I have a friend, not a super close friend, but a friend that knows that I sell PC that just sent me an invitation to a Chocolate Bliss Cooking Show from PC with a different consultant ... At first I kind of laughed and thought it might be fun to go and watch another consultant do a show (and see the differences), but then I thought Hey! Why didn't she book with me if she wanted to do a PC show, and if she had to book from someone else, why invite me!? WTS!! Kind of irks me a little bit. I can't decide if I'm just going to totally ignore the whole thing, or send her an email kindly declining the invitation because I SELL it, or what? Go and not order, because seriously, I'm not gonna go and pay full price for someone else's commission when I can get it all at a discount from myself. Am I just being a b***h? I never get upset at any of my friends that attend a party with another consultant because they can't help being invited, but I've never had this situation before...