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Balancing Multiple Direct Sales Companies: Tips and Strategies for Success

In summary, Rachel is a rep for two different direct sales companies. She loves doing PC shows and finds it very supportive. She does not think anything will replace PC because she loves it so much. She also does not think that anything will take away the support she gets from her cluster.
So how many of you are a consultant for more than one direct sales company? If you are one then how does that work for you? Do you have enough time for both, does one get neglected? When you do PC shows do you incorporate your other buisness into it?
I have been checking out Natural Family Boutique.. anyone else a rep? Right up my alley with the natural/organic products for the whole family from a bunch of different vendors plus toys and baby items and stuff to support breastfeeding moms (not that mine are that young anymore) .. You get the site for orders, etc. and training and there are different "kits' available depending on what you would want.. a spa type, one focused on babies, a bigger one with lots of different stuff..'

I don't think anything will replace PC because I love it so much and my cluster is so amazing and supportive. I do like this community where we are free to post off topic items in the lounge plus the regular pc stuff. I hope it stays that way!
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I currently sell http://www.marloquinn.com/rachel (all natural soy candles and yummy bath and body products). I orginally signed up just for the discount (it costs $10 to sign up, but you get 25% off). It's like SweetCupCakes in that it is a new company, but they launched in July and I've already received some items that I ordered, so I know that the quality is awesome.I plan on burning some candles while I host my PC shows. I think they will sell themselves. They are also coming out with Mineral Makeup very soon. I can't wait to try it.In addition to MQ, I am a rep for http://www.stuffafriend.biz/members/babychunk. It's like the Build-A-Bear workshop bears. They are so adorable! This one was free to join and I also signed up just for the discount so I could get some bears for my daughters b-day party and have had success with a couple of fundraisers.
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I had been looking at the Stuff-a-friend website myself Rachel, how well do they go over, do you put up a booth at fairs and such?
They are REALLY cute! I haven't done any fairs, but I did two school fundraisers and bought a party kit for my daughters b-day party and also "hosted" a party for a neighbor. Parents and kids love them. You really have to see one in person though, I don't think the website does any of them justice.My girls now ask to do chores so they can order more clothes for their animals! lol
All I have is boys so I wouldn't have to worry about that one Rachel, but I think it could go over good at fairs, will definately have to look into it.
Those are cute animals, I have 2 little girls and my oldest is so into princesses its not even funny. ( I thought of my daughter when I saw the princess outfit.)
I thought it said somewhere in the consultant agreement that you couldn't demo any other product when you have a PC show? That's what I told my new recruit. She also sells Fruitaga and I told her having info avail was prolly okay, but not to incorporate in her presentation. I would assume this is to avoid any conception that PC is "endorsing" these other products.

Can someone clarify?
Stuff a friend sounds cute;) We took our girls to build-a-bear last month; how fun is that place?! I would like to make my own animal:)

My hubby & I are reps for Livinity. We don't really do much selling though. We mainly signed up for the investment aspect of it; because once you have enough people under you with the spill-over, you basically just have to buy your monthly product & you make money off of those uner you. The two that launched the company we know well; they live in our town & the wife teaches my girls dance. They have been very successful in the past with DSA's; have literally made millions. Now they wanted to start their own biz & base it in our small town to give other people a chance. We had the opp to join back in April; they just launched the company in August. The products are VERY good quality. My hubby signed & I co-signed; that way I could drop my name off of it if I happen to make director with PC.
  • #10
lisacb77 said:
I thought it said somewhere in the consultant agreement that you couldn't demo any other product when you have a PC show? That's what I told my new recruit. She also sells Fruitaga and I told her having info avail was prolly okay, but not to incorporate in her presentation. I would assume this is to avoid any conception that PC is "endorsing" these other products.

Can someone clarify?
A PC consultant can NOT demo anything else at her PC shows or at fairs where she has a PC table even things she makes herself. Read your Recipe for Success.

Until promotion to director a consultant is free to sell with any other direct sell company but she must give up the other company(s) if she accepts directorship.

If you are selling for more than one company you will not be highly successful with ANY of them - your contacts only have so many dollars.

It's a free country but I think you really should think about it. PC offers the best program for consultants, hosts and guests and at the least cost to consultants. When you consider our show averages and commissions and freebees from the company and no inventory and.... This company is way above the league of most others.
  • #11
BethCooks4U said:
A PC consultant can NOT demo anything else at her PC shows or at fairs where she has a PC table even things she makes herself. Read your Recipe for Success.

