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Did I Misinterpret the Disney Incentive Rules?

In summary, Darcy is concerned that she may not have earned the Disney trip as she has been a consistent seller and recruiter, but does not have the required points. She is hopeful that she can convince her Director to change the rules after she has already put so much effort into the trip.
Silver Member
I'm being told by home office that I may not have earned Disney!!! The letter below explains it all... I'm having a heart attack... if this is true, my husband is going to kill me! I've already been fighting with him over my passion for PChef as he's not too crazy about the time/money I put into my team since I'm often not getting "paid as" a Director anymore and the time I spend away from home and our 1 year old. Earning the trip was a MILESTONE of an event to bring him back around... if I have to take it back and tell EVERYONE and their mother that I didn't actually earn the trip... I'm afraid that may be it for me... I'm terrified of the consequences that could come from the outcome :( What are all of your thoughts?

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Darcy Madden and my consultant number is #394772. I’m an Independent Sales Director from Maine under the Executive Director team of Dot Doiron. I would like to formally file a request for clarification and discussion of the Celebrate the Magic Incentive program. My concerns are listed below.

Throughout the year I diligently tracked my progress towards earning the Disney Level II incentive that we have been provided with. I am a fairly consistent seller (had a few ups and downs with severe sickness this year so had to take a small amount of time off) and a strong recruiter (consistently) and have built my team over the past 5 ½ years. I am so very excited about Disney being our incentive trip destination as I have a young family who were very enthusiastically hoping I would earn this trip. I was so very excited at the beginning of December to tell them that I did!

I’ve been following along with my incentive tracker month after month and was very good about keeping track of where I was at and what I continued to need. I know the rules inside and out, and have been in charge of training those rules to my team on several occasions. I’ve discussed my plan of action on how I planned to achieve this trip with my up-line on several occasions and they have supported and encouraged me all along the way, which has been a major help and a great source of motivation.

In a nut shell, here is what my incentive trip points plan worked out to be at the end of November, I still had quite a bit of work to do!:

Director Level Bonus Points: 500
Recruiting: 16,000
Core Sales: 20,694.66
Online Sales: 507.90
Miscellaneous: 3000
Total Points Earned: 40,702.56

As you can see, I was still a very long ways from my 52,000 goal. Even so, I was still as determined as ever to make it happen for myself and my family with my business!

During the month of December, I spent hours on the phone setting up future business and made recruiting after recruiting calls to my potentials list, all the while with the goal of Disney in mind. I was so very excited to add 3 more team mates to my roster in the month of December and I was able to help each of those 3 to hold and submit their first shows qualifying them! I also had 2 consultants who I recruited in November who I was doing the same things with and was able to help those 2 qualify as well! I attended all of their kickoff shows and put much work and effort into the training of these new members. As a result, I was only able to hold a few shows myself, submitting $1,368.75 in sales myself for the month of December.

By doing all of this, my incentive trip points plan as of December 15th, now looked like this:

Director Level Bonus Points: 500
Recruiting: 26,000
Core Sales: 22,063.41
Online Sales: 507.90
Miscellaneous: 3000
Total Points Earned: 52,071.31

I AM BEYOND EXCITED! That was seriously a HUGE amount of effort and work and my determination to earn Level II Disney and the support and encouragement from my up-line and team kept me going the whole way! They were all so excited to share in my successes of earning this trip for my family! My Director made a wonderful production of it at our last team meeting as she is always so very thoughtful, and I am just over the moon!

That being said, I was taking a peak at some online “Pampered Chef” chat forums that I’m a part of and I noticed a thread where someone was discussing their own goals to earn Disney and what was required. Noticing an error in one of her statements about core sales requirements, I corrected her, only to have her correct me with what she believed is an error in my statement. Now I am having a heart attack second guessing myself and I called the home office to get it clarified and I was instructed to write this letter I am writing now. The person whom I spoke with from the home office believes that there is a flaw in the way the rules were written and that this letter is warranted.

Here’s my discrepancy and where I feel there needs to be more clarification. The way I am reading it, I am still right in my beliefs as it is also the way I was trained and the way I have been training my downline. Again, as I stated before, I am WELL aware of ALL the rules and regulations of the Celebrate the Magic Incentive program and I reviewed them several times to make sure that I had everything covered.

