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Could a Bridal Show Fundraiser Benefit a Girls' Home?

was approached by a volunteer at the local girls home who told her that the home was very strapped for money and would love to do a fundraiser. -The Kitchen needs new appliances, pots and pans, and tableware, but they do not have the money to buy them. -Amanda read on the bridal show threads that people may be able to donate items to the girls home in lieu of buying them. -She came up with the idea of a demonstration fundraiser where people would be able to buy gifts for the bride and input the orders under the grooms name. -She also plans to use her website to collect orders. -The girls home may be able to set up a table at
I was approached by a volunteer at the local girls home who told me that the home is very strapped for money and would love to do some kind of fundraiser. I have a questions:

The Kitchen for the home needs new stuff, but they do not have the money to buy it. I read on here I think on the Bridal show threads that when guest buy gifts for the bride to input all the orders under the grooms name. My thought was to do a demonstration fundraiser and have some kind of "gift tree" with pictures and prices of what the girls home would like to have and make a seperate order maybe under the directors name to allow them to earn the 10-15% and get some new stuff themselves.

Has anyone ever had a situation like this?

Do you think it will work?

I also want to use my website to collect orders too. I'm trying to get as many people to it as possible.

That sounds like a great way to have it work for the organization to maximize their benefits!
What a great idea!!That is a great idea! In my "day job" I work with group homes and shelters...I think I may bring this idea to them! Let me know how it works out.
That sounds like a wonderful idea
flyer, benefit day, etc.A flyer may do wonders for something like this.. Maybe, if you can't do one, the girls' home can do one up. Like a benefit fundraiser or something. Since it's to benefit a non-profit organization, maybe you could set up a table at a local Wal-Mart or grocery store, or even in your mall. (check policies to make sure it's ok) That way, you could reach more people. Even if you only hand out flyers/biz cards and maybe some mini-catalogs, you're getting the "event" out there and publicizing it. Place an ad in the local newspaper (i believe this is a expense that you can claim on your taxes!), or have the girls' home put an ad in the paper (they might get a better deal for a bigger space, being a non-profit community establishment). Ask the local schools if you can send home a flyer with the kids (to give to the parents). And remember, if someone doesn't want to buy anything through PC for the home, you can always take monetary donations and the staff of the girls' home can decide whether they want to spend the $ on more PC orders or if they need it for other things. it could be a really big thing for these girls!

Also, (ding! idea!) is this girls' home a recognized thing in the neighborhood? could you do like a day where you set up a big display of products (maybe borrowing products from other consultants in your area, or your director) in the home or in a local church/library/fire hall and have some appetizers available for people who come.. the girls can help you make them, so they're getting involved. then, you could do an "auction" [with monopoly money of course!].. i've seen people talk about them on here. (i found one file in the file section here, titled "auction") or a 50/50 raffle, with all proceeds going to the girls' home for needed expenses. Maybe you could get the help of your church, but even just the girls' helping out would probably work. And it would get them interested/used to using the PC products which would help people to see that they're going to get used--not just sit in the kitchen and collect dust.

Just some ideas. Hope you get some awesome sales so these girls can get some AWESOME rewards!

God bless!

Related to Could a Bridal Show Fundraiser Benefit a Girls' Home?

What is "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show"?

"Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" is a unique fundraising event organized by Pampered Chef. It combines the fun and excitement of a bridal show with the opportunity to raise funds for a good cause. Guests can browse and purchase Pampered Chef products while supporting a charity or organization of their choice.

How does "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" work?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you can partner with a charity or organization to host a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" event. You will receive a special kit with product samples and a fundraising guide. Guests can attend the event in person or online, and a portion of the sales will be donated to the chosen charity or organization.

Can anyone attend a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show"?

Yes, anyone can attend a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" event. It is open to the public and guests can shop and support the cause without any obligation to purchase. It is a great opportunity for friends and family to come together and support a good cause while enjoying a fun shopping experience.

What types of products are available at a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show"?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of high-quality kitchen tools, cookware, bakeware, and pantry items at "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" events. Guests can find products for every cooking need, from basic kitchen essentials to innovative gadgets and tools. There is something for everyone, making it a great event for all types of guests.

How can I host a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" event?

If you are interested in hosting a "Fundraiser Like a Bridal Show" event, you can contact a Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to learn more. Our consultants will guide you through the process and help you choose a charity or organization to support. You can also earn free products and rewards for hosting a successful event.

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