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Did I Hit $5000 in My First Month?

In summary, Danielle's first month of business was successful, and she earned a lot of points and bonuses.
You guys!!!!! So I had a sales goal this month of $1250 (this is SS#1 for me). All I wanted was to make sure that I earned the SS#1 bonus, right?

Welp....can I tell you my grand total for the month (and my last show that is closing tonight is STILL collecting orders so I can make the next big number!)? My total commissionable sales for SS#1 are $4973.00!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I got my first commission check last week and it was $800.00!!! Holy moly!!! I am $26 away from a $5000 month--and in my first month of business! That's 10,000 points!!! (Like you couldn't do the math.)

Thanks for letting me toot my own horn, gang. This board has been absolutely invaluable to me!!!
Holy Crap. I STILL haven't made that much! LOL! EVER!
THAT IS GREAT!!! Keep up the good work Danielle....enjoy all of those incentives!!
Woo HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Can you see me happy dancin'?
That is an awesome start Danielle! So very proud of you! Applause, applause! You will have to let us all know what your final number for February ends up! Congratulations!

You are off to a fantastic start!
Great Job!!!! I would be so excited too!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! You're awesome! I might come to one of your shows!!
That is great Danielle!!! Congratulations!! Maybe we'll see your name in the top superstarters in sales next month!!!

(In case you didn't know, go to CC > Consultant Incentives > Super Starter Recognition > Top Super Starters in Sales)
  • #10
:D :D :D :D :D WoooooHooooo :D :D :D :D :D
  • #12
YEA!!! YEA!!! YEA!!! What a great month.... Keep it up!!!!
  • #13
Woooooo hoooooo, Danielle!! That's just awesome!!:D Keep up the great work!
  • #14
That is AWESOME!! I am so proud of you!! Isn't this a great company to work for?
  • #15
Congratulations! Based on your post I assume you qualified this month. So you will actually have 12,000 points. Don't forget the 2,000 points you earn when you qualify!

That is an amazing start!

  • #16
Oh my!! How awesome for you! Keep up the momemtum!

So...are you on the "new" consultant kit plan? How much extra PC $$$ have you earned so far?

I am soooooooooo excited for you!!
  • #17
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome job!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
KellyTheChef said:
Oh my!! How awesome for you! Keep up the momemtum!

So...are you on the "new" consultant kit plan? How much extra PC $$$ have you earned so far?

I am soooooooooo excited for you!!

No, I'm on the Super Starter plan. I haven't sat and figured out what I would have earned on the new plan.
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  • #19
ChefLisa said:
Congratulations! Based on your post I assume you qualified this month. So you will actually have 12,000 points. Don't forget the 2,000 points you earn when you qualify!

That is an amazing start!


That's right!! Thanks for the reminder, Lisa!!
  • #20
Congratulations! That is awesome! Keep up the great work.
  • #21
  • #22
Holy Crap!!! I thought I was doing good....... I'm at $4300+ for my first 30 days, and waiting on one more to close tonight. What is the difference between the SS#1 old program and the new? I know that I've earned 600PC dollars so far this month. I'm on the new program.
  • #23
You Are Doing Awesome!!!! Yes I Am Yelling!!!!
  • #24
You would have earned super started bonus one and at least a plus bonus or two. Now you don't have set packages you can us the PC dollars for whatever you want!

  • #25
GREAT JOB!!!! I am SUPER excited for you! :D
  • #26
  • #27
Sorry, KG this derserves an OMG!!!!!! Way to go DanielleQ and Amy07! Awesome. Can I assume you LOVE LOVE LOVE PC!
  • #28
TOOT TOOT! Yay for you!!!:D
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  • #29
sillylittlechef said:
Sorry, KG this derserves an OMG!!!!!! Way to go DanielleQ and Amy07! Awesome. Can I assume you LOVE LOVE LOVE PC!

Assume away!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
amy07 said:
Holy Crap!!! I thought I was doing good....... I'm at $4300+ for my first 30 days, and waiting on one more to close tonight. What is the difference between the SS#1 old program and the new? I know that I've earned 600PC dollars so far this month. I'm on the new program.

