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Can Consulting with Pampered Chef Fit into My Full-Time Job?

everything! Being your own boss and creating things for my home was really fulfilling for me. I did have some concerns about the business when I first started it though. I feel like I wasn't as good as I could have been because I was so worried about making mistakes. But if I am completely honest with myself, I would say that I stopped caring about the business after I closed my catalog show. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but that is how it feels. I don't know if I am really cut out for this business or not. I have a full time job and I am starting to think about doing this part time so that I can continue to work and still
Deanna Brown
I am new here. I've been poking around for about a month or so. I am an avid Pampered Chef customer. I have hosted several times, been to lots of parties, I just recently closed my catalog show. I have been thinking about becoming a consultant lately. But I cant find much information online about it. I was hoping the website would be more helpful and more detailed that it is. I feel awful calling one of my past consultants and taking up tons of her time if I am just not sure this is for me. I have a full time job now. I don't really need the extra money, but for some reason I really keep thinking about doing this. My biggest concern is me getting in over my head and just creating more "things" for me to do in my day. Can anyone enlighten me a bit about how it works for you with a full time job? What happens after signing up? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read/answer my silly post.
With Pampered Chef you are your own boss. Some work this business full time, more do it part time and there are tons of hobbyists. Usually the more time you devote to the business, the more income you'll make. But it sounds like you might do it for the fun. Call your past consultant. she should be happy to talk with you and answer your questions to help you decide. If she isn't- she might not be the best person to have as your upline.
If she goes to meetings in your area- you could go with her to get a feel for the business.
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Thanks so much for your reply!
I started out doing PC while working a FT Corporate Job and it was wonderful.. my lifestyle has allowed me to quit my FT corp job and just be a FT PC consultant now and I really LOVE IT! But as Deb mentioned you can work this business Fulltime or Part time as much as you like. My Director has tons of out of state consultants that we do web meeting with as well during our team meetings. When you go to the sign up page it will direct you step by step on how to sign up or the person that you are signing up under can provide step by step help on signing up. Hope that helps.. Let me know if you need any additional help! Welcome To PC.. you are going to do Great~
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Katiep said:
I started out doing PC while working a FT Corporate Job and it was wonderful.. my lifestyle has allowed me to quit my FT corp job and just be a FT PC consultant now and I really LOVE IT! But as Deb mentioned you can work this business Fulltime or Part time as much as you like. My Director has tons of out of state consultants that we do web meeting with as well during our team meetings. When you go to the sign up page it will direct you step by step on how to sign up or the person that you are signing up under can provide step by step help on signing up. Hope that helps.. Let me know if you need any additional help! Welcome To PC.. you are going to do Great~
You didn't feel like working a full time job and being a consultant was too much? I have a tendency to take on more than I can handle. I think that is my biggest hold back. I am also not very good at speaking in front of people. From what I can see, I almost feel like I don't really have anything to lose by signing up. I am not reading that there is fine print that says I am liable for anything if I don't feel like this is a fit for me after 2 months or anything. I did send a contact email to a previous consultant that i had about 10 years ago. I hope I am able to meet with her and she can show me the agreement and maybe go over some things with me. I think that will help make my decision whether to join or not. With that being said, do you (or anyone else) have any thoughts as to signing up now or waiting until after the holidays? I worry that I wouldn't be able to get bookings during the holidays since people are always so busy with parties and shopping.
Oh no I just loved doing Pampered Chef so much I wanted to do it Full Time! And the Holidays are the Perfect time to start your Business because everyone is looking to get gifts and PC offers wonderful Christmas gifts and bundles for anyone! I am super busy right now with my business as are most of my teammates this time of year Rocks! As for speaking out in front of people.. These products speak for themselves, most people have heard of PC and if they haven't you have been using the products just talk about the ones you use and learn as you go about the ones you don't yet have! There is nothing wrong with saying "you know I haven't used that yet but we can learn about it together and see what amazing thing we can cook with that product". I have sold quite a few items with that statement! People trust your honesty and appreciate your willingness to work with them! I know you can do this and there are training courses to help break you out of your shell! You got this girl!
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Thanks so much for the info and encouragement. I emailed the consultant and she called me within 20 minutes! She is having a meeting at her home on Monday and invited me to attend. I am very excited to go and meet the other consultants. You have been so nice! Thank you!
Deanna Brown said:
Thanks so much for the info and encouragement. I emailed the consultant and she called me within 20 minutes! She is having a meeting at her home on Monday and invited me to attend. I am very excited to go and meet the other consultants. You have been so nice! Thank you!
Great, glad you got in touch with your consultant the rest is going to be awesome! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Katiep and DebPC have given you some great answers. I can tell you that one of my team members routinely works 60+ hours/week. She chose to do Pampered Chef one or two days each month to have something for herself.Only you can really say whether this is something that will work for you. One thing I love about The Pampered Chef is that there's really no risk. If you give it a try and it doesn't work out, you can walk away with the products from your kit and commission you've earned. Your Consultant will probably walk through this with you, but one way to keep from being overwhelmed is to sit down with your calendar. Fill in all of the things you have to do already. Now, decide which days you'd like to work your Pampered Chef business. This way you can fold PC into your life fairly easily.
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Thanks so much for the reply raebates! That is amazing that your team member works 60+ hours/week and still finds time to do this 2 days a month, or should i say "energy". Those are definitely two of my biggest concerns; if there are any penalties in the fine print of the agreement (like the difference of the cost of the kit) if I go running and screaming in 2 months and if the "behind the scenes" work with entering shows, bookings, etc is too time consuming. You know, the stuff that the guests don't see leading up to the show and to closing.
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One of the best things about PC is that there are no fine-print surprises. There is, of course, a learning curve with the paperwork and such, but I think you'll find that it's fairly easy to master.
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that helps tremendously!!!!

Related to Can Consulting with Pampered Chef Fit into My Full-Time Job?

What is consulting?

Consulting is a professional service where a consultant provides expert advice and guidance to individuals or organizations in a specific field or industry.

Why should I consider exploring consultancy while having a full-time job?

Exploring consultancy while having a full-time job can provide you with valuable experience, additional income, and opportunities to expand your professional network.

What skills are necessary for a successful consultant?

A successful consultant should have strong communication, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They should also have expertise in their chosen field and the ability to adapt to different situations and clients.

How can I manage my time effectively when balancing a full-time job and consulting?

Effective time management is crucial when balancing a full-time job and consulting. Some tips include setting clear priorities, delegating tasks, and setting boundaries for yourself.

How do I find consulting opportunities while working full-time?

You can find consulting opportunities through your professional network, online job platforms, or reaching out to companies directly. It's also helpful to showcase your expertise and skills through a personal website or social media.

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