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Director Can I Earn the Maui Trip Without Burning Out?

In summary, Cindy is trying to earn a trip to Disneyworld by selling points. She has 4 recruits who have not yet qualified, but she is confident she can make it. If all 4 of her recruits qualify, she will be kicking herself if she did not try for the sales.
So I am just looking for a place to get my thoughts out, as of right now I have 63,459 in points and I had spent most of the last two weeks telling myself I wanted to take the trip to Toronto or the gift card, but over the weekend a surprise new consultant signed up and so I have 4 that have not yet qualified.(2 are halfway there) This month should be over $9,000 for me, and I have already gone green so doing the math if ALL 4 qualify, I only need 5,541 in points in Dec for Maui!!!!
Now, last year I did over 10,000 in sales in December to earn Disney and I totally burnt myself out and my business suffered for almost 4 months because of it. I said I wasn't going to earn one at the last minute again, BUT it is so close. :) I only have 2 firm shows on the calender for Dec:yuck: but I have been on the phone for a few hours each day this week and have alot of people to follow up with. I also dont know if all 4 will qualify and one I can't reach at all. I don't like going for incentives when I have to rely on others, but I have been toying with the idea of a cash incentive for the ones who qualify.(ideas?)
Thanks for letting me get this all out! I have been telling myself I am going to go for it because I will kick myself if I miss it by a little, but I am not going to get so worked up about it that I am devastated if I don't make it. I figure if I book extra shows, I will still have a great paycheck to show if I don't earn the trip. :D I am glad I can talk about it here but also find a soft place to land if I don't get there:love0010:
If they all qualify, you'll be kicking yourself if you did't try for the sales. If you bust your bum and miss it because they didn't all qualify you'll be disappointed, but you'll have the extra commission to comfort you! ;)I think you should go for it!!! You definitely can't do it if you don't try!I give my team 500 professional business cards from Merrill when they qualify. They LOVE it! And it helps them continue to succeed. ;)
Go for it Cindy! I have the same amount of points and have 6 qualified recruits, but there is no way I will sell or recruit enough to make Maui...go for it!!:sun:
I am right there with you girl and yes we can do this! I have 4 consultants who could all qualify and I need all for and I need 8600 in sales for Hawaii. YES ... we can do this...I am trusting God who put this goal before me to begin with that it will happen for His Glory ... and my good! :) Let's go for it!!!!!!
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*update* I ended up closing out November with...........$10,117 in sales!!!!! I beat my personal best by over $1,000. So for the trip IF all 4 qualify I need $4,456 in sales and I have 3 shows, 1 catalog show, and a vendor event, so not great but it is still possible. Also 2 of the 4 recruits submitted shows last night so one is at $1029.14!!!! and the other is at $833.57. The other one is at $408.25, but I can't reach her :( she was supposed to have several catalog shows lined up in Oct and Nov but I haven't heard anything. and the last one is brand new with $0 so it will be a nail biting month for sure!
(((fingers crossed))) and hoping that it happens for you! Hopefully all 4 will qualify by the 15th & take the pressure off of you!!! ;)
GO FOR IT GIRL!!!!!!!! I need $7600 in sales and for all 4 of my signed people to qualify.. I'm working like it is going to happen! :) Gotta go for it!
WOW!! You can do it!! Go for it!
Girl! You can totally do it!!! I have no doubts about your ability. :)

Related to Can I Earn the Maui Trip Without Burning Out?

1. What is "Till the Fat Lady Sings" all about?

"Till the Fat Lady Sings" is a cookbook that focuses on healthy and delicious meals for individuals who are trying to lose weight. It includes a variety of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that are designed to be both satisfying and nutritious.

2. Are the recipes in "Till the Fat Lady Sings" difficult to make?

No, the recipes in "Till the Fat Lady Sings" are designed to be simple and easy to follow. They use common ingredients and do not require any advanced cooking skills. The goal is to make healthy cooking accessible and manageable for everyone.

3. Can I still enjoy my favorite foods while following the recipes in "Till the Fat Lady Sings"?

Absolutely! The cookbook includes healthier versions of many popular dishes, such as pizza, tacos, and pasta. These recipes use lighter ingredients and cooking methods to reduce calories and fat, but still provide the delicious taste you love.

4. Are there vegetarian or vegan options in "Till the Fat Lady Sings"?

Yes, there are several vegetarian and vegan recipes included in the cookbook. These recipes are clearly marked and offer alternatives for protein sources, such as tofu or beans, to meet the dietary needs of those following a plant-based diet.

5. Can I still use the recipes in "Till the Fat Lady Sings" if I have food allergies?

While the cookbook does not specifically cater to food allergies, many of the recipes can be easily modified to accommodate dietary restrictions. For example, if a recipe calls for dairy, it can be substituted with a non-dairy alternative. However, it is always recommended to double-check the ingredients and make necessary adjustments to ensure the recipe is safe for your specific allergies.

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