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Can a Host Be the Only Guest at a Pampered Chef Party?

In summary, a new consultant called me up and asked if she has a person that is spending $150 on products, can she submit that as a show to get that person $15 in free products? Debbie can submit it as a catalog show. That first $15 is reserved for cooking show hosts as a thank you for purchasing the ingredients. Thanks Brooke, but will she use the hosts name as the guest too? That I'm not sure. I always put it in the hubby's name, and then point out how important it is to hang onto that receipt just in case. Yes just enter her name twice.
Ok not sure how to explain. A new consultant called me up and asked if she has a person that is spending $150 on products, can she submit that as a show to get that person $15 in free products?
How would she enter that? (would she enter the host and guest as the same person? wil they accept that? There is a 3 hour wait for HO to get back to her)
She can submit it as a catalog show. That first $15 is reserved for cooking show hosts as a thank you for purchasing the ingredients.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks Brooke, but will she use the hosts name as the guest too?
That I'm not sure. I always put it in the hubby's name, and then point out how important it is to hang onto that receipt just in case.
Yes just enter her name twiceEnter her name as the guest and then as the host. That is all. And yes she will get the $15 in Free products and her host special. Does she have a 10% discount for hosting a past show, that would be entered in the guest section.

DebbieSAChef said:
Enter her name as the guest and then as the host. That is all. And yes she will get the $15 in Free products and her host special. Does she have a 10% discount for hosting a past show, that would be entered in the guest section.

Sorry, this is not correct information.

A person can NOT order $150 as guest and then also be the host. AND you only get the $15 free products if it is a cooking show (as the host she can get a 15% discount on anything additional that she might want, she can purchase one of the monthly host specials at 60% off and she gets 10% off for a year.

ALSO, a host can NOT use her past host discount on her OWN show. She is NOT allowed to place an order on her own show as a guest EXCEPT for the monthly host special IF she booked it from her own previous show.

PS: If you have entered shows incorrectly in the past and it has gone through you were "lucky". They usually catch that and place the show on hold and call you.
I've always submitted "one" guest catalog shows with the same name twice. I've done this at least 20 times. I was told by a director that a few years ago that HO didn't allow this but now they do. If it is submitted as a kitchen show then HO will probably catch it if it only has one guest and both names are the same.
tiffanypc05 said:
I've always submitted "one" guest catalog shows with the same name twice. I've done this at least 20 times. I was told by a director that a few years ago that HO didn't allow this but now they do. If it is submitted as a kitchen show then HO will probably catch it if it only has one guest and both names are the same.
Where is that change noted in the Recipe for Success? Or is it somewhere else? I would really like to know because I haven't heard this and I would like to know for future such shows. And if it's not okay to have one guest who is also the host at a cooking show how could it be okay to do it on a catalog show? Just because they didn't catch it doesn't mean it's ok.

Whether this is okay to do or not we all need to keep in mind that a lot of new consultants read these posts and expect guidance. We just need to be telling them the correct procedures to follow. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture or something but I feel strongly that we should be following the recipe for success when we give advice.

To everyone: If in doubt READ your materials from PC and if it's not clear EMAIL PC with your questions. They will write back the correct interpretation - making them write it down gives more insurance that they checked with someone if THEY weren't sure. Asking here is great too and many of us have had the same questions and have learned the answers and are very willing to share and help you if we can. And of course, ask your director. That's what she's/he's there for. But if you still have doubt contact PC for the final answer.

But of course we are all human and make mistakes or don't totally understand absolutely every aspect of every question so keep that humanity issue in mind too. In the end we all have to do what we feel is fair and correct. I try to always ask myself if _______ (my mother, my husband, my child, my boss) was standing behind me would I want them to see/hear what I did/said.

Okay, I'm off my soap box.
Quit stealing my soapbox everyone!! :) :)
  • #10
on my soapbox now....
BethCooks4U said:
Where is that change noted in the Recipe for Success? Or is it somewhere else? I would really like to know because I haven't heard this and I would like to know for future such shows. And if it's not okay to have one guest who is also the host at a cooking show how could it be okay to do it on a catalog show? Just because they didn't catch it doesn't mean it's ok.

