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Did Home Interiors Declare Bankruptcy and Get Bought Out?

blah blah blah. The stuff was overpriced and the quality was shoddy. I never hear or see anything of them around here anymore. They started out with a bang - but seem to have fizzled to nothing.
Got this in my email from my director and thought I would share. I have NOT verified this!

Hey, just an fyi, Home Interiors declared bankruptcy yesterday. They are being bought by Better Homes and Gardens and being rolled up into their business. If you know anyone with Home Interiors, they are now unemployed, so now would be a great time to check with them and see if they want a different job!

Actually, I found a news article that they were purchased by Home & Garden Party, another Direct Selling Company, not Better Homes & Gardens. I'm not sure if it means those Home Interiors consultants are out of luck or if they are just now Home & Garden party designers.
ragschef said:
Got this in my email from my director and thought I would share. I have NOT verified this!

Hey, just an fyi, Home Interiors declared bankruptcy yesterday. They are being bought by Better Homes and Gardens and being rolled up into their business. If you know anyone with Home Interiors, they are now unemployed, so now would be a great time to check with them and see if they want a different job!

Actually, I found a news article that they were purchased by Home & Garden Party, another Direct Selling Company, not Better Homes & Gardens. I'm not sure if it means those Home Interiors consultants are out of luck or if they are just now Home & Garden party designers.

I bet they'll just be H&G consultants now - that's what happened when Discovery Toys bought that kids music company. (I forget the name - but it's the reason DT now has musical toys too)
Do Re Me and You.
From the Home Interiors website:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 18, 2008
Jenice Daily
903-935-4197 Ext. 1144
[email protected]
Marshall, TX (12/19/08) –
Home & Garden Party was today’s successful bidder for Home Interiors & Gifts. The
coming together of the two companies promises to be a bright new beginning for the
Dallas based company.
Founded in Marshall, Texas in 1996, Home & Garden Party has successfully offered
women a dynamic sales opportunity, allowing them to achieve their personal financial
goals while enriching and transforming their lives. “Over the past 12 years, we’ve
worked to achieve a reputation of sound core beliefs and values with a commitment to the
highest possible standards of integrity,” said Heather Chastain, President of Home &
Garden Party. "With the coming together of these two companies, the proud heritage of
Home Interiors will live on through the strong financial foundation that Home & Garden
Party provides.”
Home Interiors & Gifts was founded over 50 years ago by Mary Crowley. The company
has a rich history of offering women an opportunity to be fulfilled professionally while
still caring for their family through a home based business. “ I am so proud of the Home
Interiors field and the dedication they have to the heritage of Mary Crowley,” said Robin
Crossman, Home Interiors’ CEO.
Over the past decade, Home & Garden Party has become an emerging leader in the Direct
Sales industry. Penny and Steve Carlile, Founders of Home & Garden Party said, “We
currently have thousands of active Designers across the country and a history of sound
financial business practices. With all the necessary funds in reserve to complete the
transaction, we can quickly and effectively assure the Consultants of Home Interiors that
we’re committed to protecting the legacy of Mary Crowley and Home Interiors by
building on the solid foundation that Home & Garden Party has enjoyed.”
For more information on Home & Garden Party please visit
Home & Garden Party - Home.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks, Debbie! :)
and in other news, Taste of Home Entertaining has changed their name to Entertaining at Home.
DebbieJ said:
and in other news, Taste of Home Entertaining has changed their name to Entertaining at Home.

I never hear or see anything of them around here anymore. They started out with a bang - but seem to have fizzled to nothing.
my sister in law is a consultant for TOHE. She was very part time with them. I had a show about 2 years ago and thought the stuff was very overpriced and the quality was shoddy.
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
I never hear or see anything of them around here anymore. They started out with a bang - but seem to have fizzled to nothing.

I don't even know if they have any consultants in my area at all, I've never heard or seen them around, not at craft booths or anything...
The only reason I know of them is from here!
  • #11
DebbieJ said:
and in other news, Taste of Home Entertaining has changed their name to Entertaining at Home.

One of my cluster mates had a Taste of Home Entertaining party a few months ago and I went. The consultant told us that she was a SD with PC for over 10 years and she knew that me and the host were with PC and she kept comparing the two and it almost seemed like she was trying to convince us to switch over. It was very uncomfortable and weird!!
  • #13
I have a friend who sells Home Interiors.

From what I last heard from her. Home Interiors did file bankrupcy, but it was because they had very poor leadership. They filed for bankrupcy, but it was chapter ?? (whatever it is called where they could still keep the business running as long as they downsized their catalogs and got new leadership and slowly paid things back)

The previous people in charge decided to link arms with Better homes and Gardens, Roma Downey, etc. to start collections within the Home Interiors catalogs. Home Interiors was making all of the products, but paying over the top amounts just to put these peoples names on their items. Plus the CEO decided that Home Interiors consultants should be able to earn mustangs just like Mary Kay consultants. Only problem was Mary Kay had leased vehicles, and the Home Interiors CEO decided they would BUY the mustangs instead of leasing. Then to top it off he had the mustangs decked out with all the trimmings. Then consultants would earn these mustangs and then quit. So all of that lead to putting the company in a HUGE hole they couldn't get out of.