Under the “Program Rules” it states:

"A minimum of 50% of total sales points must come from core sales (Cooking Shows, Catalog Shows, Wedding Showers, Fundraisers and
individual orders submitted via mail or PamperedPartner Plus®)."

The wording of this statement tells me that, a minimum of TOTAL SALES POINTS, not TOTAL INCENTIVE POINTS, need to be from core sales. So what it is saying is that if you had 10,000 in sales, 5,000 of that would have had to come from core sales. I assume the company has this rule to make sure that most of your sales are being earned through actual cooking shows and not online shows, etc. to keep the heart of the business with the “at home” show. What's important to know from this statement is that whatever you sold last year, that 50% of it is from Core Sales.

This is the way I’ve trained it to my team and the way I’ve learned and understood it myself for this entire year. Afterall, the wording DOES say, “50% of SALES POINTS (not INCENTIVE POINTS) must come from core sales. Great! If so, I have done everything right and I have still earned the trip!

What the consultant online is trying to tell me is that 26,000 points (26,000 being 50% of the 52,000 points needed for Level II Disney) need to come from core sales. Where in the rules does it say that? Because the line I just shared above does not state that. I called the home office to get clarification and they also said that 26,000 needed to come from core sales. I believe there is an error in the “program rules” description and that those of us who read it to mean the way I described above, should not be penalized for this error! Afterall, even the lady I spoke with at home office agreed, it really is not written that way!

The way it stands now, if 26,000 INCENTIVE POINTS had to come from core sales, than the recruiting element would not be as important. I say this because, on the incentive trip goal worksheet, the sheet makes a big deal about setting your recruiting goal high as the numbers can really add up for you. If there was a requirement that 50% of INCENTIVE TRIP POINTS had to come from CORE SALES POINTS, well you might has well be telling people that once they hit "x" number of recruits they should stop because it won't help them get to their incentive trip goal anymore from that point on so forget all the effort in recruiting and just focus on sales now. The way the company has been so focused on recruiting, I can’t imagine a rule like that being in place!

I kindly urge someone to assist me in this matter and take a look at how this section of the “program rules” is written as I’m sure I am not the only one who is left in this situation. I suffered a great deal of hardship this year, including several deaths in my family, and a three month bout of extreme sickness that had me on bed-rest. That being said, I stayed focused on my goal of earning Disney for my young family and stayed quite consistent with my sales, and especially with my recruiting! I feel I have earned the Level II Disney trip fair and square and have followed the rules to a “t” the way they were written and trained to me. I don’t feel like I’ve interpreted these rules in error, rather there is an error in how they are written which is quite concerning.

I thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from someone regarding this request.


Darcy L. Madden
Independent Sales Director, Pampered Chef
Consultant #394772
I would call your Sales Manager right now as well as address this with Dot. She should be able to call HO on their 'special Concierge line' and talk to someone on your behalf.

My concern is that you mentioned once that you had went inactive this year and lost your career sales. In previous Incentive programs, if you went inactive, you lost your points although it didn't show up online. Have you clarified this with HO? Am I totally off base (I certainly hope so!!!)?
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  • #3
DebChefIA said:
I would call your Sales Manager right now as well as address this with Dot. She should be able to call HO on their 'special Concierge line' and talk to someone on your behalf.

My concern is that you mentioned once that you had went inactive this year and lost your career sales. In previous Incentive programs, if you went inactive, you lost your points although it didn't show up online. Have you clarified this with HO? Am I totally off base (I certainly hope so!!!)?

Thank you for your advice! I cc'd Dot on my email and I will call her and get my sales manager's information. You are correct, I did go inactive, it was during that time when I was off and on bedrest, my sales were so spotty for a two month period of time before I hit my second trimester and got well again. Thank you for that info!
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  • #4
Thank you for the suggestion to call my Executive Director! Geez, I still feel like I could puke, but I do feel much better at the same time. She was in agreeance with me and told me that was the way she's been trained by our sales manager to track and that according to her records (she pulled up a report or two over the phone), I have earned the trip. She's going to be contacting our sales manager in hopes that we can work it further up the system. She also had me forward my email I shraed with you onto our sales manger too. I'm still having a heart attack over here!!! LoL I so wish this didn't come on meeting night!
OhmyDLM said:
Thank you for your advice! I cc'd Dot on my email and I will call her and get my sales manager's information. You are correct, I did go inactive, it was during that time when I was off and on bedrest, my sales were so spotty for a two month period of time before I hit my second trimester and got well again. Thank you for that info!

