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Did Anyone Else Win?

In summary, the host and the expert summarizer were excited to get the call from HO that they had won a 10" skillet. They were happy to find out that the hostess had forgotten to remind her to answer the phone and were lucky that she did. They are excited for the August calls and hope to be one of the winners.
Gold Member
I'm so excited - just got home from my show and we got the call from HO that the host and I won the 10" skillet! WAHOO!

I usually don't win anything and neither does the host - so we were really happy. And I had forgotten to remind her about the contest and that she should answer the phone... We were really lucky that she did!

Anyway - it is too late to call my director to let her know the good news - so I thought I would get on here and share with my virtual cluster!!

Anyone else win? Too bad it wasn't the full set - I don't have that and that would have been really sweet - but I am in no way complaining!!

Have a great night everyone...
Woo! Hoo! :DClap hands all around! Fantastic!! Dancing and singing in the street!:sing::sing::sing:
WAHOO! That's awesome! I'm so glad one of our Cheffers won!! I'd say it's a little late to call your Director (your CT, right?), but an email and a call tomorrow would be perfect!! :) Way to go!!
Congradulations !!!! I am happy for you and your hostess and glad she answered the phone.
Wow great job!! Thats great,enjoy your skillet.
Congratulations!!!!! That is so exciting!
So exciting. I wish they did this all the time. I would be so excited every time the host's phone would ring. LOL.
FAN-tastic! Congratulations!! So glad to hear it here on CS!
They ARE in August! Did you see it? I already have 2 shows that week and am getting the hosts excited about it too so it will make them want to keep that date!!! :)

Grat idea from H.O.!
  • #10
Congratulations! My shows are not till Thursday and Friday! I will keep you posted if I am a winner. That would be so great!
  • #11
That is sooo cool! Way to go! Free cookware is always groovy!
  • #12
Awesome - congratulations to you and your host. Maybe we could get one Cheffer each day to win!
  • #13
That's fantastic! Congratulations!! (happy dance!)

A long time ago I won the one where the host won $100 and $100 (PC dollars) for the consultant, I was new and it was very exciting for both of us. :)
  • #14
Congrats on winning! Unfortunately my hostess tonight did not get the call but I'm glad someone from here did. What a great company we work with. What are the dates for the August calls?
  • #15
Sweet, Congrats!!!:D
  • #16
Congrats Val! Did you call Marie? :)
  • #17
That's awesome!!For those who haven't seen it yet, HO is repeating the concept Aug. 11-16. It's on the updated August Host Bonus flyer on CC.
Or it was yesterday. It's not on the one that comes up now. :grumpy:
  • #18
chefann said:
That's awesome!!

For those who haven't seen it yet, HO is repeating the concept Aug. 11-16. It's on the updated August Host Bonus flyer on CC.
Or it was yesterday. It's not on the one that comes up now. :grumpy:

Thanks Ann! I thought someone mentioned something about it, but couldn't find anything on CC. That's perfect timing as I need some shows that week - I can use that while getting on the phone this week!
  • #19
Well, unfortunately, it's not on the flyer that's currently up. And there was nothing said about it at Conference. It's just weird - I wonder if it was planned then cancelled and someone posted the wrong flyer yesterday.
  • #20
crap... better not use it while calling just in case... oh well, I'm calling in some favors for early august shows from early family hosts - didn't do followup then (heck wasn't even comfortable talking in front of people that knew me when I was in diapers), so I'd love to re-connect with them now that I am more comfortable.
  • #21
If you go to CC and look on the left side of the home page and see the picture for National Conference, the flyers are in there.
  • #22
Congrats!! I bet you are both very excited!
  • #23
WOW - Congrats! That is awesome!
  • #24
Congrats by the way!! The phone rang about 5 times during the show and the hostess and her mom both would jump right up and answer quickly!! They were so excited every time it rang that I bet the person on the other line was hurt to hear them say "Oh, it's just you"..LOL
  • #25
At our monthly meeting last night, I told the others that I plan to be one of the 5 tonight! So four other cheffers are welcome to win!
  • #26
Congratulations! Glad to see a cheffer win!
  • #27
Congrats Val! My host and I were waiting for that call, but it looks like HO dialed the wrong #! :D:) :p:p :)
  • #28
Congratulations! How awsome! I have a show on Thursday.
  • #29
How was the show reaction? Are they excited about thier bbq rub?
  • #30
How cool!!

Yea....I wanna know what the host and guests had to say!!

  • #31
Congrats Valori!
  • #32
Val, Yeah!!!! I think your tide is turning!!!! I have a show tonight and Thursday night, I hope We are winners as well!!!!
  • #33
Congratulations!! How exciting for both you and the host!!!:)
  • #34
Excellent!!!! Glad to "know" a winner, even if virtually, it makes it more real and fun!
  • #35
WooHoo! Congrats!!! I'm so happy someone from CS won!!!

