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Can I Close a February Party in March?

In summary, the hostess can close the party out in March as long as she does so before the 15th. There is no issue if they run out of discontinued items, but the only other issue would be if the hostess is inactive for the month.
Gold Member
I have a hostess who booked her party for Feb. 29th and chances are I'm not going to be able to close it that night. Is it going to cause problems if I close out the party in March? I'm not going let them order the new stuff yet because I know that will throw off the system and I know that the party won't count towards the double points for Feb. I just want to make sure that it'll be alright if I close it out after the new catalog is active.
Yes you can close it in March as long as it is before the 15th. The only issue you might have would be if they run out of discontinued items..doesn't happen often that I know of..but it does happen. We will usually get an email about it..but that would be the only issue that you might have.
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  • #3
Ok, I just didn't want to rush her into trying to close it out that night. Thank you!
The other issue would be if you are active for the month or not...Remember if you are two months without turning anything in you will loose all of your career sales.....Make sure you are top of this issue....Good luck! And Thank you for serving. My husband did 23 years US Navy submarines. GOD Bless you and your family! THANK YOU!
sailorsarah said:
I have a hostess who booked her party for Feb. 29th and chances are I'm not going to be able to close it that night. Is it going to cause problems if I close out the party in March? I'm not going let them order the new stuff yet because I know that will throw off the system and I know that the party won't count towards the double points for Feb. I just want to make sure that it'll be alright if I close it out after the new catalog is active.

You will not get the double points, they have to be submitted by Feb. 29th. So If its the points you are looking for then have her close it the same day. She has more than enough time to get any orders from people that can't make it. Also if you need a second show for Feb. for the totes it will not count, and it will not count as your first Match show for the HWC products. So I would say just have her make her wish list now & close it the same day. HTH :D
I have Feb. 29th show and my director told me to be sure to close that night. Gonna be a long day :)
morgieloo88 said:
I have Feb. 29th show and my director told me to be sure to close that night. Gonna be a long day :)

There are several reasons to close by the end of the month. Is it the second show to get the 2 show incentive? Is that show going to change the % of your commission? Are you working toward a trip and want those double points? Are you ending your 30 or 90 days at the end of the month? Or is it that your director needs the sales for her numbers?

It's always best to get your shows in during the month it is held but sometimes it won't really matter. If you have no reason to worry about getting it in by the last day of the month and your host doesn't care about that month's specials you can date a show held in the last few days of a month in the next month. For instance the show is held Feb 29 but you date it March 1 and use the March specials.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I told her that if she booked it in March she'd be able to order from the new catalog, but she would rather get the 60% off stoneware. I've already had my two parties for the month (this weekend actually) and I'm not worried about the double points because I don't think I'll make it this year since we are going to be moving from Germany to Texas (fun, fun). I already have two parties booked for March, one possible and I'm planning on hosting one myself. Right now I'd just like to use her party to get more exposure, so I'm willing to do it whenever works for her.

@3girls: It was my pleasure, I loved being in the Navy. I don't know how well I would have done on subs, but I sure enjoyed the three deployments I did on my carriers. Switching to being an Army wife has been interesting, but I think being prior military helps a lot!
sailorsarah said:
I told her that if she booked it in March she'd be able to order from the new catalog, but she would rather get the 60% off stoneware. I've already had my two parties for the month (this weekend actually) and I'm not worried about the double points because I don't think I'll make it this year since we are going to be moving from Germany to Texas (fun, fun). I already have two parties booked for March, one possible and I'm planning on hosting one myself. Right now I'd just like to use her party to get more exposure, so I'm willing to do it whenever works for her.

@3girls: It was my pleasure, I loved being in the Navy. I don't know how well I would have done on subs, but I sure enjoyed the three deployments I did on my carriers. Switching to being an Army wife has been interesting, but I think being prior military helps a lot!

Well then it's up to you. If she's ready to close it on the 29th go ahead and do it but if she needs a day or two more let her have it. Just be sure to tell her that the longer she has it open the better the chance that anything that was discontinued could be unavailable for her guests. We must have the previous month orders in by the 15th or we can't submit it but I'd never leave it open anywhere near that long especially into a new season.
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  • #10
If she doesn't close on the 29th, she may not qualify for the 60% off stoneware promo. Call the home oiffice and double check but I think she'd have the 60% off cookware instead.
  • #11
sjackson said:
If she doesn't close on the 29th, she may not qualify for the 60% off stoneware promo. Call the home oiffice and double check but I think she'd have the 60% off cookware instead.

That's not true! As long as you submit by the 15th of March, she gets the February promo. (Read the fine print on the host special flyer...it's always there.)
  • #12
sjackson said:
If she doesn't close on the 29th, she may not qualify for the 60% off stoneware promo. Call the home oiffice and double check but I think she'd have the 60% off cookware instead.

As long as he party is date February and it's submitted by the 15th she would get the February specials.
  • #13
How about another thought? You might be able to split the show into two shows - one submitted as February, so guests can get a last shot at discontinued items, and one submitted as March, for a first shot at the new products?
  • #14
sailorsarah, first and foremost thank you for your service!
Ladies - STOP! Let her do what she is planning. Stop making it way more complicated than it needs to be. Close it when it closes before the 15th of March as planned. Splitting it will get totally out of control and too hard to handle. I know, I have tried it several times and by the time all was said and one, we were missing things, ordering more and well, I am sure I lost way more money than the whole fiasco was worth, straightening it out.
Next, don't worry about anything but getting the exposure you want, keep it simple by closing it out when your host is ready. Again though as mentioned above, double check CC before you leave for her party for any items that may be gone. The dots are being sold at a remarkable pace so they are already on the "maybe" do not sell list. You should be all set then.
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  • #15
Thank you everyone for helping me! I'm going to try to keep it simple for myself and just do the F/W catalog. Plus, that gives them extra incentive to book a party in March or April (that's how I got two of my bookings this weekend).
  • #16
Wise choice!

My host tonight is at $500 and there is no way she'd have been comfortable with me sitting ther pressuring here to choose her $115 free product. Even if she'd planned in advance, she saw new things tonight and is already changing her mind.

For one, she was completely uninterested in the stoneware specials until she saw the DCB in person...she was only focused on cookware

Even though it was not on the last day of the month, you get the idea! It will probably be the same for your host.

Have fun with your leap year party!
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  • #17
Yeah, I saw that with a host this weekend. We made the rocky road brownie (love that recipe) and she flipped through the DCB cookbook and decided she just had to have it.
  • #18
I wouldn't split it! That will reduce her host benefits and make things too confusing.My recruiter did that recipe. The host's microwave was too small so they did it in the oven. She told the guests that there was a mini version coming out and two people booked to get it!

Related to Can I Close a February Party in March?

1. How long do I have to close out a February party in March?

The deadline to close out a February party in March is typically the last day of the month. However, it is always best to check with your party host to confirm the specific date.

2. Can I still earn host rewards if I close out the party in March?

Yes, as long as the party was originally scheduled in February, you can still earn host rewards by closing it out in March. The party must also meet the minimum sales requirements to qualify for rewards.

3. Will my party guests still receive their orders in a timely manner if I close out the party in March?

Yes, all orders from a February party closed out in March will still be processed and shipped within the standard timeframe. Your party guests can expect to receive their orders in a timely manner.

4. Do I need to do anything differently when closing out a February party in March?

No, the process for closing out a February party in March is the same as closing out any other party. Simply submit the orders and follow the standard procedures for closing out a party.

5. Can I add additional orders to a February party when closing it out in March?

Yes, you can add additional orders to a February party when closing it out in March. However, these orders will count towards your March sales and not the original party sales.

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