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David Cook Wins American Idol!!!

In summary, Chris is upset because the winners of American Idol were announced and she wanted Archuleta to win. She is also excited for David Cook to win.
Gold Member
I am SO excited that David Cook just won American Idol. :sing: :sing: :sing: :D :D :D I just was talking to people today that I thought that the show this year was rigged and I was so irritated about it. I mean Archelleta(spelling) is good and all, but...David Cook ROCKS!!!!
Way to Go DAVID COOK!!! :sing: :sing: :sing:
I am excited too. I thought all along that he should win.
Me too - I am thrilled!!!!!
I haven't been watching it so I don't care but in the future these posts might want to be titled spoiler alert- American Idol winner announced (or whatever).
That way if people don't want to know yet, it won't be spoiled for them. It's only 7:00 here.
I screamed out loud and proud!! So excited for him to win - he's a great singer and seems like such a nice, sweet guy:)
yeah, you're going to have some pretty pissed off west coast consultants with the title of your post.
Can she go back and delete the post? Or no...since it's been replied to?

I haven't been watching either...but as soon as I saw the title I said outloud: Doh! (like Homer says) cuz I know it's gonna spoil it for someone...

I am one of those crazies that doesn't get to see DVR'd stuff till at least the next day....
She can't change it, but she can delete it.....it's been done before.....
  • #10
DebbieJ said:
yeah, you're going to have some pretty pissed off west coast consultants with the title of your post.

Yeah, not happy at the moment...I haven't gotten to watch it yet...I have DVR. Just happened to look at my Chef Success first, unfortunately. I wasn't able to watch it earlier cuz we had baseball practice.:mad:
  • #11
Gee, guess I don't need to watch it now :(
  • #12
rennea said:
Gee, guess I don't need to watch it now :(

  • #13
I responded and didnt even think about the fact the winners name was in the title. I agree the name should not have been in the title - sorry!!!! It was such a surprise!
  • #14
I'm glad he won. Knew all along. Yippeeeeeee!!!
  • #15
I wanted Archuleta to win...he was awesome! I liked Cook, but David A. was amazing!
  • #16
Oh, I'm sure she didn't even think about the time zone difference. You can still watch the show- it was quite amazing. TiVo cut off the last 2 minutes of the show because it went long and so after they announced the winner it went to the show that was currently on...I was bummed...
  • #17
While I'm glad that he won, it would have been nice if you'd waited until tomorrow to post this since it airs much later out here on the west coast!
  • #18
Yall spoiled it for me!!!! :-( Not that I'm an avid watcher but we on the west coast don't know the winner yet! Oh well. I liked him anyway.
  • #19
I don't think she meant to spoil it. :)
  • #20
I know she didn't mean to spoil it. It's just disappointing.
  • #21
Please, give Chris a break! She was excited. I don't think I would have thought of it being a spoiler, either.
  • #22
I'm overseas and It doesn't even come on until tonight at 7pm my time (1:00pm East Coast time. One of the draw backs of living overseas--one day delay. I was just checking this site as my daily morning update and I guess I won't be suprised if I watch tonight...bummer. I know she wasn't meaning to spoil it and was just excited. I guess I won't be as excited when watching. I personally liked the Austrian Hottie.
  • #23
Just consider it a learning process, especially with the Olympics coming up. How bout titles like Diving winner instead of Jim Bob just won the gold! I barley know anyone that watches things when they are actually on anymore. Everyone seems to Tivo (except me!). Just gotta keep it in mind
  • #24
The Best David Won!

  • #25
I am not a watcher but saw a couple shows. Which David won? The 17 year old or other one?
  • #26
The other one....BOOOOOHOOOOOOO I wanted Archie
  • #27
I am so glad Cook won!! He deserves it, has worked hard. David A. is still young and has an obvious career ahead of him. I don't think David A. took enough risks with songs...and when he did in Beatles week he missed some words! Which is understandable, because that is not his generation music!

Anyway glad David Cook won!! He is such a down to earth guy and kind hearted, you can see that from his emotion!

And Chris, I dont think you intended to spoil the results!! I mean, the other posters would have seen it on TV today or on the news! That's how I heard the results from Dancing with the Stars yesterday! No biggie...I mean its one or the other...the show still was exciting...and the results are two minutes anyway!!

Thanks for posting about Cook! He's great!
  • #28
This is the first year I've ever really watched AI - and I have wanted Cook to win from the very beginning (well, at least from when they announced the 24).

I was thrilled with the results last night!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
sorry everyone, I didn't mean to spoil it. I am aware of the time zone change, but didn't even think about it. I was just so excited and I didn't think. i am really sorry.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but isn't this a live show? doesn't it air a few hours earlier on the west coast than on the east so that it is on at the same time? that was what I was thinking. I am very sorry for spoiling this for everyone.
you all can hate me, its okay.
  • #30
"Live" means it was taped before a live studio audience. Even New Year's Rockin' Eve is taped "live"The Jay Leno Show tapes daily at 4 p.m. Pacific Time even though it looks like you're watching it as it happens. That's the way TV is.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
If anyone can tell me how to delete this, i will I am really sorry.
  • #32
Chris, I wouldn't worry about it. If you turn on the radio/tv its bound to slip out anyway!

Cheer up!! (((hugs)))
  • Thread starter
  • #33
DebbieJ said:
"Live" means it was taped before a live studio audience. Even New Year's Rockin' Eve is taped "live"

The Jay Leno Show tapes daily at 4 p.m. Pacific Time even though it looks like you're watching it as it happens. That's the way TV is.

i worded that wrong...when it says that the show airs at 8pm EST doesn't that mean that it shows at 5pm PST?

Related to David Cook Wins American Idol!!!

1. Who is David Cook and why is his win so exciting?

David Cook is a singer and musician who rose to fame after winning the seventh season of American Idol in 2008. His win was exciting because he was able to beat out other talented contestants and capture the hearts of viewers with his unique style and powerful performances.

2. Was the show rigged in David Cook's favor?

There is no evidence to suggest that the show was rigged in David Cook's favor. American Idol has a strict voting process and all votes are counted and verified by an independent company. It is likely that David Cook simply had a larger fan base and received more votes than his competitors.

3. What made David Cook stand out from the other contestants?

David Cook's ability to arrange and perform songs in his own unique style set him apart from the other contestants on American Idol. He also had a strong stage presence and was able to connect with audiences through his emotional and powerful performances.

4. Why do you think David Cook deserved to win over Archuleta?

This is a matter of personal opinion, but many people believed that David Cook deserved to win over Archuleta because of his consistently strong performances throughout the competition. He also showed growth and versatility as an artist, which was important for an American Idol winner.

5. What has David Cook been up to since winning American Idol?

Since winning American Idol, David Cook has released several successful albums, toured around the world, and continued to make music. He has also appeared on various television shows and has been involved in philanthropic efforts, using his platform to raise awareness for various causes.

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