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Can I still count August as my SS month 1 if my July show is postponed?

In summary, Mary is right to call field services on Tuesday and check with everyone. Although you should always overbook, if your show is cancelled, rescheduled, or very small, it doesn't matter so much. Donna
I could just cry! :( My 1st kitchen show postponed until September. She's a teacher and lives about 45mins away from where she works and now she wants to have the show after school starts so she can get more orders. Which is great, but now I only have 1 catalog show ending on the 22nd and another one on the 30th. I'm so upset. I was expecting great things out of that show because she comes from a HUGE family and they all love PC and now I know I'll have a great September, but I wanted the SSmonth 1 stuff.

Here's my question. :confused: I don't want to hold over the catalog show ending the 22nd, so does July have to start my SS month 1 or can I let August count as my SS month 1 and still turn in the July 22nd show. I'm still waiting on my kit.

Sorry if this wasn't so easy to read.
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What month did you put down as your SS Month 1? If you put down June, it has to be June. You may be able to call HO and have it switched to July(possibly). And the answer to your other question, no you cannot have your show in August count in your SS month 1 unless August is your SS month 1. Even though it was originally for June, it is not being held until August. Hope I helped. :)
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SS1 MonthI put July down for my SS1month and now with only the catalog show on the 22nd in July I'd like for August to be my SS1 month. Can I still have a show in July but have my SS1 month be August?
So sorry for your cancellation. But one thing you learn very quickly in our business is "Never depend on just one show!" Always have several booked- so if one cancels, reschedules, or is very small- it doesn't matter so much.
Cansellations happen. So overbook.

Call field services on Tuesday and ask about having your SS1 changed to August. I believe you need to submit it in writing and you can only do it once. In the meantime, follow up with friends and family over the holiday to see if you can get a few shows pulled together. Then you may not even have to make the change.

Good luck!

Mary is right call field services on tuesday and check with everyone. When booking shows for a month you should always over book. If you want 2 shows or 6 shows you should have at least 2 shows extra in case of reschedules or cancealations. I've done this for 3.5 years and have learned to do that or except what happens in a month. I did a ladies night out at my house at the beginning of june and thought it was going to be very good and help me with the Consultant fall product special. Well 2 orders and that was it. low attendence due to baseball games. I managed to get enough orders for a show and had a kitchen show that was good. I had a show in May that the host did not close till June and was short by $200 for the $1,500 dollar level. I went on vacation for 9 days (to Disney and the PC Event) and came home and in the last 4 days I received 3 orders to get my $200. One lady was a friend of someone I met the day before I left on vacation and gave her the catalog and it was a $100 order. I know this is getting long, but business is everywere and let everyone know what you do.
:) Good Luck
I know you should be able to change your super starter month if you want. I had mine changed when I started as well because I signed up online and didn't understand the super starter stuff yet. My recruiter got ahold of HO for me and then sent me an e-mail for me to e-mail HO. I got an e-mail a couple days later saying my SS1 had been changed. I'm sure your recruiter can help you if you need it.
Sorry DonnaSorry Donna,
I guess my brain cells aren't working properly. You did say your show was in July not June. Wasn't paying attention I guess. HO will probably allow you to change your SS month 1 to August and if they do your July show will also count in August. Just a little tip though, I would try to start calling people for bookings. Don't count on your shows for bookings. Try to use the phone as much as you can. Hope I helped. :) :) :)

Related to Can I still count August as my SS month 1 if my July show is postponed?

What does it mean if my 1st show is postponed?

If your 1st show is postponed, it means that the originally scheduled date for your first Pampered Chef party has been changed or delayed.

Why was my 1st show postponed?

There could be several reasons why your 1st show was postponed. It could be due to unforeseen circumstances, such as extreme weather or illness, or it could be because your consultant needed to reschedule for personal reasons.

Will my consultant still come to my house for the postponed show?

Yes, your consultant will still come to your house for the postponed show. They will work with you to find a new date and time that works for both of you.

Do I need to do anything if my 1st show is postponed?

No, you do not need to do anything if your 1st show is postponed. Your consultant will handle all the necessary arrangements and will keep you updated on any changes.

Can I still earn host rewards if my 1st show is postponed?

Yes, you can still earn host rewards even if your 1st show is postponed. Your consultant will work with you to ensure that you receive all the rewards and benefits you are entitled to as a host.

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