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Ask the Directors: From Consultant to Director - Insights and Advice

In summary, this director chefer says that if someone became a consultant and only played around with the business, then they changed when they qualified and then got encouragement from their director. They suggest getting a consistent show schedule and offer the business to everyone.
Gold Member
This was posted on my cluster's loop, forwarded by my director's sister director. One director had asked the question, and then all the responses were posted. I thought it would be good to see responses from you director cheffers.

"I have a question for you. Is there anyone out there who became a consultant and just kind of played around with the biz, maybe you went inactive a few times. You submitted one month and not the next, and then you pumped it up and started holding more shows, started recruiting and promoted to director.

Is there anyone like that?

If so, what made you change? Did someone encourage you? I would love to hear from someone who was this kind of consultant, and what made you change."

I will add my own question as well: If there was one piece of advice that you could give to those of us that are striving to promote, what would it be?

I am looking forward to reading all the responses from our director cheffers!:chef:
Bren706 said:
This was posted on my cluster's loop, forwarded by my director's sister director. One director had asked the question, and then all the responses were posted. I thought it would be good to see responses from you director cheffers.

"I have a question for you. Is there anyone out there who became a consultant and just kind of played around with the biz, maybe you went inactive a few times. You submitted one month and not the next, and then you pumped it up and started holding more shows, started recruiting and promoted to director.

Is there anyone like that?

If so, what made you change? Did someone encourage you? I would love to hear from someone who was this kind of consultant, and what made you change."

I will add my own question as well: If there was one piece of advice that you could give to those of us that are striving to promote, what would it be?

I am looking forward to reading all the responses from our director cheffers!:chef:

Oh! That is me! When I first started - it was completely a hobby! It took me 3 months to qualify! All I was in it for was some free and discounted products. Then - my director talked me into going to conference, and I came home all gung-ho to recruit. Recruited 5 in 6 weeks - and was flying high. Then I found out I was pregnant and had to be on bedrest. I didn't go inactive, but barely. For the next 16 months I just dabbled. Stayed active, but it was spotty. Then I went to conference again....and got the fire, plus, I needed more income in order to stay home with my son. So - I started booking more shows, and talking about the business. Now - I am set to promote on Oct 1st.:thumbup:
Bren706 said:
This was posted on my cluster's loop, forwarded by my director's sister director. One director had asked the question, and then all the responses were posted. I thought it would be good to see responses from you director cheffers.

"I have a question for you. Is there anyone out there who became a consultant and just kind of played around with the biz, maybe you went inactive a few times. You submitted one month and not the next, and then you pumped it up and started holding more shows, started recruiting and promoted to director.

Is there anyone like that?

If so, what made you change? Did someone encourage you? I would love to hear from someone who was this kind of consultant, and what made you change."

I will add my own question as well: If there was one piece of advice that you could give to those of us that are striving to promote, what would it be?

I am looking forward to reading all the responses from our director cheffers!:chef:
Get a consistant show schedule. If you are dabbling, set a goal to submit $1250. When you hit that goal, make it $2500, then $4000*. Or set that goal to 4 shows/month, then 6, then 8. Along the way offer the business to everyone. We don't know who needs our business so never pre-judge anyone!

*you do not need to be submitting $4000 yourself to promote - don't wait for that! - but it is a good goal!
well, never once came close to becoming inactive or anything but my advice is: NEVER GIVE UP!!! It took me 8 1/2 years to promote! KEEP RECRUITING!!! Once you get 5, get 5 more then get 5 more, then......etc.!

Keep asking everyone. I have recruited more people in the past 3-4 months simply because I asked. I have one signing today (have agreement in hand) only because she was a guest a show and I overheard her conversation saying she was going to be losing her job before the end of the year. I was bold and went up to her and told her I have a great solution for her. She instantly shot the idea down. Well, she had scheduled a show and while host coaching her I asked her about the opportunity (not realizing that she was the same person that turned it down-have a bad memory here.). She had said she would think about it. I gave her information and kept it in front of her the entire time while in the mean time she did a $1,000 show as my host! She is now, SO EXCITED and I know she'll do very well! NEVER GIVE UP!!!
Hey Brenda, that is me :)
When I signed I wanted $300 a month, did that most of the time and skipped a month or two for the first year or so. Last year I went to conference and honestly I think I was overwhelmed. I wanted what was offered but I had no direction to get it. I had an inconsistent show schedule, my recruiting was junk. I was barely active through last fall and almost went inactive in January. I decided that I wanted to promote, stay with my kids and quit my job more than I wanted to be comfortable. I started my "program to promote" in February. I recruited 10 from Feb 18th -June. I promoted June 1st and I did 2400 in Feb, 1281 in march, 4134 in April, 3944 in may, and 3408 in June. I will not look back!
It is important to realize it is a process.
Some days will be better than others but ALL days that you are working have to include work!
Sure, I got bumps, bruises, and shot down along the way. But I found that the ones that are happy for me, happy to help and want what I have to offer far out weight the ones that don't.

