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Can I Get Her to Sign Now or Wait Until After the Holidays?

In summary, the host was interested in biz and we discussed it at the show she booked off of. We didn't really get the chance to really discuss it during host coaching. The party was a little out there tonight and we talked some more but it was a bit hectic. When we close out the show she wants to talk more. I'm confident she will sign but she wants to get through the holidays and all that. However, I'd much rather get her to sign at least by end of month so she can take advantage of all January incentives.
Gold Member
So I had an interesting show tonight. I already knew the host was interested in biz, we discussed it at show she booked off of. We didn't really get the chance to really discuss it during host coaching. The party was a little out there tonight and we talked some more but it was a bit hectic. When we close out the show she wants to talk more. I'm confident she will sign but she wants to get through the holidays and all that. Which I get. However, I'd much rather get her to sign at least by end of month so she can take advantage of all January incentives.

I think it was smart to bring up her interest during my booking slide presentation. Which made her family and friends want to book with her!:blushing::p;) I think it worked.

So I want to present to her the benefit of signing and possibly submitting this show as her first but I'm torn because I know she probably won't want to book December shows with her four kids activities and normal holiday activities. And also she might want to use $40 kit credit. Any insight and advice is very welcome.
If she's certain, have her do kit credit. She has 6 months to use it. Strategize for a great start in January by her scheduling those bookings from her show. I hope there's going to be a great signing promo that month plus she'll be able to earn the consultant incentives as well.
And be sure to explain to her the fabulous benefit of the extra-30 days if she signs in December! She gets 60-days / 120-days to earn Pampered Chef dollars, instead of the usual 30/90! That's awesome I think! Combine that with helping her get a great start by booking shows for January (taking advantage of the "more free" angle for her potential hosts)....she can really rack up some great PC $$!! Even if she signed December 30th (online), that's enough to get her in! She then has all of Jan-February to earn Double-PC Bucks, and through APRIL for her 120- days!! I'd LOVE to have that opportunity back again! It was one aspect of the business as a new consultant, I didn't adequately understand.You also may want to help her by following up with her guests and let them know she's thinking of signing up for her own business- and see if they'd be willing to host a show for her in January. Maybe you could do "big mac" calls, and bring it up about the host maybe signing and that you are helping her get things started.
Where is her show in guest sales? Does she really NEED to book anymore shows this month? She'll have enough to be active, right? She does get the extra incentive days, so she can still hold shows in January & early February and earn bonus Pampered Chef Dollars. Right NOW would be the best time for her to sign. If she buys either kit up front, she can use her commission check (submit this show as her first one) and get reimbursed for most or all of the cost of her kit. Let's say she has a $600 show right now. She'll get $118 (after they subtract $2 for insurance) in commission off that show which will reimburse her for all of the mini-kit or most of the regular kit. If her show makes it to $750, she'll get bumped to 22% for the month & get a paycheck for $163 ( after they subtract $2 for insurance) which means that she got the regular new consultant kit for FREE!AND, if she closes her show before the 15th, she'll get paid on the 22nd ... just in time to have a little extra for any last minute Christmas shopping. :D
Here's how I looked at it:

People are buying Christmas gifts this year. What better gift to give than PC? People could have a fun, relaxing gift-buying experience at a party, while learning an awesome recipe, and get something for themselves, too! And they might as well be buying it from ME.

Besides, with the shopping season, I'm sure she is "neglecting" herself. If she's a type "I" personality, why not have her kit be a Christmas present to herself? Get her excited about having a coming out party. Help her set a goal for a $500 party. 20% of that is $100. Ask her what she would buy for HERSELF for $100 as a gift for starting this awesome biz? (This is my goal, actually, and I saw this awesome riding jacket on sale at the Harley Dealership that I will have by the end of this month, thanks to PC!)

Or if she's more of an "S" personality, get her excited about all the wonderful Christmas stuff she can get for her family with the money she makes by starting NOW. Get her excited about some of the more expensive items her kids or her SO might want for Christmas, and how PC can help make that possible.

Or if she's a "C" or a "D", discuss with her the extra 30 days to qualify. Get her excited that, if she does EVERYTHING provided in the training materials (and you) that she will succeed, especially now. With all the craft fairs, bridal shows, women expos, etc. she will have no problem getting her business off the ground this time of year.

Related to Can I Get Her to Sign Now or Wait Until After the Holidays?

What is "How to Get Her to Sign Now?"

"How to Get Her to Sign Now?" is a workshop offered by Pampered Chef that teaches effective communication and sales techniques to help you convince potential customers to sign up for your products or services.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to improve their sales and communication skills, particularly those in direct sales or network marketing industries.

What can I expect to learn from this workshop?

In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively communicate the value and benefits of your products or services, how to address common objections, and how to create a sense of urgency for potential customers to sign up.

How long is the workshop?

The "How to Get Her to Sign Now?" workshop typically lasts about 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the group and the level of interaction during the session.

How do I sign up for this workshop?

You can sign up for this workshop by contacting your Pampered Chef consultant or by checking the events section on the Pampered Chef website. You can also host a workshop at your own home and invite your friends and family to attend.

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