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Conference Call With Sharon Zelen

In summary, Ginger enjoyed the Sharon Zelman call and was looking for notes or a transcript. She has already listened to it a few times and is excited for her other two shows this week. She spoke to Sharon and found out HO is working on a transcript.
Gold Member
Wondered who else had listened to this call. I enjoyed it greatly and was wondering if anyone out there in CS world has a connection with Sharon. What I'm hoping to find are notes of what she says or a transcript of the call. Yes, I'm being a little lazy -- or trying to use my time wisely.
Yes! I got an email this morning with the recording and listened this afternoon. I plan to listen again and again and figure out how to adjust my show to fit it in. I already have ideas, just need it all to flow.
Sharon is an Awesome person & friend, I listened to it a few times already & I also know Jillian Grant who is also Awesome! As far as a trans script I don't have it. Maybe I'll ask Sharon if she has it & to see if she'll bring it to our next meeting....:D
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  • #4
Ginger428 said:
Sharon is an Awesome person & friend, I listened to it a few times already & I also know Jillian Grant who is also Awesome! As far as a trans script I don't have it. Maybe I'll ask Sharon if she has it & to see if she'll bring it to our next meeting....:D

Thanks, Ginger. I'd really appreciate seeing notes if there are any!!
I listened to this recording yesterday and thought it was great! Just getting ready to listen to it again and review my notes...just in case I missed anything!
I saw the email, but have not had a chance to listen. Maybe it would be possible to email HO for a transcript since the email came from there.
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  • #7
Loved seeing Sharon at conference. She is especially inspiring to me because I, like her, have been in the business for a long time.

Just wanted to keep the request for note fresh in your mind, Ginger. ;)

Perhaps I should be looking for Jillian's show notes. Anyone have a lead on those?

chefjeanine said:
Loved seeing Sharon at conference. She is especially inspiring to me because I, like her, have been in the business for a long time.

Just wanted to keep the request for note fresh in your mind, Ginger. ;)

Perhaps I should be looking for Jillian's show notes. Anyone have a lead on those?


I'll keep you in mind. Did you believe her at conference!!! I don't think there was a dry eye in the house!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Ginger428 said:
I'll keep you in mind. Did you believe her at conference!!! I don't think there was a dry eye in the house!!

She did a wonderful job. My eyes weren't dry!! I was really pleased to have her speak.
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  • #10
Ginger428 said:
I'll keep you in mind.

Thanks, Ginger. I appreciate your help.
  • #11
Does anyone still have the link to the conference call with her earlier this summer? I cannot find the email (I don't remember seeing it) with the link that everyone talked about. But I loved hearing her story at conference. It was probably my biggest AHA moment!! And yes, I had tissues and was passing them out too. ;)
  • #12
esavvymom said:
Does anyone still have the link to the conference call with her earlier this summer? I cannot find the email (I don't remember seeing it) with the link that everyone talked about. But I loved hearing her story at conference. It was probably my biggest AHA moment!! And yes, I had tissues and was passing them out too. ;)

what is your email address? I'll forward the email to you.
  • #14
chefjeanine said:
Thanks, Ginger. I appreciate your help.

I spoke to her & she said HO is working on something.... :D
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  • #15
Ginger428 said:
I spoke to her & she said HO is working on something.... :D

:D Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :love:
  • #16
After hearing her speak at Conference (and no, my eyes were not dry either!) I listed to that call twice yesterday. Last night, I had more fun at my show than I've ever had before - because I shared my PASSION for this company! There were 5 people there, one guest took information (I am calling her tomorrow evening) and the host is considering signing. That has NEVER happened to me before! I'm so excited about my other two shows this week - let's see what happens!!!
  • #17
I Googled Jillian Grant and found a conference call she did in February 2011. Just dial the phone number, access code and reference number to hear it.It's about 53 minutes long, so plan accordingly. I have to say I just spent my entire lunch break listening to this call and taking pages of amazing notes. Now I can see why Sharon Zelen was so inspired by Jillian. (on a side note... I didn't know there was a Director Chef Success....??)Jillian Grant Call - Pampered Chef Directors
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  • #18
Brenda.the.chef said:
I Googled Jillian Grant and found a conference call she did in February 2011. Just dial the phone number, access code and reference number to hear it.

It's about 53 minutes long, so plan accordingly. I have to say I just spent my entire lunch break listening to this call and taking pages of amazing notes. Now I can see why Sharon Zelen was so inspired by Jillian. (on a side note... I didn't know there was a Director Chef Success....??)