Until promotion to director a consultant is free to sell with any other direct sell company but she must give up the other company(s) if she accepts directorship.

If you are selling for more than one company you will not be highly successful with ANY of them - your contacts only have so many dollars.

It's a free country but I think you really should think about it. PC offers the best program for consultants, hosts and guests and at the least cost to consultants. When you consider our show averages and commissions and freebees from the company and no inventory and.... This company is way above the league of most others.

VERY well put Beth!! I try to explin this to people but until they see it for themselves...well, you know. I have one gal in my downline who is also a PL rep. She is just barely getting by with each company...her PL quota is much harder to meet than PC so she wastes so much energy struggling with PL and hardly any effort goes into PC. I have tried ti tell ehr and show her that if she put HALF that effort into PC she'd make trice the $$.
  • #12
Thanks Beth. Good to know I was close to having it right...I did tell her if she ever did a booth at a fair she needed to pick one or the other.
  • #13
You can succeedI also sell Jafra and I can tell you that you can succeed doing both businesses!! I mainly focus on PC, but my Jafra is doing well also. I generally hit my sales goals and I work a full-time job on top of it all! I don't mix my two business, and you're right, you are not allowed to promote PC with any other sales of any kind. I don't discourage anyone from starting another home based business, beause if there is a will, there is a way.
  • #14
I put so much time into my PC business, my family and school. (I am currently a student at UCF.) AND I had a regular FT job out of the home as well, I just can't imagine adding more to my plate by selling something else on top of it.

I feel that I am spreach way to thin as it is. Good luck!

  • #15
if you are at a PC show, and you mention..."Hey I also sell this..." then someone who buys that other thing will spend less on PC, you're hurting YOUR HOST! I want to help my host not hurt them...
  • #16
PC allows you to represent any other company along side your PC business until you decide to move into management, then you have to decide if you want to promote or hold on to the other business. I can tell you that by doing more than one direct sell company you are not giving yourself the chance to reach your full potential. The one qualification with representing more than one company (or making your own crafts) is that YOU CAN NOT REPRESENT OR SELL ANYTHING ELSE WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR PC HAT ON! - read your agreement!

Personally, I think PC offers the best deal out there for consultants, hosts and guests but that's MY opinion. If you are happier with a different company that is FINE and it is your choice! But I would decide on ONE and go for it all with THAT company!

Everyone only has so much time and money so while your friends might like all the different products and lines you sell, they only have so many resources and you will sell a little from each.

Of course it's a free country so you do as you like. Just wanted to give my thoughts on the subject.

Oh, and one other thought...
While it certainly is fine and educational for us all to learn and talk about other companies here at Chef Success - this forum is to help each other with our PC businesses. I have been very disappointed lately with all the posts trying to get people to join other companies and all the posts just to post and "get a star" or using it to "IM" each other. We certainly should have FUN here but.. come on ladies!

There is a TON of great information on this site and everyone is SO helpful to each other! I am proud to be a member here but lately it has wasted a lot of time weeding through the posts to see if there is anything worth our time or that I can help with on here. I disagree with directors who say that the site takes time away from business ...if you use it wisely. I have gotten a lot of great ideas here that have helped my business and hopefully I have also helped others. But with the kind of things posted lately, I'm thinking that many of you could use your time much more wisely elsewhere.

Sorry but I just felt I needed to say something... I do love you all!
  • #17
I think you make some fair points. I have found lots of great information on this site. And I have noticed that there are lots of new posters on here now and I don't want them to get the wrong idea of what this community is.

It IS for your business and there are some great places to post fun, off-topic things like the Chef's Lounge or for moral support, like on the TTC thread.

I would like people to be more specific with their post titles. While I don't have the experience many of the other Cheffers have, I like to help out wherever I can. Ssome threads are titled so cryptically. Sometimes I feel silly when I read the title and think the post is about one thing and its about something else entirely. In fact, I am going to post that request under Feedback and Announcements and see what kind of feedback I get.

Thanks for getting my brain moving... well, sort of. LOL
  • #18
My goodness....take a chill pill and calm down!!!