Were you inactive for 2 consecutive months? If so then you can't count sales before that. Inactive April & May -> can only count sales June-Dec.

Otherwise I think you are fine. The total SALES points have to have been 50% core sales but the recruiting points are unlimited. I believe you have to submit a minimum sales (can't all be recruits) but that number would be lower than your $20K (like $15,000).
Oh Darcy I'm so sorry for you!! I hope that that is pre-mature!! I can't imagine the nightmare you're going through right now!! Please let us know what HO says. I hope they are able to clear it up!!
Oh geez, Darcy! I hope this all works out for you. This IS confusing. Let us know what happens. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I can imagine how sick you feel not knowing what's going to happen. I would be doing the same thing right now - possibly puking!
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  • #8
bethcooks4u said:
Were you inactive for 2 consecutive months? If so then you can't count sales before that. Inactive April & May -> can only count sales June-Dec.

Otherwise I think you are fine. The total SALES points have to have been 50% core sales but the recruiting points are unlimited. I believe you have to submit a minimum sales (can't all be recruits) but that number would be lower than your $20K (like $15,000).

I'm so scared guys, I can't stop crying. Being 22 weeks pregnant isn't helping the matter much...

I DID go inactive, it was a huge mistake and also another flaw in home offices system. I filed for a waiver which was denied to me the month before I went inactive. What they didn't tell me was there was a different kind of waiver that would have worked to fix my problem. At this point, once they had sent me confirmation that my waiver was DENIED, it was the 1st of the next month and there was nothing we could do to go back as that particular waiver which would have worked needed to be filed by the 25th of the previous month! If they would have told me it was denied before then, then I would have had time to file for the RIGHT waiver. It was just after the new career plan had changed so all of the waivers/rules had just changed too and everyone was confused on what the right answers were. Basically, I chalked it up to a learning experience and moved on with my incentive trip goals, not thinking any different. (And apparantly my upline wasn't thinking any different either!) I know, terribly confusing... I'm so sick... which is why I went inactive in the first place, I was so sick and on and off bed rest.

My sales manager has contacted me and told me she's going to work on it for us!
YIKES!!! Good luck Darcy!{{HUGS}}
  • #10
oh my Darcy, how confusing! I hope it all works out. Keep us posted!
  • #11
I am so sorry you are dealing with this!! For what it's worth, I think you are reading the rules the right way, that is how I understand it too. Also Congratulations on 26,000 recruiting points!!!! Wow, you are an awesome leader. I only had 12,000 and would really like to get better in the recruiting. I also understand with the trip bringing your husband around. That is what last year did with my husband once he went on the trip he was very impressed. Please keep us updated.
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  • #12
My sales manager just got back to me and thinks we need to wait until the auditing process is over later this month to get rolling with clarifying this. What I'm being told by all of my upline is that my view of the 50% requirement is correct and that's how they are are understanding it as well and have trained it that way, and that the 26,000 number is irrelevant. However, after making a call into home office, the lady who answers says 26,000, but then says she she's what I'm saying and the rules DON'T state it that way! OMG, I don't even know what to do...

Now as far as the inactive thing... I've searched and searched and searched and I can't find anywhere THIS INCENTIVE program and with the newest UPDATED copy of the policies manual where it says the incentive points go away when you go two consecutive months of inactivity. It DOES say career sales go away, but it says that recruits are now kept. I do understand what you all are saying, I just want to see it in writing before I give up hope and so I can understand! I just don't see it... do you?
  • #13
Wow, Darcy, you worked so hard..I am so sorry this is happening!

As far as the "sales" points, it's clear in the rules that 50% of SALES points must be from "Core" sales -- not online. You have that taken care of.

The only thing I see a problem with is Recruiting points....it says in the rules that if you go inactive before your recruit hits their $1250 you don't get the 2000 points. Do you have any recruits that that would apply to?

I really don't think that they would give you points for a recruit if that was the case, so it looks to me like you are ok there also:

A qualified recruit is a new Consultant who reaches $1,250 in career sales during 2009. To receive points for a personal recruit, your name must appear on the appropriate line of the Independent Consultant Agreement. If you become inactive before your recruit(s) qualifies, no recruiting points will be earned.

Let us know what happens -- and DON'T let it affect your health!!! Think POSITIVE!!!! :)
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  • #14
jwpamp said:
Wow, Darcy, you worked so hard..I am so sorry this is happening!