Jillian Grant Call - Pampered Chef Directors

Thank you, Brenda. I'll be sure to listen to this one.:thumbup:
  • #19
mountainmama74 said:
After hearing her speak at Conference (and no, my eyes were not dry either!) I listed to that call twice yesterday. Last night, I had more fun at my show than I've ever had before - because I shared my PASSION for this company! There were 5 people there, one guest took information (I am calling her tomorrow evening) and the host is considering signing. That has NEVER happened to me before! I'm so excited about my other two shows this week - let's see what happens!!!

That is Awesome!! I have been telling Sharon all about what is happening & she cannot believe it! She is such a GREAT person & SO funny as well.... :cool:
  • #20
Brenda.the.chef said:
(on a side note... I didn't know there was a Director Chef Success....??)

There is! Just like this forum, you can see (I think) 5 pages without logging in, after which you will have to become a member. In order to do so, there are steps you must complete to prove you are a director.
  • #21
Thanks for the links. I will make sure I listen as it seems everyone who has is in awe..:)
  • #22
Thank you so much for sharing the link! I've listened, re-winded, and listened again to both Jillian's February call and Sharon's. I have a show tonight and tomorrow night, and I can't wait to change my approach and see where it gets me. I stayed up late last night reviewing my notes, writing an outline, and rehearsing what I'm going to say. It appears I've really been doing it wrong all this time :) I love Jillian's quote, "What is worth 9 no's to you? Is it directorship?". Ugh, that literally pierced me in the heart, b/c I don't ask everyone, yet I say I want to be a Director. I'm going for the No's NOW!
  • #23
Mama2bowbaby said:
Thank you so much for sharing the link! I've listened, re-winded, and listened again to both Jillian's February call and Sharon's. I have a show tonight and tomorrow night, and I can't wait to change my approach and see where it gets me. I stayed up late last night reviewing my notes, writing an outline, and rehearsing what I'm going to say. It appears I've really been doing it wrong all this time :)

I love Jillian's quote, "What is worth 9 no's to you? Is it directorship?". Ugh, that literally pierced me in the heart, b/c I don't ask everyone, yet I say I want to be a Director. I'm going for the No's NOW!

WAHOO! I have a cooking show next week and I plan on doing the same thing and focusing more on the business opportunity and mentioning Warren Buffet! Let us know how it goes.
  • #24
Brenda.the.chef said:
WAHOO! I have a cooking show next week and I plan on doing the same thing and focusing more on the business opportunity and mentioning Warren Buffet! Let us know how it goes.

I was practicing with my husband and my mother on their lunch breaks today and my hubby stopped me cold, "do you know what the name of his company is?". I was like, "hello, Berkshire Hathaway!" As for as my mother, she just gasped and questioned what I just said. Needless to say, they were impressed and I'm hoping my guests will also be.

I will definitely report back!
  • #25
Does anyone have an audio of these two ladies that they could forward to me? I'm in Canada so am unable to access the training section you all have (which I must say sounds fabulous!)TIA
  • #26
RossDeb2 said:
Does anyone have an audio of these two ladies that they could forward to me? I'm in Canada so am unable to access the training section you all have (which I must say sounds fabulous!)TIA
Can you get to the YouTube website?? If so, you can see her talking here (it's from a meeting with their particular Cluster at NC):

Sharon Zelen - video pt 1

Sharon Zelen - video pt 2
here is Jillian Grant (at the same meeting):
Jillian Grant - video pt 1
Jillian Grant - video pt 2
  • #27
Thanks. I will give it a try.

Related to Conference Call With Sharon Zelen

1. What is the purpose of the conference call with Sharon Zelen?

The conference call with Sharon Zelen is an opportunity for Pampered Chef consultants to receive updates, training, and important information about new products and promotions. It also allows consultants to ask questions and connect with other consultants in the company.

2. When is the conference call with Sharon Zelen scheduled to take place?

The conference call with Sharon Zelen is typically scheduled once a month and the specific date and time will be announced in advance through email and the Pampered Chef website.

3. How can I join the conference call with Sharon Zelen?

To join the conference call, you will need to dial the provided phone number and enter the access code when prompted. You can also join through the Zoom link provided in the email invitation or on the Pampered Chef website.

4. Will the conference call with Sharon Zelen be recorded?

Yes, the conference call will be recorded and the recording will be made available for those who are unable to attend the live call. The recording will be posted on the Pampered Chef website and can be accessed at a later time.

5. Can I ask questions during the conference call with Sharon Zelen?

Yes, there will be a designated time for Q&A during the conference call where you can ask Sharon Zelen any questions you may have. You can also submit your questions in advance through email or through the Pampered Chef website.

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