Last night at my cluster meeting.. one of the girls talked about this booking thing she has been doing. Before the show she gets three small boxes and makes them look all pretty. Cuts out pictures of products that cost around $20-$25.. puts one picture in each box. At the show- after explaining all the great perks of being a host. She does this thing were she asks someone to book a show so the host can pick a box.. Someone agrees...then the host picks a box.... then she says I need one more person to book a show so the host can open the box...someone agrees...then she says I need one more person to book a show so the host will get the item for free!She was being recognized for how many bookings she had.. and was asked to talk about how she gets them. She said it has never failed her.. someone always says yes! By the way the host that picks the box does not get her prize till the third show is held.Has anyone ever heard of this before? Or tried it? I am thinking about it.... I guess I am looking for feed back.. I have a hard time feeling like I am putting people on the spot. I worry what would I do if no one booked. I was thinking about making it a little game show called The show must go on... if three people don't book...she gets a orange peeler or something and I make a joke about thanks for coming out and playing on The Show must go on... it would be funny if I had a little buzzer with a sound affect. I would just hate for it to not go as planned and end on a negative note, thats why I was thinking about the whole game show thing.... and making it a little fun.What ya think??????????