As far as the "sales" points, it's clear in the rules that 50% of SALES points must be from "Core" sales -- not online. You have that taken care of.

The only thing I see a problem with is Recruiting points....it says in the rules that if you go inactive before your recruit hits their $1250 you don't get the 2000 points. Do you have any recruits that that would apply to?

I really don't think that they would give you points for a recruit if that was the case, so it looks to me like you are ok there also:

A qualified recruit is a new Consultant who reaches $1,250 in career sales during 2009. To receive points for a personal recruit, your name must appear on the appropriate line of the Independent Consultant Agreement. If you become inactive before your recruit(s) qualifies, no recruiting points will be earned.

Let us know what happens -- and DON'T let it affect your health!!! Think POSITIVE!!!! :)

I'm definitely a-ok there, I was active when each of them qualified, signed a huge bundle between September and December well after I activated again. The 26,000 points I have for recruits are solid.

What others are thinking is that the sales points I had earned before going inactive have dissapeared from the incentive program. I know my career sales disappeared, but I can't find anywhere in the rules or policy manual that the incentive points do not count anymore. I totally understand what they are saying, but I just can't find "legal" written documentation on it. The crazy and sad thing is that I was only inactive by a day or so. Due to some conflicts, I submitted some individual orders while I was on bedrest late waiting for payment.

Luckily for me, at this point, my sales manager and upline arn't quesitoning that, they are just questioning home offices description of "50% of sales points" description. Everyone seems to be seeing it the same way as me, including my Senior Executive Director, so I'm feeling positive, but uptight and sick still.

Since I have such a young family, (will be two under 2 in June 2010) we gave the trip to my younger brother-in-law (he's 16) to come along as an extra set of hands as his Christmas gift. He's so excited, I'm so excited, and I finally got my husband re-excited about my business again by earning the trip (I lost him with the new career plan and my disappearing paycheck). I'm sick to my stomack thinking about the outcome and how it may affect my future... and how I may disapoint SO many people! Plus, I worked my tucas off like crazy, lieterally... my behind is going to kick it's own butt if this is so!!! LoL ***I have to giggle about something at this point :(
  • #15
Darcy, you will be fine. I remember conversation about the core sales thing from last year. It was written that way to keep people from only selling online for sales. I am rather confident you are a okay!

No offense meant to anyone who tried to help, but unfortunately you were given some inaccurate information when you shared how you earned the trip.

Hopefully I will not be eating crow when this all works out, but I really do think you are okay. Seriously think you are okay. You are okay. Let's all say it together so we know it is true,

"Darcy is okay. She is going to Disney World!"
  • #16
I agree, Darcy -- it's SALES points, that's what it says in black and white. If they meant TOTAL POINTS, they would have said it that way!

You are fine!!!!
  • #17
Oh goodness, Darcy let us know for sure! I say this just because I had read a rule for some thing else one time and I was dead wrong.

I want to hear from you Darcy who heard it from HO that you are going to Disney and are ok.

Worrying Mother Hen!!!
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  • #18
I'm feeling so much more confident about the SALES POINTS thing as my Senior Executive Director and all of my upline Directors are in my corner and are willing to fight it. Now what I'm worried about is that two consecutive months of inactivity mistake I had earlier this year, that has been brought up on this thread. Never even thought of that, as no-one has questioned it before, but now I'm freaking on that too! LoL

What are all of your thoughts on that, think it's going to be an issue? I've searched and searched and can't find anywhere in THIS YEARS paperwork and rules anything that says incentive points will disappear, just your career sales. Gosh, leave it to me!!!!!!!

Just to keep you updated, I did break the news to my husband as it was obvious something was wrong when he came home from work and saw my face all puffed up from a day's worth of crying and fretting. He's not happy, but not as unhappy as I assumed he would be. I thought for sure, my days with PChef were over, I really thought that would be the last straw with him! I think he's still waiting on the verdict, but I'm grateful for the response I did get from him last night which was more supportive than anything!
  • #19
Did your incentive calculator still show your points for the whole year? I know it's "unaudited" but wouldn't they have removed your points if that was affected by you going inactive?
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  • #20
pamperedbecky said:
Did your incentive calculator still show your points for the whole year? I know it's "unaudited" but wouldn't they have removed your points if that was affected by you going inactive?

