I am trying to close out a catalog show and the host is $5.00 short of $500 So I sent her a message asking if she wanted to add another order to bump it up. Then she tells me her sister in law ordered online and already has her stuff. I start thinking here we go again..... another person who placed an individual order instead of a show (this happens way too often!) I ask for the sister in laws name and look over all my ind orders for the last 30 days and she didn't order from me at all.
Why do people think that they can go to pamperedchef.com and order and it will magically get routed to me and then to the correct host?????? I mean even with a little common sense you would realize that is impossible. and I always tell people if it is in any way confusing for them to order online PLEASE call me because it is easier to help them by taking their order over the phone than fixing it later, but they never do.
Sorry for the rant but yesterday someone asked me "didn't you get Mike's order for his wifes DCB?" When I had no idea what she was talking about she informed me that a women from a recent show wanted the DCB for Christmas so the husband was given my name and # to order, but instead he ordered off the main website:grumpy: Kind of made annoyed. My husband says it is because people don't want to deal with a real person these day and I think he is kind of right. The sad thing is I can always offer them the best deal either a free cookbook or even free shipping for cyber Monday and he missed out on both.
Why do people think that they can go to pamperedchef.com and order and it will magically get routed to me and then to the correct host?????? I mean even with a little common sense you would realize that is impossible. and I always tell people if it is in any way confusing for them to order online PLEASE call me because it is easier to help them by taking their order over the phone than fixing it later, but they never do.
Sorry for the rant but yesterday someone asked me "didn't you get Mike's order for his wifes DCB?" When I had no idea what she was talking about she informed me that a women from a recent show wanted the DCB for Christmas so the husband was given my name and # to order, but instead he ordered off the main website:grumpy: Kind of made annoyed. My husband says it is because people don't want to deal with a real person these day and I think he is kind of right. The sad thing is I can always offer them the best deal either a free cookbook or even free shipping for cyber Monday and he missed out on both.