What do you mean you thought you were doing good?!?!? You're doing great! Congrats on a big month!
  • #31
sillylittlechef said:
Sorry, KG this derserves an OMG!!!!!! Way to go DanielleQ and Amy07! Awesome. Can I assume you LOVE LOVE LOVE PC!
What's the problem? She asked for a WoooooHooooo and I gave her a WoooooHooooo and...a giant 'nana, too.(Greg doesn't let us have the vBulletin 'nana so I gave her the giant one.):nana:
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  • #32
and she sooooo appreciates it!!!
  • #33
WOW that is awsome !!!! Congrats!!
  • #34
whoo hooor as we say up here uffda. that is awesome. makes me glad to see that it can be done if your focus is right. now only to get myself on that same focus :rolleyes:
  • #35
that is awesome!! congrats!!
  • #36
DanielleQ said:
What do you mean you thought you were doing good?!?!? You're doing great! Congrats on a big month!

Thanks! I'm proud of it, considering my last show got snowed out.... But your total is amazing!!
I've been doing some "catalog shopping" for my pc dollars - time to clean out the cabinets for sure!! I'm having so much fun doing this, I can't believe I still have a paycheck coming :p And shopping without spending "real" money, how cool is that?!?:D :D
  • #37
Amy you are doing great!!!!!! I wish I had months like that!
  • #38
KUDOS to you...When and where is yiur next show?
  • #39
You both rock! You better tell that someone special in your life to start day-dreaming as if you keep up this pace they're goin on at least a cruise with you! Congratulations!!!
  • #40
GourmetGirl said:
You both rock! You better tell that someone special in your life to start day-dreaming as if you keep up this pace they're goin on at least a cruise with you! Congratulations!!!

That was one of my incentives for signing up........we couldn't afford one otherwise,and I figured if I earned it how cool would that be!!;) Now the REAL challenge begins, to maintain the momentum............
  • #41
Woooohooooo:D Awesome start! Did you get lots of bookings too; so you can have another month like that?!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #42
I have 7 shows in March (had 7 in Feb), but it's lookin' a little shaky. BUT I am going to make sure if anyone cancels they at least do a catalog show. My mom's show is this month and I know she's invited like 60 people. Her shows always go well (for ANY DS company!!). She's the dream hostess.

She'd make a great consultant, but my grandma just died and my parents are knee-deep in taking care of my Papa. Also, my little (25 years-old) brother lives with my parents with his girlfriend and their baby. She also works 50+ hours a week at the Police Dept. (which she lOVES) and that's pretty stressful. She only has like 2 years left until retirement, so I've planted the seed and now I'll just fertilize it, water it, and wwwwaaaaaiiiiittttt.
  • #43
Hey Danielle, you are coming to the cluster meeting this month, right!? Cuz I can't wait to recognized your OUTSTANDING numbers! Keep up the good work!
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  • #44
I'll be there, Shana! Thank you so much!!!
  • #45
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to Danielle and Amy!!!!!!!!!​

  • #46
Shana, I know your under Barb, but who is your director I am curious?
  • #47
I am under Robin Anderson... she is an exec under Barbara

Related to Did I Hit $5000 in My First Month?

1. What is the sales goal for SS#1 at Pampered Chef?

The sales goal for SS#1 at Pampered Chef is typically $1250.

2. What is the SS#1 bonus at Pampered Chef?

The SS#1 bonus at Pampered Chef is a reward for meeting or exceeding the sales goal of $1250 during the designated time period.

3. What is the commission for reaching a sales goal at Pampered Chef?

The commission for reaching a sales goal at Pampered Chef varies based on the total commissionable sales. The more sales made, the higher the commission earned.

4. What is the maximum commissionable sales for SS#1 at Pampered Chef?

The maximum commissionable sales for SS#1 at Pampered Chef is $5000, which would earn the consultant 10,000 points.

5. Is there a minimum amount of time to achieve the SS#1 sales goal at Pampered Chef?

Yes, the SS#1 sales goal must be achieved within the designated time period set by Pampered Chef in order to qualify for the bonus and commission.

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