I already posted my host didn't win last night, but I have one more Thursday!
  • #36
Congrats Val!! I kept telling my host last night to check her phone. Your phone is on you, right? ;) She said yes. But the great news is that she's signing!! She's going to be great!:D
  • #37
WOW - that is soooooo cool! Congrats! I had a show - no call tho :(
  • #38
Val, that's awesome!! Congratulations to you and your host!!
  • #39
The phone rang during my show last night & everyone got excited, but it wasn't PC.
  • #40
Thats great. It's like the Serve it up again.
  • #42
How sweet! Congrats, not only a cheffer but a Chicagoian!! Awesome!
  • #43
chefann said:
That's awesome!!

For those who haven't seen it yet, HO is repeating the concept Aug. 11-16. It's on the updated August Host Bonus flyer on CC.
Or it was yesterday. It's not on the one that comes up now. :grumpy:

Ugh. Bad timing for my neck of the woods. Most of us don't book shows that week because of the Berrien County Youth Fair (the largest non-4H youth fair in the Midwest). If you aren't at the fair, all your friends are so they won't be at your show.

Oh well, I'll grab on to the next one. BTW, I have a show tonight. . .perhaps my Host will be the next winner!:chef:
  • #44
You go girl........................ I had a show but no call
  • #45
I'm glad someone on here won. Yay! Can't wait to see if someone else from here wins tonight.
  • Thread starter
  • #46
It was a lot of fun - the host was excited and really surprised and the guests all had to cheer and make a lot of noise for HO to prove that we were really having the party.I think everyone was excited about the rub too - I told them how it is great on the pork tenderloin and that it makes an awesome bbq sauce. I plan on sending the bbq sauce recipe to anyone that gave me their email address.Actually, it was funny because during checkout I was telling one lady that she qualified for the free pinch bowls and she said "I get the rub too right?" I think they might have been more excited about the rub then the pinch bowls!I have another show Friday night and I wonder if the other host is still in the running or if the same consultant can't win twice. I want to tell her we won, but don't want to ruin the suspense for her if there's no chance for her to win...Good luck everyone - it is lots of fun!P.S. I did call my director Marie this morning and when I said my show was a winner I think she thought it was just a really good show and that I got some recruit leads or something... I had to explain that we won the booking challenge and she was happy that someone in our cluster finally won something! None of us got any serve it up squad stuff or anything lately...
  • #47
Congrats on winning!

I have a show tonight and one on Thursday, both hosts are excited about the chance!
  • #48
Val that is awesome, I have to remember to tell my host to answer her phone tonight. I have my fingers and toes crossed.
  • #49
Yippee Skippy!! Way to go....How exciting! I have one tomorrow night....fingers are crossed!! Been wanting to try out a piece of stainless cookware!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
You guys won't believe this - but I just got a call from Sue (mrssyvo) and she won tonight!!!

So make that another cheffer winner!

And she asked the lady from HO if her Thursday show was still in the running and was told yes. It is based on the host - not the consultant... So there is a chance you could win twice if you have more than one show this week!

Good luck everyone - let's get some more cheffers to win!
<h2>1. What is Pampered Chef? </h2><p> Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen tools, cookware, and food products through in-home cooking demonstrations and parties.</p><h2>2. How can I win prizes at a Pampered Chef show?</h2><p>There are often special contests and incentives for hosts and guests at Pampered Chef shows. These can include winning product prizes, discounts, or even free items. It's important to attend the show and participate in all activities to increase your chances of winning.</p><h2>3. What is the 10" skillet prize? </h2><p>The 10" skillet prize is a popular Pampered Chef product that is given out as a prize during special contests or promotions. It is a versatile and durable skillet that is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes.</p><h2>4. Is it common to win prizes at Pampered Chef shows?</h2><p>While winning prizes at Pampered Chef shows is not guaranteed, it is not uncommon for hosts and guests to win prizes. The company often runs special promotions and contests to reward attendees and encourage sales.</p><h2>5. Can I still win prizes if I forget about the contest?</h2><p>Yes, it is possible to win prizes at Pampered Chef shows even if you forget about the contest or promotion. However, actively participating and engaging in the activities will increase your chances of winning. It's always a good idea to check with your consultant or host for any ongoing promotions or contests during the show.</p>

Related to Did Anyone Else Win?

1. What is Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen tools, cookware, and food products through in-home cooking demonstrations and parties.

2. How can I win prizes at a Pampered Chef show?

There are often special contests and incentives for hosts and guests at Pampered Chef shows. These can include winning product prizes, discounts, or even free items. It's important to attend the show and participate in all activities to increase your chances of winning.

3. What is the 10" skillet prize?

The 10" skillet prize is a popular Pampered Chef product that is given out as a prize during special contests or promotions. It is a versatile and durable skillet that is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes.

4. Is it common to win prizes at Pampered Chef shows?

While winning prizes at Pampered Chef shows is not guaranteed, it is not uncommon for hosts and guests to win prizes. The company often runs special promotions and contests to reward attendees and encourage sales.

5. Can I still win prizes if I forget about the contest?

Yes, it is possible to win prizes at Pampered Chef shows even if you forget about the contest or promotion. However, actively participating and engaging in the activities will increase your chances of winning. It's always a good idea to check with your consultant or host for any ongoing promotions or contests during the show.

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