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Did I Just Have My First $1000 Show?

In summary,Tandy just had her biggest party yet and her guest sales were $919.07. She was so excited to give away $190 in free product that she didn't look at the show total. She noticed the show total after she submitted it to H.O. and was surprised to find that the show was actually $1060.07. Either way, she's happy and congratulates herself on a great show.
Wow, I just got home from my biggest party yet. My guest sales where $919.07 I was so excited to give away $190 in free product that I did not look at the show total. I was double checking everything be for I submitted to H.O. and noticed the show total, which is $1060.07
Please somebody tell me, should I be jumping for joy, running through the house screaming and wake all the neighbors?
I know my blood presure went through the roof when I saw the total.
Thank you,
That is awesome! One day, oh yes, one day I will be there! At least I hope so. Way to go! It must have been a great show!

WOO HOO!!! :D :D Congratulations, Tandy! It is quite a feeling, hey?
That is great! I know that I was so excited when I had my first $1000 show!
Congratulations!! :D :D :thumbup: You need to change your show total on the left now!!! Yeah!!:D
Way to go!!!! Definately change your total on the side :D .
Way to go!

So, I think you are asking *if* you have a $1,000 show on your hands? Not to burst your bubble, but are you looking at the show total that includes shipping and tax? You want to look at guest sales + anything that the host ordered that you make commission on. (We don't make commission on free, half price items, or host specials...We DO make commission on their discounted items, though.)

Either way, you have a SUPER SHOW TOTAL on your hands!!
I go by Commissionable Sales, which is different than show total. Show Total includes shipping and tax.

No matter what, that was a great show! Congrats!
Did you give her the option to get more orders?
Just curious why you submitted the same night?
  • #10
Congratulations!!:balloon: There's nothing like the feeling of knowing you helped your host get sooo many free and discounted products!! That excitement for them really changed my host coaching, I want every host to experience those $1000 show benefits!! Congratulations again!!
  • #11
WOO HOO!!:thumbup: Great job! Even if it wasn't quite $1000 it is great to get the commission check for that one night! Just think, if your average is $500 per show you did half the work for double the pay!!

What did you do different to help the host get there? Do it again! ...and again!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Teresa Lynn said:
Did you give her the option to get more orders?
Just curious why you submitted the same night?

Hi Teresa, sorry I wasnt clear headed when I wrote this. We held her show on Friday. We closed on Sunday. She brought me an additional $265 in orders last night. I asked her if she wanted another day. She just wanted her stuff asap.
She was my second show when I started pc. I did not do host coaching at that time. We did not even get $150 the first time. I added some individual orders to it to qualify her. I see the light host coaching works!
Have a gtreat day!
  • #13
WAY TO GO!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
$1000 show is great show!!! Keep up the great work!
  • #14
Congratulations Tandy, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome.
  • #15
So the "$1000 Show" pins that the directors give out are based on show commissionable sales, show total, or is it their choice?

I'm wondering because I had my first $1000 (total) show. I'd love to get a pin to celebrate, but if I have to wait until I make it to $1000 commissionable sales that will be my next goal! Either way, I'm pretty excited. :D
  • #16
Congratulations!!!! I am really excited and happy for you and hope I can do the same thing sometime soon.
  • #17
$1000.00 showWhat an awesome show!

  • #18
That is an awesome show... one day I will get one;)
  • #19
pins? what pins?
AZPampered Chef said:
So the "$1000 Show" pins that the directors give out are based on show commissionable sales, show total, or is it their choice?

I'm wondering because I had my first $1000 (total) show. I'd love to get a pin to celebrate, but if I have to wait until I make it to $1000 commissionable sales that will be my next goal! Either way, I'm pretty excited. :D

Do/SHOULD ALL directors do this? (or it it one more thing mine doesn't do!!)
  • #20
Congrats! Those show totals are always nice to get! Thats great, Keep up the good work!
  • #21
straitfan said:
Do/SHOULD ALL directors do this? (or it it one more thing mine doesn't do!!)
It's up to each ind. director. My hospitality does give us pins but I am not sure if my Director from another state does?

Usually the recognition goes to "commissionable sales" $1000k shows.

congrats on your 1st $1k show!

Related to Did I Just Have My First $1000 Show?

What qualifies as a $1000 show?

A $1000 show is an event where the total sales reach at least $1000 before tax and shipping fees. This can include individual orders and orders placed during the show.

How can I ensure that I have a $1000 show?

The best way to have a $1000 show is to focus on booking as many guests as possible. Invite friends, family, and acquaintances to attend and encourage them to bring a plus one. Additionally, offering incentives for larger orders can help increase sales.

What are some tips for hosting a successful $1000 show?

First, make sure to have a variety of products on display and demonstrate their use and benefits. Encourage guests to interact with the products and ask questions. Offer specials and promotions to entice guests to make larger purchases. Finally, be sure to follow up with guests after the show to thank them for attending and offer any additional support or product information.

Can I still have a $1000 show if I am the only one purchasing?

Yes, it is possible to have a $1000 show even if you are the only one purchasing. However, it may require purchasing a larger quantity of products or higher-priced items. It is always helpful to have guests attend and make purchases, but it is not a requirement for a successful show.

What benefits do I receive for having a $1000 show?

As a consultant, having a $1000 show means earning higher commission rates and being eligible for additional bonuses and incentives. It also helps to build your reputation and attract more potential customers. Additionally, as a host, you can earn free and discounted products based on the total sales of your show.

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