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Can Ads in Newsletters Drive Success?

In summary, the conversation discusses the success of running ads in local newspapers and newsletters, with some individuals sharing their own experiences and tips for creating effective ads. The Merrill Ad Generator is mentioned as a useful tool for creating pre-approved ads and personalizing them with individual information. The subscription fee for the ad generator is paid monthly and allows for unlimited ad creation and downloads during that time.
I am thinking about running an ad in the local newspaper or newsletters. Has anyone done this and had a success story from your ad?

If so, did you use Merrill's ad or one of your own?
I have not run an ad in my newspaper yet, except for my HWC fund-raiser. I have however run an ad in a local concerts program...I'll attach it so you can see! um...so when I made it into a pdf. it got kind of weird.:yuck:


  • Rd_grammer_PC.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 432
I can't seem to open this. Do you have another version I could see. Thank you
I ran one in a free paper that's distributed at restaurants and things. The only show I got from it was the Potty Party (don't ask - total waste of my time, but a good source of "worst show ever" stories). The ad ran for a year. Actually, even though I cancelled it in October, one of my recruits reports that she's seen my ad still running recently. As long as they don't charge me for it, I'll let them continue to run it. ;) Make sure you check the list of top 100 newspapers on CC. We aren't allowed to do business with those publications. HO reserves the right to contact them on behalf of all consultants.
Is there anything that we need to know or need to be aware of before submitting a newspaper ad?? Anything to watch out for? Anything to definitely NOT do or say? etc etc Just want to make sure things are done right. Thanks!
There is a lot of info in the policies about newspaper advertising. The easiest thing to do is to use the Merrill ad generator because all of those are pre-approved by HO.
How does the Merrill Ad Generator work?
You sign up for a subscription, which is a couple bucks a month. And best of all, they don't automatically renew it, so you can pay for a month, make a bunch of ads, and then let it lapse. Once you're activated, there's a link on the Merrill site to create ads. There are several categories/sizes, and you can pick pics from their library. Add them to your cart and check out. In a couple of hours, they'll be posted for you to download. They're PDFs.
That sounds great! But, I called the solution center yesterday to ask about how to go about placing an ad in our local newspaper and I was told that I had to send a copy of the ad to the HO and then wait on a written approval before placing the ad. So I guess I'm not sure what to do exactly. All I know is I want my ad in the paper ASAP in the hopes that it might help me get some bookings.

With the Merrill Ad Generator, does it allow you to enter your own information into the ad or do they have pre-written dialogue that you have to choose from? And also, is the fee deducted from our commission; how do we pay for the subscription?

Sorry for all the questions, I am just very anxious :) Thank you
  • #10
The Ad Generator has pre-approved text, so you don't need to have it approved by HO. You can personalize each one with your information. And you pay for the subscription just like anything from Merrill - with a credit or debit card. They're not linked to commission adjustment.
  • #11
thank you! thank you! thank you!
  • #12
Is there a way we can see what the ad generator looks like before we order I went on there to look and just saw the subsription info.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
chefann said:
You sign up for a subscription, which is a couple bucks a month. And best of all, they don't automatically renew it, so you can pay for a month, make a bunch of ads, and then let it lapse. Once you're activated, there's a link on the Merrill site to create ads. There are several categories/sizes, and you can pick pics from their library. Add them to your cart and check out. In a couple of hours, they'll be posted for you to download. They're PDFs.

so do we pay per ad...or pay for a monthly subscription?
  • #14
You pay for a monthly subscription. During that month, you can make and download as many ads as you want, although you can only order one of each type at a time.

Related to Can Ads in Newsletters Drive Success?

1. How can I advertise in newsletters to increase my success?

One way to advertise in newsletters is by purchasing ad space. You can also partner with newsletters to feature your product or service in their content.

2. What type of newsletters should I target for advertising?

You should target newsletters that have a similar target audience as your product or service. This will help ensure that your ad is reaching potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer.

3. Is it better to have a large ad or a small one in newsletters?

It ultimately depends on your budget and the effectiveness of the ad. Some companies may see better results with a larger ad, while others may benefit from a smaller, more targeted ad. It's important to test and track the success of your ad to determine what works best for your business.

4. How can I make my ad stand out in newsletters?

There are a few ways to make your ad stand out in newsletters. You can use eye-catching visuals and graphics, include a compelling call-to-action, and highlight any unique features or benefits of your product or service. It's also important to ensure that your ad is relevant and engaging to the newsletter's audience.

5. How can I track the success of my ad in newsletters?

One way to track the success of your ad is by using unique tracking links or codes. This will allow you to see how many clicks or conversions are coming directly from the newsletter. You can also track the overall increase in traffic or sales during the time your ad was featured in the newsletter.

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