I had my first Play pampered chef dollars with the auction and such party today.I had 10 ladies and the bucks were a HUGE hit! Everyone had sooo much fun that one lady, who had to leave early, stood up and said "I have been to a LOT of home sales shows and a few PC shows as well, I have to say, this has been THE funnest show I have ever attended!"So... the details. Everyone shared, everyone ohhhhed and ahhhhed. The ladies loved the auction and were more than thrilled to take home the door prizes I gave out. Ladies cheered and participated. but the bottom line?...Only 6 of the 10 ladies bought something AND not a single order was over 2 items, and NOBODY was over $30.00!! 10 ladies attended, everyone got door prizes and proclaimed they had "the best time ever" and the show has not even qualified!! WTH?? Could I have done anything more?! I just don't get it!!Oh and every single lady was thrilled to take my gift but NOT my booking! zero bookings or catalog parties