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Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!

Re: Mexico!!!!The first day's breakfast was terrible. The second day's breakfast was better, but the lunch was really good. The box lunch was better than I thought it would be.
I just confirmed our itinerary. It's official -- now just have to lose those last 40 pounds!!! :p
Re: Mexico!!!!Yay--so glad you're going on the trip Janice!
Re: Mexico!!!!Woohoo!!! Congrats!!!
Re: Mexico!!!!Wahoo! You are going to have a great time.
Re: Mexico!!!!Wow, that is so awesome! You are an inspiration!
Re: Mexico!!!!Congratulations! And if you can tell me your secret to losing those 40lbs that quickly I'll be your BFF!
Re: Mexico!!!!Confirmed our itinerary as well, weeeee!! We'll have to have drink together on the beach =)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Re: Mexico!!!!
amy07 said:
Congratulations! And if you can tell me your secret to losing those 40lbs that quickly I'll be your BFF!

I was hoping someone would share their secret on that one! Ha!
Re: Mexico!!!!Congrats Janice and Lori! You two rock. Enjoy sipping those drinking while lounging in the pools!
  • #10
Re: Mexico!!!!Congrats Girls! Have a blast in Mexico! (and a Margarita for me as well!!)
  • #11
Re: Mexico!!!!
amy07 said:
Congratulations! And if you can tell me your secret to losing those 40lbs that quickly I'll be your BFF!

Amy - aren't you the Amy I sat next to in General Session at Leadership? If so, YOU would fly away if you lost any weight!
  • #12
Re: Mexico!!!!
pamperedlinda said:
Amy - aren't you the Amy I sat next to in General Session at Leadership? If so, YOU would fly away if you lost any weight!

WHAT?!?!?! :confused::confused::confused:

oh, wait I was SITTING on my weight, that's why you didn't see it!;)

But I'll love you forever for saying that!:love::love:
  • #13
Re: Mexico!!!!
amy07 said:
WHAT?!?!?! :confused::confused::confused:

oh, wait I was SITTING on my weight, that's why you didn't see it!;)

But I'll love you forever for saying that!:love::love:

You hide it well! You should see my notes I took during that session...writing in the dark was a challenge.
  • #14
Re: Mexico!!!!yeah, that was one of my suggestions on the survey. Although the other days were not too much of a problem for me. I'm thinking enough Consultants made it known after that session. Love that they take care of things immediately - like the water situation.
  • #15
Re: Mexico!!!!What was the problem with the water?
  • #16
Re: Mexico!!!!
amy07 said:
yeah, that was one of my suggestions on the survey. Although the other days were not too much of a problem for me. I'm thinking enough Consultants made it known after that session. Love that they take care of things immediately - like the water situation.

Having more light was one of my suggestions as well.

There was no water out on day 1. By day 2 there were water coolers all over outside general session.
  • #17
Re: Mexico!!!!Okay, I had my own water bottle so I didn't notice. Glad they got it fixed.
  • #18
Re: Mexico!!!!I had my own water bottle, too, but was planning on filling it at the water stations. They always have them at national, so I thought it was odd that there were none in Denver since they had signs up reminding us to drink more water!
  • #19
Re: Mexico!!!!Now that you mention it, I was looking all over the place at registration for water stations. I filled my bottle at the water fountain.

I also had a headache the entire time I was at Leadership. which I thought was a little weird b/c we visit my in-laws who live @ 20 miles from Denver all the time and I never have a headache there.....well not one that's altitude related ;)
  • #20
Re: Mexico!!!!Lori! Janice!
I am on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Registerred and I am over the moon excited :)
Is it weird that I really don't believe it yet? I alwmost expected them to say whoops too bad, not you when I typed in my consultant #!!!
I can't wait:)
Look for me, I'll be the one jumping out of my crocs!
  • #21
Re: Mexico!!!!I was bummed I didn't get a chance to comment on the horrible breakfast food they served us. Gross eggs two days in a row! BLECH! Pancakes or waffles would have been easier and tasted way better. There wasn't even yogurt!I ate Cherrios both mornings.
  • #22
Re: Mexico!!!!Yep, those were some nasty eggs.....how can they call those things eggs? I loaded up on the fresh fruit. And, no toaster for the bagels - what's up with that? Lunch the first day was really good though and the box lunch was much better than I thought it would be.

Related to Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!

1. What is the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event?

The "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event is a cooking and weight loss workshop organized by Pampered Chef. It is designed to help participants create healthy and delicious meals while also learning tips and techniques for managing their weight.

2. Who can attend the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event?

Anyone can attend the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event, however, it is primarily geared towards individuals who are looking to improve their cooking skills and manage their weight. It is open to both Pampered Chef consultants and customers.

3. What can I expect to learn at the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event?

At the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event, you will learn how to cook healthy and delicious meals using Pampered Chef products. You will also receive tips and techniques for managing your weight, including portion control and meal planning.

4. Is there a fee to attend the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event?

There is no fee to attend the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event. However, some workshops may require the purchase of ingredients or Pampered Chef products. Please check with your consultant for more information.

5. How do I register for the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event?

To register for the "Confirmed: Itinerary and 40 lbs to Go!" event, please contact your Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to find an event near you. Space is limited, so we recommend registering early to secure your spot.

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