A girl that came to a show of mine a couple of months marked that she might be interested in doing a fundraiser. I don't know her personally, but I do know that she owns two daycares. I was thinking of maybe offering some prizes to the kids who get the most sales/orders. Maybe gift cards to Toys R Us for the highest two or three sellers. I don't want anyone to feel left out, so I was thinking maybe coupons to McDonalds or something to all the kids that participate?
I just wanted to get opinions from you all on this. Whenever the kids sell stuff at school, they get prizes based on how much and usually the kids that sell the most get a pizza party. Or maybe I can buy the daycare something (movies or books) if they reach a certain goal?
I'm open to all suggestions!!!
I just wanted to get opinions from you all on this. Whenever the kids sell stuff at school, they get prizes based on how much and usually the kids that sell the most get a pizza party. Or maybe I can buy the daycare something (movies or books) if they reach a certain goal?
I'm open to all suggestions!!!