Yup, tracker still shows 52,000+ points, but more importantly, my Senior Executive Director's reports that she can pull up are all still showing 52,000+ points. The "inactive" thing honestly never even crossed my mind until I read it on this thread... now I'm freaking! LoL
  • #21
pamperedbecky said:
Did your incentive calculator still show your points for the whole year? I know it's "unaudited" but wouldn't they have removed your points if that was affected by you going inactive?

That's what I am thinking. The rules don't say that you lose incentive points when you go inactive, but career sales. I feel confident that Darcy is also, in fact, going to Disney.
Please keep us updated as you find out more!!
  • #22
Darcy, you should be fine. When we meet at Disney I'll tell you the story about the year I blew TPC because I didn't submit shows in time...it was a bitter pill but believe me I never did that again...but the way I look at it I think I'll be meeting you at Disney!
  • #23
OhmyDLM said:
Just to keep you updated, I did break the news to my husband as it was obvious something was wrong when he came home from work and saw my face all puffed up from a day's worth of crying and fretting. He's not happy, but not as unhappy as I assumed he would be. I thought for sure, my days with PChef were over, I really thought that would be the last straw with him! I think he's still waiting on the verdict, but I'm grateful for the response I did get from him last night which was more supportive than anything!

Maybe he is realizing how much your PC business means to you knowing how upset it is making you? I hope everything works out...having contacted you via Carrie's hospitality, I can see that you are the kind of person PC needs and that your customers need you. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS!}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • #24
OhmyDLM said:
Yup, tracker still shows 52,000+ points, but more importantly, my Senior Executive Director's reports that she can pull up are all still showing 52,000+ points. The "inactive" thing honestly never even crossed my mind until I read it on this thread... now I'm freaking! LoL

I'm sorry if I caused you more stress because of my comments. I always thought that if you lost your sales the points went with them. I am soooo praying that I am/was wrong. Hopefully they'll resolve it quickly!!
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  • #25
bethcooks4u said:
I'm sorry if I caused you more stress because of my comments. I always thought that if you lost your sales the points went with them. I am soooo praying that I am/was wrong. Hopefully they'll resolve it quickly!!

Oh no Beth, I'm glad you did!!! I would much rather be prepared than know nothing at all!!! Do you see it in writing anywhere tho? Maybe with the new career plan and new rules it's changed? I just can't find it...
  • #26
bethcooks4u said:
I'm sorry if I caused you more stress because of my comments. I always thought that if you lost your sales the points went with them. I am soooo praying that I am/was wrong. Hopefully they'll resolve it quickly!!

I want to echo what Beth said....I'm sorry if my comments regarding inactivity/points caused you more or undue stress.

I have looked and looked and can't find it in writing. Keep in mind that in the past, when a consultant has lost her incentive points due to inactivity, it has not been reflected on my Director reports.

I am so hoping I am wrong. Beth is remembering past incentive trips the same way I am and I think I speak for both of us when I say that we want to be wrong!

Keep your chin up!
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  • #27
Thanks Deb, and your advice and thoughtfulness is much appreciated! I'm just hoping and wishing with the new career plan, the rules must of changed, as we've stated, it just isn't in writing anywhere! So far, no one has even mentioned this, so I'm not bringing it up until they do :) And with my Senior Executive Director and the rest of my upline on board, I'm no so worried about that 50% requirement anymore, just hoping for the best and some news SOON!
  • #28
Hello again!

Did you see this from the Irresistable Destinations rules?

"Can I lose my incentive points?
If you have six consecutive months of inactivity, your Consultant Agreement is dissolved and you lose your incentive points."

Nothing about losing them for the two months of inactivity. A BIG WAHOO!
  • #29
ChefLisa said:
Hello again!

Did you see this from the Irresistable Destinations rules?

"Can I lose my incentive points?
If you have six consecutive months of inactivity, your Consultant Agreement is dissolved and you lose your incentive points."

Nothing about losing them for the two months of inactivity. A BIG WAHOO!

Looks like you are GOOD TO GO!!!
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  • #30
ChefLisa said:
Hello again!

Did you see this from the Irresistable Destinations rules?

"Can I lose my incentive points?
If you have six consecutive months of inactivity, your Consultant Agreement is dissolved and you lose your incentive points."

Nothing about losing them for the two months of inactivity. A BIG WAHOO!

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! Now let's hope that rule also applies this year!!! Where I can't find it in writing anywheres otherwise, I certainly hope so! Seriously, you may have just made my night!