I personally do not have any problems with the threads taking detours that they have - isn't that what happens in normal conversation? In some of the thread detours I have come across some pretty good ideas. If this place was 'strictly business' it would not be such a fun place to be. I know I have gotten to know people over the things that they say in their posts (quirky, funny and everything else) and have felt more comfortable posting with them as a result. As for posting just to get stars and numbers next to your name....does anybody REALLY care about that? I personally don't give a flip what the number is next to my name or if I have a star....I'm just here for info and fun. I received A LOT of help with my business from this site and I hope that I have given some too.:)

And that is my opinion.
  • Thread starter
  • #19
I agree with Beth......Kudos for calling people on what has been happening on here lately. I've been a member on here since last November and lately I am having trouble shifting through posts and new threads. I really have to dig anymore to find information on my buisness, it's also caused me to avoid logging in here just because I don't have the time to shift through all of them. I also love everyone on here and don't want to offend people but I so agree with Beth.
  • #20
pamperedlinda said:
My goodness....take a chill pill and calm down!!!

I don't think Beth is all that upset. At least I hope not. Well, I'm not, anyway. I just know that Beth is to-the-point and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. The downfall with posting is that it doesn't convey emotion or emphasis. Hey, I'm the quirkiest of 'em all and love to goof around! And, I obviously (LOL) don't think things have to be all business either... things will certainly go off topic, its going to happen. And its great that they provide a forum like the Chef's Lounge for that.

I don't really think about the number next to my name, either. I'm on this site a lot (at work) during the day. I can't make PC calls at my job, but I can be downloading files and chatting. While I goof around, I like to think that I have given back a little bit of the great wisdom I have gotten here. And, I think even the joking around helps your business, because you are learning different personality types. I try to share as much as I can because some great people did that for me.

I do want to mention that I re-read my post... and when I said about "what this community is"... What I meant was that I (just my feelings) don't want new members to think this is about picking on other direct-sellers. I think every company has something to offer. And, in conjunction with that, I do agree with Beth's point about using this site for recruiting for other companies. I have seen that. My feeling is that of course you want to share your success with another, but please respect that this is for PC consultants to grow their business or hook up with other PC consultants. Maybe instead of posting in a thread you can PM or email someone you want to recruit.
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  • #21
other DSA...
lisacb77 said:
I thought it said somewhere in the consultant agreement that you couldn't demo any other product when you have a PC show? That's what I told my new recruit. She also sells Fruitaga and I told her having info avail was prolly okay, but not to incorporate in her presentation. I would assume this is to avoid any conception that PC is "endorsing" these other products.

Can someone clarify?

You are correct, we're not supposed to sell anything but PC when holding shows. I think it's also due to a conflict of interest.


When I did PL and TBS@Home it was the same for those as well.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
AJPratt said:
I don't think Beth is all that upset. At least I hope not. Well, I'm not, anyway. The downfal with posting is that it doesn't convey emotion or emphasis. Hey, I'm the quirkiest of 'em all and love to goof around! And, I obviously (LOL) don't think things have to be all business either... things will certainly go off topic, its going to happen. And its great that they provide a forum like the Chef's Lounge for that.

I don't really think about the number next to my name, either. I'm on this site a lot (at work) during the day. I can't make PC calls at my job, but I can be downloading files and chatting. While I goof around, I like to think that I have given back a little bit of the great wisdom I have gotten here. And, I think even the joking around helps your business, because you are learning different personality types. I try to share as much as I can because some great people did that for me.

I do want to mention that I re-read my post... and when I said about "what this community is"... What I meant was that I (just my feelings) don't want new members to think this is about picking on other direct-sellers. I think every company has something to offer. And, in conjunction with that, I do agree with Beth's point about using this site for recruiting for other companies. I have seen that. My feeling is that of course you want to share your success with another, but please respect that this is for PC consultants to grow their business or hook up with other PC consultants. Maybe instead of posting in a thread you can PM or email someone you want to recruit.

HERE, HERE ANNE!!!! I've seen alot of recruiting for other companies (thats for you KG, he he) and I just don't think this is the forum for that! As far as the # beside your name I don't really give two s*&%$ less about that. I enjoy the back and forth between people...it makes this a light and friendly place and I'm guilty of it also.
  • #23
Swirl said:
HERE, HERE ANNE!!!! I've seen alot of recruiting for other companies (thats for you KG, he he) and I just don't think this is the forum for that! As far as the # beside your name I don't really give two s*&%$ less about that. I enjoy the back and forth between people...it makes this a light and friendly place and I'm guilty of it also.