Whether this is okay to do or not we all need to keep in mind that a lot of new consultants read these posts and expect guidance. We just need to be telling them the correct procedures to follow. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture or something but I feel strongly that we should be following the recipe for success when we give advice.

To everyone: If in doubt READ your materials from PC and if it's not clear EMAIL PC with your questions. They will write back the correct interpretation - making them write it down gives more insurance that they checked with someone if THEY weren't sure. Asking here is great too and many of us have had the same questions and have learned the answers and are very willing to share and help you if we can. And of course, ask your director. That's what she's/he's there for. But if you still have doubt contact PC for the final answer.

But of course we are all human and make mistakes or don't totally understand absolutely every aspect of every question so keep that humanity issue in mind too. In the end we all have to do what we feel is fair and correct. I try to always ask myself if _______ (my mother, my husband, my child, my boss) was standing behind me would I want them to see/hear what I did/said.

Okay, I'm off my soap box.

First of all, When I'm doing this I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong. I don't care if my child, husband or mother sees me doing it. For the sake of pigs, we're only turning a one guest catalog show in. When I have customers call me and purchase $400-$500 at a time, do you think I'm going to turn this in as an individual order? Heck no, They deserve something free if they are spending that much money with me.

As for the kitchen show only having one guest, do you think someone is going to invite you over to have a kitchen show and not invite anyone over? Point proved. I've had shows where no one showed or only 1-2 people have showed BUT they have collected orders.

As for the guidance point, I was told by a DIRECTOR and for me I'm following the guidance that I was given. If you're not sure, I agree with Beth, e-mail HO and they will give you an answer.

As for only turning in a one person catalog show, I've had catalog shows hosts who got one order that was over $150 and just decided to turn that in---this usually only happens when they aren't interested in getting free product but just wants the 60% off product.

BTW, if I for once thought you were giving a lecture, I would have stopped reading it at the beginning. I agree that we should follow the recipe for success and as hearing this told to me by a director I would think that she was following the recipe for success and until I hear different I will be turning shows in this way.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox for now.....
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  • #11
If I have a large individual order I call the host and ask if anything is a gift. I explain that she can save shipping costs, be eligible for the monthly host special and get a discount on some of the order if she enters an order in the giftee's name.

If, after explaining the host program, she usually either gets some additional orders or orders the gifts under the giftee's name. Some people will still say they just want to put the order in as is. It's their decision.
  • #12
So if they just like to leave the order as is do you charge them ind. shipping costs?
  • #13
tiffanypc05 said:
So if they just like to leave the order as is do you charge them ind. shipping costs?
If that's what they tell me they want me to do. It's their money. I do make sure that they know about the host benefits and 10% off for a year.

It's not my place to change it up if they tell me not to.
  • #14
I try to give my customers the best experience possible, and I am responsible for those choices. When those customers come back time and time again I don't see HO complaining!
  • #15
These same customers come back time and time again for me too, even when they pay the direct shipping per their choice. They know I gave them the option and honored their choice. That's how they want to do it.

I do give them tips and recipes and other customer service.

What I do hate is when someone goes on line and orders only the tart shaper or a citrus peeler and pays that shipping. (Both happened lately) I had no chance to stop them and tell them I would have given it to them with NO shipping charge.
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  • #16
I agree with Gillian that I want to give my customers the best experience possible.

I see nothing different with having just one guest order and having two guests orders in which the host is paying for the both of them.
  • #17
Like I said, we all make our own choices and live with the consequences. I should be able to make my choices, as long as I accept the consequences, without judgement from others. That is just my personal opinion...
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Update: The person I was asking this question for did not need to submit the order as an individual show afterall. She just added that order to another show because her sister (who the order was for) said it was ok. It upped the host's (who was her best friend) show and she gave her sister the difference in the free product. Which again was ok w/ the host.

I do know that a catalog show does not entitle you to $15 worth of free products.