Now to get past the 50% interpretation and we're golden... still having a heart attack if you can't tell!
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  • #31
Oh and I did read the tracker sheet for next year's incentive and the same old wording about the 50% requirement is there... I have a feeling, if they really mean for it to be 50% of INCENTIVE POINTS, someone will be fixing that flyer ASAP! I don't think they'll want to deal with this issue again, too much drama and headache on everyone's part. LoL I've got a fiery Senior Executive Director, and I love her!!!
  • #32
When is the official word supposed to go out to everyone that earned the trip. Also, does anyone know when they give out the travel money for level 2 or for those choosing for 3 and 4 to get their travel affairs in order?

I think even when everything is safe (regular sales and recruits) it is scary or nerve racking waiting for the "official" word.

I never thought of the issue you are having with almost all the points I have being core. It is a fine way to get those points with recruits!
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  • #33
trps said:
When is the official word supposed to go out to everyone that earned the trip. Also, does anyone know when they give out the travel money for level 2 or for those choosing for 3 and 4 to get their travel affairs in order?

I think even when everything is safe (regular sales and recruits) it is scary or nerve racking waiting for the "official" word.

I never thought of the issue you are having with almost all the points I have being core. It is a fine way to get those points with recruits!

Well, my sales manager told me that the auditing process was going to start when the download takes place on the 10th. That's all I know for sure. Perhaps someone else knows some exact dates! And I so agree with you on "official" word! It's a bit frustrating that you can't really contact anyone to double check BEFORE the incentive period is over to cover all your bases, because then you arn't left with anytime to correct anything that might be wrong. I'm so close to the 26,000 that had I known their interpretation of the rules when I thought I had already earned the trip on the 15th of December, I would have still had two more weeks to put a plan in place and collect those sales! Instead, I focussed pretty much all my time and energy in training my new people and getting them qualified! I still don't feel bad about that because my team is getting stronger because of it and I know good things will come from it so I think it was a good and productive use of my time, just don't take my trip away!!!

Thank you on the recruiting congrats! It was a great year for me on that aspect. I actually had 2 kitknappers too and one girl who is still working on qualifying. She'll just count towards next year's incentive right!!! :)
  • #34
She will count for the 2011 trip. I checked that as I have one that still needs to qualify from this year and 1 I am hoping will but think she will be a kit napper.
  • #35
Darcy, did you get notification that you earned the trip this morning. I am curious because I still have not been able to get a straight consistant answer about the core points. HO says you need 50% of the total trip points to be from core points. Various levels (NE, SDs) tell me no????
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  • #36
I DID GET THE EMAIL, just opened it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't heared anything back from my complaint letter to the solutions center, but I DID get the certificate by email saying that I earned the trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #37
pcjenni said:
Darcy, did you get notification that you earned the trip this morning. I am curious because I still have not been able to get a straight consistant answer about the core points. HO says you need 50% of the total trip points to be from core points. Various levels (NE, SDs) tell me no????

Home office is also telling me 26,000 points, my Senior Executive Director and all of my upline say it's not so and that's not how we trained our teams. They were all willing to fight for me, but it appears like we won't have to, since I got the email with my certificate today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, I still sent an email to my sales manager claiming that I want this part of the policy clarified for the future as it is quite possible I, or someone on my team, could be in this position again, and I surely don't want anyone to stress over it again like I did! Plus, we should know how to train our downlines with the correct information anyways! Don't you think?
  • #38
Congratulations Darcy!! I have been wondering if you'd gotten confirmation yet...this is good news!!! Yeah!!!
  • #39
YIPPEEEE!! Now you can stop getting sick to your stomach with worry!!!:party:
  • #40
Yeah Darcy! That's AWESOME news! Congrats!! Print that certificate and display it proudly!
  • #41
Congrats Darcy!!!
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  • #42
Thanks everyone! Your support and well wishes have been so comforting during a very trying and stressful waiting period!

Again, I haven't gotten official word yet on clarification of the "program rules" from career solutions, but from what I'm able to put together myself after getting my confirmation certificate of earning level 2 after the auditing process is this....

***1/2 of your INCENTIVE points DON'T need to come from core sales, rather that 1/2 of your SALES points need to come from core sales. (the people answering the phones at home office are what started this whole mess and have fed our confusion!)

