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Completely Lost on Fundraiser Suggestion

In summary, a member of a local Lions Club organization discussed their plans for a fundraiser with a fellow member who had previously battled breast cancer. They initially planned for a Pampered Chef HWC show, but the idea has now expanded to include other direct sales companies such as Tupperware and Lia Sophia. The host is concerned about the potential competition and negative impact on their fundraising efforts. Suggestions were given on how to handle the situation and make the event successful.
Gold Member
I'm a member of our local Lions Club organization. We only have 18 members right now so its really small. One of our members had breast cancer 2 years ago so last year she did a basket auction to raise money for American Cancer Society.

I was talking to her about doing a Pampered Chef HWC show. We talked about making it huge-have it in a big hall and have every member invite everyone they know and have them bring people too. She was really onboard with the idea and excited about it.

Well to my surprise, she talked to a tupperwear rep and now she wants in on it. And then a Lia Sophia rep wants in on it. Now it seems like its turning into a direct sales fair or something.

Everyone who wants to participate know that we are doing this to raise money for ACS, but what would be the best way to do this? With 4 or 5 other DS companies there, I wouldn't think I would get many orders or sales from cash and carry. I feel so lost on what initally was a really great idea. Anyone have suggestions on how to make this work?
Well, don't do a demo, that's for sure. I would suggest that since PC has the HWC program that you suggest in only be PC in May and maybe do something else with the rest of them at a later date. The only other thing you can do is REALLY talk up the PC part. I don't do well with multi vendor things--I do them, but they are a lot of work, I think. Can you suggest that?
I would personally suggest to the gal that brining more vendors in could mean less money for the cause. Have her find out how much the other companies donate, if they mark their catalog up, if they only have special products, etc to see how they compare. Let her know the break downs of PC. If PC only has $400 in sales, she only gets 10% of that (if it was a regular fundraiser). Where as if you are the only one, they would get more money that way.
I have had a string of bad luck with other ds companies horning in on my business the past couple of months. I did a show Saturday, drove 35 miles to get to it, she had 10 guests there--sales at $200+. Know why? Because her friend, who, by the way was my past host that she booked from, is now selling purses. She came to the show an hour and a half late, sat there quietly, and then when I went into the other room to take orders she brought in all her purses. Everyone saved their money to buy purses and wallets from HER! I was not happy to say the least. I also did a party in December and the host informed me that her friend who sells Scentsy, would be set up in the adjoining room to my demo--informed me the day before the party. I asked her to please separate us with a wall so that the scents of the scentsy and the food wouldn't mingle. What is with these ds reps that they can be so tacky?
SO I do know this about Tupperware that they have a fundrasing line that is priced way higher than their catalog ( I used to sell it). As for other direct sales companies honing in on your parties. I would politely say to the hostess that it was your agreement that he or she was hosting a PC party not other parties. I have done multi vendor events some people call them vendor blenders etc. I have done pretty good at them. But I always have a cookie lee consutlant and a scentsy consutlant out doing the me and other companies becasue they have INVENTORY to sell right then and their!!! It's very frustrating when you sign up for those types of events.

(((HUGS))) I knwo this was about fundrasiers maybe we should start a thread about how to handle multi vendor events and other direct sales companies who carrry inventory!!! IDK though!!
Well, not much I can do about it if their friend shows up with product (i.e the purses). And the other hostess was too nice to tell the Scentsy rep no. I mean, it IS their home, I am not going to presume to tell them what they can do in their home.
NO you can't predicit what other's are doing but you can ask the host in a nice way. I know this may sound strange but I just want to make sure if we are doing a PC party etc? I can't form the question right now. I have taxes on the brain right now since I work in a tax office!!!!
I was thinking of putting something in my host coaching packet letter but wouldn't know how to word it without seeming tacky...
That's the question how do you word something without it sounding too tacky!!!! We want to be classy TPC consultants!!!
  • #10
Some wording like "I am excited to do business together with other direct sales consultants in two or three venues a year where we all meet ahead and arrange the area, split the time and mutually benefit to everyone's satisfaction. Another consultant working their business at your show is not OK with me; while other consultants are certainly welcome to pass their catalog when I have left your show, during the time that I am there, please reserve this time for Pampered Chef only - for your benefit and mine."

Related to Completely Lost on Fundraiser Suggestion

1. What types of fundraisers can I do with Pampered Chef?

There are a variety of fundraisers available through Pampered Chef, including catalog fundraisers, in-person cooking shows, and virtual cooking shows. Each option allows you to earn a percentage of sales for your organization.

2. How long does it take to set up a Pampered Chef fundraising event?

The timeline for setting up a Pampered Chef fundraiser varies depending on the type of event you choose. Catalog fundraisers can typically be set up in a matter of minutes, while in-person and virtual cooking shows may require a few weeks of planning and promotion.

3. How much money can my organization expect to earn through a Pampered Chef fundraiser?

The amount of money your organization can earn through a Pampered Chef fundraiser depends on several factors, such as the number of participants, the type of fundraiser, and the amount of sales generated. On average, organizations can earn 15-20% of sales through a Pampered Chef fundraiser.

4. Can I customize my Pampered Chef fundraiser to fit my organization's needs?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers customizable options for fundraisers. You can choose the type of event, the products to be featured, and the target fundraising goal. Our team will work with you to create a personalized fundraising plan that fits your organization's needs.

5. Are there any upfront costs or fees associated with hosting a Pampered Chef fundraiser?

No, there are no upfront costs or fees for hosting a Pampered Chef fundraiser. Our team will provide all the necessary materials and support to make your fundraiser a success, and your organization will receive a percentage of the sales earned.

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