Thank you! On the other hand... I think that if it makes someone's day to see that they have contributed a lot fo posts, well, I think that's great, too! Hey, some of us have really crappy days and its a little sliver of sunshine in our otherwise dreary lives that we are part of something so great. Its like our own little club.
  • #24
And while I am at it... LOL I think Beth is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about trying to do two businesses at the same time. To those of you who are successful at both: Do you realize how truly special and unique you are? Most people can't do both. Frankly, I don't think I could.

But, once you accept directorship with PC, you can't sell anything else.
  • #25
AJPratt said:
And while I am at it... LOL I think Beth is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about trying to do two businesses at the same time. To those of you who are successful at both: Do you realize how truly special and unique you are? Most people can't do both. Frankly, I don't think I could.

But, once you accept directorship with PC, you can't sell anything else.
Anne, most people can't do ONE very well, let alone two.

It's tough enough having a MK rep in the house. I thought we might often collide, but the truth is, it works for us. There are surprisingly few duplicate names on our client lists.

If we do a quick market analysis, MK is a necessity. If The Kat Lady's customers weren't buying from her, they'd be spending the same cash at the department store for similar product.

OTOH, while we view TPC products as necessities, many people see our tools as luxury items to buy with discretionary dollars. When you realize that you don't NEED candles, you don't NEED home decorating materials and you don't NEED stamps, scrapbooks or any of the myriad of other products out there but want to sell those products along side TPC, you're competing with yourself for those same discretionary dollars.

That just doesn't make sense to me. I don't think many customers go for it, either.

Let me put it another way: Would you like it if your brain surgeon also "just happened" to be a proctologist?
  • #26
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Let me put it another way: Would you like it if your brain surgeon also "just happened" to be a proctologist?

Depends on if you need your head pulled out of your AS*!!
  • #27
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Let me put it another way: Would you like it if your brain surgeon also "just happened" to be a proctologist?

And that's a bad thing how...?

  • #28
AJPratt said:
And that's a bad thing how...?

For some people I know, the location of their heads would make that dual specialty a good thing!
  • #29
AJPratt said:
I don't think Beth is all that upset. At least I hope not. Well, I'm not, anyway. I just know that Beth is to-the-point and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. The downfall with posting is that it doesn't convey emotion or emphasis. Hey, I'm the quirkiest of 'em all and love to goof around! And, I obviously (LOL) don't think things have to be all business either... things will certainly go off topic, its going to happen. And its great that they provide a forum like the Chef's Lounge for that.

I don't really think about the number next to my name, either. I'm on this site a lot (at work) during the day. I can't make PC calls at my job, but I can be downloading files and chatting. While I goof around, I like to think that I have given back a little bit of the great wisdom I have gotten here. And, I think even the joking around helps your business, because you are learning different personality types. I try to share as much as I can because some great people did that for me.

I do want to mention that I re-read my post... and when I said about "what this community is"... What I meant was that I (just my feelings) don't want new members to think this is about picking on other direct-sellers. I think every company has something to offer. And, in conjunction with that, I do agree with Beth's point about using this site for recruiting for other companies. I have seen that. My feeling is that of course you want to share your success with another, but please respect that this is for PC consultants to grow their business or hook up with other PC consultants. Maybe instead of posting in a thread you can PM or email someone you want to recruit.

I guess that's the bad part of typing your conversation....you don't know the emotion behind the thought. I do not represent any company besides PC, I have never belittled any of them, and I have never tried to recruit anyone anywhere. The thing that ticked me off and caused my abrupt reply yesterday was the comment about posting just to get a star or a number and the 'dissappointment scolding' that came with it - I just didn't think that it was necessary. I think that we all use this site to help with our PC Business, it just sometimes tends to wander. I was just trying to 'stick-up' for the other posters out here (who do that, me included) and say that I don't mind when a topic goes off the subject, it makes for interesting conversation and you get to know the personality behind the keyboard. Maybe I read the wrong intent behind Beth's message and I reacted a bit strongly and I apologize for it (I was having a pissy day yesterday and was probably a little bit antsy:confused: ). But, I thought I was standing-up for those who do 'mindlessly post at times'. If (again) I've ticked anybody else off I apologize in advance. I just think that we are all adults and we don't need to be chastized for our comments.

I do love this site and I think that all the posters here are awesome, creative, and very helpful to one another.

  • #30
soonerchef said:
Depends on if you need your head pulled out of your AS*!!