***You CAN go inactive, including loosing your career sales, and keep your incentive points for the trip! (I'm really thankful that they clarified this in the new trips program rules description! Now to get them to clarify the first part better for us!)

Wow, if I can make it complicated, I surely will :) Leave it to me!!! hahaha
  • #43
Great news, Darcy!! I'm SOOOO glad you got the official word. Way to go!
  • #44
Yeah Darcy!!

Now all I need to do for Level 3 is recruit and qualify 40 people so I don't have to sell anything....that would be hilarious, don't you think?
  • Thread starter
  • #45
hahaha! Well my sales manager from home office just called me personally to congratulate me on officially earning the trip! She also told me that it's clearly written that 50% of SALES points (not incentive points) need to come from core sales and that the home office personel have mis-informed us. She encouraged me to keep up my strong recruiting for this year's incentive program, throwing in that it wouldn't hurt to add a few more shows too LoL. I couldn't be happier right now :) A seriously huge weight has just been lifted from my shoulders, now let the Disney planning begin!!! :)
  • #46
YAY!!!! :party:
  • #47
  • #48
thanks for the info Darcy!
  • #49
I am SO glad this is over for you!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
pcjenni said:
thanks for the info Darcy!

Thankyou for bringing it to all of our attention Jeni! Afterall, we all called and got the same exact info from them, which is so contradictory. After hearing it from home office, I just about flipped my lid! LoL I'm just glad it ended up working out in my favor, hahahaha :) But I would still like to see the wording clarified so no one has to be in this situation again!!! I'm SOOOOO excited I'll be seeing you and everyone else in Disney this June!!!!!!!!!!!
<h2>Question 1: What is the Celebrate the Magic Incentive program?</h2><p>The Celebrate the Magic Incentive program is an incentive program for Independent Sales Directors of Pampered Chef to earn a trip to Disney as a reward for their hard work and success in their business.</p><h2>Question 2: What are the requirements for earning the Disney Level II incentive?</h2><p>The requirements for earning the Disney Level II incentive include Director Level Bonus Points, recruiting, core sales, online sales, and miscellaneous points. These points must add up to a total of 52,000 to qualify for the trip.</p><h2>Question 3: What is the discrepancy in the rules of the program?</h2><p>The discrepancy in the rules of the program is regarding the requirement for 50% of total sales points to come from core sales. The letter writer believes that this means 50% of total sales points, not incentive points, must come from core sales, while others believe it means 50% of incentive points must come from core sales.</p><h2>Question 4: How did the letter writer track their progress towards earning the trip?</h2><p>The letter writer diligently tracked their progress towards earning the trip by regularly checking their incentive tracker, setting goals and making plans for achieving them, and discussing their progress with their upline.</p><h2>Question 5: What impact does the discrepancy in the rules have on the letter writer's ability to earn the trip?</h2><p>If the requirement is for 50% of total incentive points to come from core sales, the letter writer may not have earned enough points to qualify for the trip. This would be a major disappointment for the letter writer and their family, who were eagerly anticipating the trip as a reward for their hard work and dedication to their business.</p>

Related to Did I Misinterpret the Disney Incentive Rules?

Question 1: What is the Celebrate the Magic Incentive program?

The Celebrate the Magic Incentive program is an incentive program for Independent Sales Directors of Pampered Chef to earn a trip to Disney as a reward for their hard work and success in their business.

Question 2: What are the requirements for earning the Disney Level II incentive?

The requirements for earning the Disney Level II incentive include Director Level Bonus Points, recruiting, core sales, online sales, and miscellaneous points. These points must add up to a total of 52,000 to qualify for the trip.

Question 3: What is the discrepancy in the rules of the program?

The discrepancy in the rules of the program is regarding the requirement for 50% of total sales points to come from core sales. The letter writer believes that this means 50% of total sales points, not incentive points, must come from core sales, while others believe it means 50% of incentive points must come from core sales.

Question 4: How did the letter writer track their progress towards earning the trip?

The letter writer diligently tracked their progress towards earning the trip by regularly checking their incentive tracker, setting goals and making plans for achieving them, and discussing their progress with their upline.

Question 5: What impact does the discrepancy in the rules have on the letter writer's ability to earn the trip?

If the requirement is for 50% of total incentive points to come from core sales, the letter writer may not have earned enough points to qualify for the trip. This would be a major disappointment for the letter writer and their family, who were eagerly anticipating the trip as a reward for their hard work and dedication to their business.

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