooking class. You can also ask for feedback from your past customers and use their suggestions to improve your parties.

4. I feel like I'm not connecting with my customers. Any tips?

To better connect with your customers, focus on building genuine relationships with them. Take the time to listen to their needs and provide personalized recommendations. You can also follow up with them after their purchase and offer excellent customer service to show that you value their business.

5. How can I stay motivated during slow seasons?

Slow seasons can be tough, but it's important to stay motivated and consistent with your efforts. Set small achievable goals for yourself and celebrate when you reach them. Remember why you joined Pampered Chef and focus on the positive impact you're making on people's lives through your products. You can also connect with other consultants for support and motivation during slow seasons.

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