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Cooking Show Nerves: Do You Get Butterflies?

I would have liked that, too! I think the key is to relax, have fun, and be yourself. People will enjoy your show.
i have my first cooking show tomorrow night, im sooo nevous i have no idea what i am doing lol...i need to get my thinknig cap on and come up with a plan of events for the show lol...eekkkk im hoping it goes well...do you guys still get butterflies before a show????
Re: nervous!!congrats , relax and have fun .......make yourself the cards to follow
opening do the recipe...middle...closing don't worry about following them we all did it , now 600 shows later it;s funny to remember my 1st show
Re: nervous!!Still get them, and I've been doing this for years. Practice out loud, and remember that we're Pampered, not perfect.
Re: nervous!!Yes, I get butterflies! Relax and be yourself. You will do great! When you make a mistake, say "It's okay, I'm pampered, not perfect", fix it and go on. People will know you are just like them!
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Re: nervous!!thanks il have to remember that 'im pampered not pefect!', luckily the host is my aunt, and i know most of her friends and coworkers so it should be easy, adn wednesday night is my 2nd cooking show and that host is mom! so these to 2 shows are my practice runs! but still have huge buterflies lol
Re: nervous!!Just think - as soon as this one is over, you won't have your "first show" to do anymore! Just get through it, you will make mistakes, but it's not the end of the world. You'll forget things, too, but again, it's not like you're performing heart surgery. Just have fun with it, because it IS fun, and think of it as a party and you'll be fine!! Good luck!
Re: nervous!!Cathy has a great point. It's not all that serious. It's just food.
Re: nervous!!Good luck! I still get nervous only if it's been a while since I've had a show. Feels like I'm starting all over again - a good reason to stay busy:)!
Re: nervous!!I've learned that each show has a personality all of it's own, so I practice what I can, and just have fun with the rest and cook my food! So far, I've been able to do better than average, have great show attendance at every show (no less than 8 so far!), and everyone seems to connect with me and enjoy themselves. A few hiccups- but I'm learning to be like "Elasti-girl" (from the Incredibles)...be more "Fllleexxxiibble!" :DBe sure to update us on your success or your problems too! That's what's great about this group!
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Re: nervous!!so i just got back a little bit ago from my first show! it went pretty well, there were 10 people, there and i got 1 for sure booking on teh calendar, and 2 more taht i need to call next week, one is getting carpet installed and needs to get a date finalized for that and wants to make sure she has a floor to have a party, and the other wants to make sure she can get people to come she lives about 30 mins outside of town, so i will call her on friday. i did forget 2 steps to the recipe but it was still awesome and everyone thought the brownies were great! i did forget a few things i wanted to talk about until the end of the show, but all in all i was pretty happy with myself! now i must go enter all the orders on p3...ugh
thanks for all your guys encouragement, i knew i could do and the best part once i got there my nerves went away!
  • #11
Re: nervous!!Congratuations, Jessica. So glad your first show went well. Good for you, getting a booking. Try to confirm the extra two, so that they are entered before you submit the show. That way, your Aunt will be able to take advantage of the Past Host benefits if she wants to order the Host special at any of her friend's parties.

If your Mom attended, enter the party she will have tomorrow night, and your Aunt could be the Past Hostess on your Mom's, and she could purchase another piece of

I believe I am correct on this idea. There just needs to be a couple of days between when you submit the shows, so that your Aunts goes in first, to allow time for your Mom's booking to happen - after tonight's party.

At my first three parties I asked for the audience's help in letting me practice my presentation, and then asked for their suggestions on how I could make it better, or more fun for them. One nurse in the audience said she would have liked to see me wear food preparation gloves. She also caught me using a knife twice on two different foods. Those things have stayed in my mind for four years, and I am so glad someone pointed it out to me.

One temptation for new consultants is to take every single PC item you have to show people. I still have trouble packing light. My recruiter told me from the beginning to only take the samples of the specials, and the tools I needed for my recipe. It makes it look easy, if you can control the hauling in and out of your equipment.

Let us know how tomorrow night goes, too. You have my prayer support.
  • #12
Re: nervous!!All hosts in your first 30 days can get a Charter Host Gift too. Make sure you let her pick or the shipping department will pick for her! ;)
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Re: nervous!!oh yes she has already told me she wanted sprinkle and the rub...we made some dips ahead of time with the sprinkles set everyone loved those!

thanks rita for the prayer support that is what i need! i was praying the whole hour before the show and throught the show! and after the show! i'm just a praying machine!

Related to Cooking Show Nerves: Do You Get Butterflies?

1. What can I do to calm my nerves before a cooking show?

Taking deep breaths and practicing positive self-talk can help calm nerves before a cooking show. Listening to calming music or doing a few stretches can also help relax the body and mind.

2. How can I prepare for a cooking show to reduce nervousness?

Practicing the recipes beforehand and making sure you have all the necessary ingredients and tools can help reduce nervousness. It's also helpful to familiarize yourself with the kitchen and cooking equipment that will be available during the show.

3. How can I overcome my fear of speaking in front of a group during a cooking show?

Preparing a script or outline of what you want to say beforehand can help ease fears. It's also helpful to remember that the audience is there to learn from you and are supportive of your cooking journey.

4. What are some tips for staying organized and calm during a cooking show?

Having a well-organized kitchen setup and following a structured cooking timeline can help keep things running smoothly during a cooking show. It's also important to take breaks and stay hydrated to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

5. How can I make the most out of a cooking show when I am feeling nervous?

Remember to have fun and enjoy the experience! Engage with the audience, ask for their feedback, and incorporate some humor into your presentation. It's also helpful to remind yourself of why you love cooking and the joy it brings to share your passion with others.

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