Oh my gosh!!! You and The Kitchen Guy just really make my day!!! I love it when you two are on here (why did you have to go and get a stinkin job Andrea?!). You are not on here nearly enough!
  • #31
Aww, Linda! We're all friends! And, hey, if you don't have anything nice to say, just sit next to me! LOL

Like I said, I think that if it makes someone's day to see that they have contributed a lot fo posts, well, I think that's great, too! Hey, some of us have really crappy days and its a little sliver of sunshine in our otherwise dreary lives that we are part of something so great.

Can it be silly to think about post #'s? Sure... But one Cheffer's silly is another's important.
  • #32
You all make very good points. I just wanted to state for the record that for one, this thread is in the chef's lounge; I'm guessing that is the place to talk about anything. Second, I did reply to this thread about my other company I'm a part of only because I was asked. I was not replying to try to recruit anyone. If someone wants to sign, then sure great, they can PM me, but I was not trying to recruit for another company. I was merely informing others about a new company that might not be in their area yet. And like KG said about MK, I feel this company has necessities- for good health. I don't even actively sell for this company because my love & time is consumed by PC. I don't try to sell to my same clients because I don't want to be the type to say "oh here's some great kitchen tools, or here's some great health products if you don't want those" That's not me.
Anyway, I"m not trying to get anyone else all wound up, I just wanted to stick up for those that do make a living doing other things. If there's a thread not PC related, & I don't want to read it; I don't read it:)
  • #33
I'll sit next to you any day! :) Really, I normally am a very nice person ;) I'm just a bit twerked these days. I'm supposed to be packing to go for a visit with my in-laws (translation: I have to go with my husband to take my son to see his grandparents :rolleyes: and I have to pretend that I'm having a good time and that these people don't get on every nerve I have left!:eek: ). I am so NOT looking forward to this trip either. Five days of purgatory.......please send pleasant thoughts my way from Thursday to Tuesday. My DH is taking his lap top so maybe I can steal away and come here for some sanity (oh, did I just call this place sane????)
Any suggested reading material?

  • #34
Lacy.. for me personally, as I can't say what others are thinking, I wasn't talking about you recruiting on this site at all. I have "seen" others do it on another thread. So, if you thought my post was directed at you it certainly wasn't, it was something I had seen before this thread started. And, this IS the thread to share your other company. After all, someone asked.
  • #35
AJPratt said:
Lacy.. for me personally, as I can't say what others are thinking, I wasn't talking about you recruiting on this site at all. I have "seen" others do it on another thread. So, if you thought my post was directed at you it certainly wasn't, it was something I had seen before this thread started. And, this IS the thread to share your other company. After all, someone asked.

Thanks, Anne; I know what you mean. I didn't think you were directing towards just me; I guess we're all having those days where we're being defensive! :p
  • #36
Hey Lacy,

You know, I really haven't seen where anyone was trying to recruit out here (and after all the postings from yesterday trust me, I was looking to see if I missed something......can't find it). I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

I've actually been out to your site by the way. My husband was not a fan of Direct Sales when I decided to become a Pampered Chef Consultant. He kept saying "it's one of those pyramid schemes, stay away"...I said no way, it's the Pampered Chef! Anyhow, to make my story even longer....he's now interested in Nikken (another wellness company, know anything about them?). He's all fired-up and says hey, this is something we can do together.....uh, not! I'm good if I take my annual multi vitamin! Anyhow, I told him that my ambition is to become a director with PC and then I couldn't have my name tied to another DS (whew!). He's still trying to get me though.
  • #37
pamperedlinda said:
Hey Lacy,

You know, I really haven't seen where anyone was trying to recruit out here (and after all the postings from yesterday trust me, I was looking to see if I missed something......can't find it). I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

I've actually been out to your site by the way. My husband was not a fan of Direct Sales when I decided to become a Pampered Chef Consultant. He kept saying "it's one of those pyramid schemes, stay away"...I said no way, it's the Pampered Chef! Anyhow, to make my story even longer....he's now interested in Nikken (another wellness company, know anything about them?). He's all fired-up and says hey, this is something we can do together.....uh, not! I'm good if I take my annual multi vitamin! Anyhow, I told him that my ambition is to become a director with PC and then I couldn't have my name tied to another DS (whew!). He's still trying to get me though.