Thank you all for your input.
  • #19
I was told that we couldn't do the host name as a guest. Hmmm... Makes me wonder. And, yes, they do catch stuff and let you know. My upline Dir told me about someone submitting catalog shows as cooking shows and got caught. I have no idea how, but the HO called her director and asked her to stop. I would be mortified.
  • #20
My director just told me that if there is cooking at all, it is a cooking show. If they can't do a cooking show then I have them have a few friends over and make a PC recipe! Whether I do the cooking or not, they had friends over, and made a PC recipe. My director okayed this as well!
  • #21
I am willing to be flexible, like if I go to the house and there are friends there, even if I don't cook, but bring a recipe, I will count that. But, these were just straight catalog shows this consultant was converting.
  • #22
That's not good :(
  • #23
AJPratt said:
I am willing to be flexible, like if I go to the house and there are friends there, even if I don't cook, but bring a recipe, I will count that. But, these were just straight catalog shows this consultant was converting.
If I have a catalog host who does a really good job (high sales) and she lives locally to me I suggest that she invite 2-3 friends over for coffee and an express demo so she can get credit for a Cooking Show. Many will invite me over and a few have turned it into a full fledged party! I do a very quick demo or bring something already prepared and the chopper and a few key products and let them play.
  • #24
I emailed HO about this issue and here is our correspondence:

Message = I have heard recently that it is okay to send in a catalog show with one guest who is also the host as long as the "guest" order is $150.

Is this so? And is it documented anywhere that this is allowed? I have always heard that no matter what kind of show it is the host cannot order anything as a guest except the monthly host special if she is also the past host on tthat show. Am I wrong?


Solution Center <[email protected]>:

Dear Beth,

Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. A catalog show has to be $150.00 in guest sales. The host order would not count towards the guest sales. The $150.00 can be purchased by one guest.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Solution Center

Thanks but I knew that a catalog show needs to be $150 and have at least 1
guest but that doesn't answer my question.

What they are saying is that they are putting the HOST as the GUEST also.
Doesn't it have to be someone OTHER than the host to order the $150?


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 08:53:02 -0500
From: Solution Center <[email protected]>

Yes, is has to be someone else other than the host who spends the $150.00.
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  • #25
I heard a way around this is to put down the Host's husbands name as the guest. I'm sure there are ways around it. I truly dont feel that we are cheating PC out of anything by allowing a good customer to get something for free if they are spending that much $. Just my opinion.
  • #26
I have already posted my opinion about this, but I just wanted to add that HO isn't going to call you to ask if M. Anderson and Mary Anderson are the same person. First off, I doubt they care, and second, they don't have the manpower to call every consultant and check to see if the guest actually does exist. In my opinion sales are sales, no matter whose name they are entered under!
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  • #27
I agree Gillian! :)
  • #28
I agree with Gillian also.

Also, how would it be fair to let one guest spend $150 and the "host" get the specials?
That doesn't seem logical to me.

Just to let you know what happened at one of my kitchen shows. I had three people at my show with the same name???? A mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had the same name and the dil's best friend. All three of there names were jo and they had the same last name also. So if they started cracking down on this, I wander what would happen if the dil hosted a catalog party and only her mil and best friend bought something...
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Related to Can a Host Be the Only Guest at a Pampered Chef Party?

1. What does it mean to be a Host as Only Guest at Party?

Being a Host as Only Guest at Party means that you are the only guest at a Pampered Chef party. This gives you the opportunity to have a more personalized experience with the consultant and to learn about our products in a one-on-one setting.

2. Can I still earn host rewards as the only guest?

Yes, as the only guest, you are still eligible to earn host rewards. These rewards include free and discounted products based on the total sales of your party. Your consultant will provide you with more information on the specific rewards and how you can earn them.

3. Do I need to invite other guests to attend the party?

No, as the Host as Only Guest at Party, you do not need to invite other guests. However, if you would like to invite friends or family members to join you, you are more than welcome to do so.

4. Will the party still be interactive and fun with just me as the guest?

Absolutely! Our consultants are trained to make sure that all parties, regardless of the number of guests, are interactive, informative, and fun. You will still get to participate in games, try out products, and ask any questions you may have.

5. Can I still place an order at the party as the only guest?

Yes, you can still place an order at the party as the only guest. Our consultants will have all the necessary information and materials for you to place an order and make payment. You can also take advantage of any special offers or promotions that may be available at the party.

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