So she said they had majorly downsized their catalog, had a new lady running the company, and she was awaiting instructions on where this was going to go from here.
  • #14
Interesting....it went around awhile back that they went bankrupt...I have a friend that sells..
  • #15
Teresa Lynn said:
Are her initials JG

I have another guess at initials: DH??? (not dear husband, but someone's actual intials)
  • #16
I just said JG because my cons. here in Texas used to be an exec with PC and is the same way
  • #17
Oh give us the dirt girls!!!
  • #18
now I'm curious....I want names though - not initials :)
  • #19
Diane Hastings was an executive level PC consultant that went to Taste of Home. She probably took some other folks with her.
  • #20
I think she was the one that came to Elko and was talking to me about TOH while I was doing a booth.
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  • #22
Teresa, she and several others travel around the country trying to recruit for TOHE. My money is on DH or JG or even KB.
  • #23
And I've already had my hand slapped over this issue. You will not get names from ME!!
  • #24
yes, I know she travels I just meant that is where she lives TWICE I have not had a good TOHE experience with her.I finally contacted corporate and said DO NOT assign her to me as a consultant again and they gave me the other person who said she was one of the founders of TOHE and she "coincidentally" also used to be an exec with PC
  • #25
Chef Kearns said:
And I've already had my hand slapped over this issue. You will not get names from ME!!



(I've been waiting to use this one here!)
  • #26
isn't TOHE the company jan gilmore helped start??? for some reason that is stuck in my mind and that is not the name I meant in my other posting
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:


(I've been waiting to use this one here!)

I'm happy to oblige!

isn't TOHE the company jan gilmore helped start??? for some reason that is stuck in my mind and that is not the name I meant in my other posting

I don't know about Jan Gilmore, but I do know the other JG originated in Houston and was so much fun!! She's move up closer to you Teresa just south of Dallas.
  • #28
Jan Gilbert is a Sales Manager with PC. She had nothing to do with TOHE.
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  • #29
I think the one at HO is Gilbert not Gilmore. :)
  • #30
Jan Gilmore has been gone for many many years
  • #31
Oh, thanks Teresa. I didn't know there had been someone by that name at HO. :eek:
  • #32
legacypc46 said:
I think the one at HO is Gilbert not Gilmore. :)

Oops, you're right! jan Gibert is at HO.
  • #33
pamperedlinda said:

Linda, this chicken is so cute...she bears watching again...better yet...she needs to be cloned and be in a Chicken Crouquette...I mean Rockettes line up!!
  • #35
I use to sell HIG - for 5 years - before making the best decision of my life with PC!!!

They voluntarily filed chapter 11 to downsize EVERYTHING. They had way too much product. Consultants got word about the bankruptcy and started "looking" into other companies. Some of the directors were approached by Park Lane Jewelry to join them. Park Lane would take them at the same level they were in HIG. My former director accepted and they paid for her to go to conference, gave her something like $1,000 worth of jewelry for the kit, and some other incentives. It was outrageous! I don't see how you can guarantee the same results. Just because you're at directorship in one company does not mean it will work in another. Jewelry and home Decor are 2 totally different things! I love home decor but I don't wear alot of jewelry. Wedding ring and earrings. That's it. JMO.
  • #36
Teresa Lynn said:
Are her initials JG

Sorry, I have not been on in a few days.
I honestly cannot remember her name, I'll have to look on the catalog when I get home, because she made sure to tell us to keep the catalog since they "get them for FREE, and they are done by the same people who do the Neiman Marcus catalog".......guess I was supposed to be impressed. She went on about her Lexus she earned, etc.
I know she was a short blond lady who lives in N. of Big D.
I'll look when I get home!
  • #37
Yep, the initials are indeed JG!!

Related to Did Home Interiors Declare Bankruptcy and Get Bought Out?

1. What happened to Home Interiors?

Home Interiors declared bankruptcy and is being bought by Home & Garden Party, another direct selling company.

2. Will Home Interiors consultants lose their jobs?

It is currently unclear if Home Interiors consultants will lose their jobs with the bankruptcy and acquisition. It is recommended to check with any Home Interiors consultants you know to see if they are interested in other job opportunities.

3. When did Home Interiors declare bankruptcy?

Home Interiors declared bankruptcy on an unspecified date.

4. Who is purchasing Home Interiors?

Home Interiors is being purchased by Home & Garden Party.

5. What will happen to Home Interiors now?

Home Interiors will be rolled up into the business of Home & Garden Party, the company that is purchasing them. It is unclear what changes will be made to Home Interiors as a result of the acquisition.

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