I know what you mean about taking vitamins-I am terrible at it! But I honestly have felt healthier since I started taking these vitamins. (which reminds me, I need to go take mine!) My mom takes them too, & she just told me that her knees no longer hurt & she's had bad knees forever. And I actually feel like I've had a good night's sleep when I take our stress-ese.
And no I'm not trying to recruit you! Ha, just had to say that.
I just love all the people here on this site; we really ought to plan something at conference next year:)
  • #38
pamperedlinda said:
I'll sit next to you any day! :) Really, I normally am a very nice person ;) I'm just a bit twerked these days. I'm supposed to be packing to go for a visit with my in-laws (translation: I have to go with my husband to take my son to see his grandparents :rolleyes: and I have to pretend that I'm having a good time and that these people don't get on every nerve I have left!:eek: ). I am so NOT looking forward to this trip either. Five days of purgatory.......please send pleasant thoughts my way from Thursday to Tuesday. My DH is taking his lap top so maybe I can steal away and come here for some sanity (oh, did I just call this place sane????)
Any suggested reading material?

FIVE days is just cruel and unusual punishment. A weekend is ALL I can take.
  • #39
AJPratt said:
FIVE days is just cruel and unusual punishment. A weekend is ALL I can take.

I'd prefer just an hour.

Oh well, the brite side is that they live in Colorado and it's absolutely beautiful there.
  • #40
pamperedlinda said:
I'd prefer just an hour.

Oh well, the brite side is that they live in Colorado and it's absolutely beautiful there.
If there is a choice, I'd prefer NOTHING!!
  • #41
BethCooks4U said:
Oh, and one other thought...
While it certainly is fine and educational for us all to learn and talk about other companies here at Chef Success - this forum is to help each other with our PC businesses. I have been very disappointed lately with all the posts trying to get people to join other companies and all the posts just to post and "get a star" or using it to "IM" each other. We certainly should have FUN here but.. come on ladies!

First you say it's fine and eductaional, then you say you are disappointed. Honest question-are you the owner or a moderator of this board (I'm pretty new, so I do not know)?

These posts are in the Chefs Lounge. I've never read anything saying what we are allowed to talk about and what we are not (not being sarcastic here-maybe I missed the rule).

The title of this thread is very clear. If this is something you are not interested in, why read it?

I enjoy reading all of the off-topic posts and appreciate all of the things I have learned about PC so far. I don't understand how the posts in this forum hurt anyone with their PC business.
  • #42
Grey said:
First you say it's fine and eductaional, then you say you are disappointed. Honest question-are you the owner or a moderator of this board (I'm pretty new, so I do not know)?

These posts are in the Chefs Lounge. I've never read anything saying what we are allowed to talk about and what we are not (not being sarcastic here-maybe I missed the rule).

The title of this thread is very clear. If this is something you are not interested in, why read it?

I enjoy reading all of the off-topic posts and appreciate all of the things I have learned about PC so far. I don't understand how the posts in this forum hurt anyone with their PC business.
No, Beth isn't the owner but she is an experienced and respected member. She is a wealth of information and runs a very successful business. I can't speak for Beth, but I think that while she enjoys much of what this site has to offer she doesn't care for some of the posts... that's all. She does have a valid point about recruiting for other companies, which I have seen for myself.
  • #43
I have qualified my posts with things like "it's a free country"; "you can do what you choose"; "In my opinion".

I knew when I posted that I would be stirring a nest and I really didn't want to do that. I just felt that I had a right to give my opinion too. The title of this thread lends itself to people talking about and learning about other direct sell companies and I find nothing wrong with that. I was giving my opinion on selling for more than one company - an appropriate comment in this thread. And I did say that if you want it to be something other than PC that was a great choice for you but that if you chose more than one you were setting yourself up for lower sales in both and lowering your potential.

I also noted that some people are trying to recruit to other companies through this site - the owners of this site made it VERY clear a while back that we are NOT to promote our own business (try to actively recruit a non-consultant who is visiting) on this site. I think it fair to expect not to have others recruit for their company here either.

I am not a moderator or owner on this site. Just a consultant who posts here and looks for great advice from other PC consultants. Contrary to what you may think I do not mind when topics go off subject and get silly. I was just commenting on the fact that it had been getting way off base lately. The comments I made at the end of the post were just observations that I was making in the "lounge". We all have days when we can't keep our mouths shut. (I'm talking about ME here)

PS: None of my comments have ever been made to chastise anyone and I apologize for making anyone feel that way.
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