Make a plan!
Set goals!
Track them where you can see them and so can everyone else:)
Treat this as a job and do the work.
No excuses.
Get a mentor & a few cheerleaders!

I realized while doing this that it is just a job, anyone really can do it, it is not personal when someone shoots me down & happy thoughts and offering service without strings will keep ya going!
Great idea!
ChefBeckyD said:
Oh! That is me! When I first started - it was completely a hobby! It took me 3 months to qualify! All I was in it for was some free and discounted products. Then - my director talked me into going to conference, and I came home all gung-ho to recruit. Recruited 5 in 6 weeks - and was flying high. Then I found out I was pregnant and had to be on bedrest. I didn't go inactive, but barely. For the next 16 months I just dabbled. Stayed active, but it was spotty. Then I went to conference again....and got the fire, plus, I needed more income in order to stay home with my son. So - I started booking more shows, and talking about the business. Now - I am set to promote on Oct 1st.:thumbup:

BECKY!! That's wonderful!!
Keep the tips comin', you great CS directors!:D
I know Michael Reeves-Did this--He was in and out--When he put his heart into it--He recruited I think 14 last month--Promoted to Director and Advanced--soon after--RECRUITING IS KEY-----
My advice for everyone that would like to be successful at thier business it to be sure to touch it EVERYDAY! Meaning, you need to do something related to PC each and every day. Ok so you can take weekends off if you need to. You will have a much easier time handling the details and keeping up with your customers if you brake it down into smaller, workable bits. It sounds like common sense, but for some reason not everyone does this.
  • #10
I was a hobbyist for 4 years until I saw the bigger picture and was able to really focus on helping others start such a wonderful business! I was never close to being inactive, but there were times when I did 2-3 shows a month, sales were always good and then I would hit a slump and then I would bounce back.....

PC offered a "get all of the stoneware free when you qualify" special and suddenly I had a team of 9! It was never an actual goal of mine to be a Director..it was only thru this promotion did my team grow. BUT once I had a team, I didn't look back!
  • #11
Great information. This is me.. I am so ready to get busy.. and need a little direction. Please giving advice!! This is so helpful!!
  • #12
Touch your business every day...in ways that will help your business. My biggest struggles have always been the tendency to make things harder than they need to be and to do 'busywork' versus business work. (I can't tell you how many times I've reorganized my office :blushing: or cruised CS just to be on here).

The question I try to ask myself is 'how is what I'm doing actually helping my business grow?'

When I first started I was scared about not having enough bookings...so I got on here and read thread after thread in the booking forum....same with host coaching. I then made a list of things to do and starting working them. (Reading the threads also made me realize the business is out there; I just had to tap into it.)

I'm also a huge procastinator, so I've learned to ask myself some hard questions at the end of every week:
- Did I make 15 contacts?
- Did I follow-up with those interested in the business?
- Did I connect with my upcoming hosts?
- Did I contact/coach those on my team who want/need it?
- Did I follow-up with any potential bookings and sales?
- Did I make any customer care calls?
- Did I take a PC Tele-Class?
- Did I take five minutes to do product features/benefits on-line training?

I don't do this to beat myself up...it just forces me to be honest with myself about what I am avoiding. :eek: I really, totally, completely do not want to ever work for someone else again...and that does a lot to get my patootie in gear.
  • #13
legacypc46 said:
Touch your business every day...in ways that will help your business. My biggest struggles have always been the tendency to make things harder than they need to be and to do 'busywork' versus business work. (I can't tell you how many times I've reorganized my office :blushing: or cruised CS just to be on here).

The question I try to ask myself is 'how is what I'm doing actually helping my business grow?'

When I first started I was scared about not having enough bookings...so I got on here and read thread after thread in the booking forum....same with host coaching. I then made a list of things to do and starting working them. (Reading the threads also made me realize the business is out there; I just had to tap into it.)

I'm also a huge procastinator, so I've learned to ask myself some hard questions at the end of every week:
- Did I make 15 contacts?
- Did I follow-up with those interested in the business?
- Did I connect with my upcoming hosts?
- Did I contact/coach those on my team who want/need it?
- Did I follow-up with any potential bookings and sales?
- Did I make any customer care calls?
- Did I take a PC Tele-Class?
- Did I take five minutes to do product features/benefits on-line training?

I don't do this to beat myself up...it just forces me to be honest with myself about what I am avoiding. :eek: I really, totally, completely do not want to ever work for someone else again...and that does a lot to get my patootie in gear.

Excelllent. Thank you!! I am going to print this and hang it on my wall where I can begin checking myself and my strides. I also want this to work. Thank all of you. This has been one of the best threads on this site. Real positive experiences. Great!!!!!!

Related to Ask the Directors: From Consultant to Director - Insights and Advice

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"Ask the Directors!" is a program offered by Pampered Chef where customers can submit questions to our company's top executives. The questions can be about our products, business practices, or anything else related to Pampered Chef.

How do I submit a question for "Ask the Directors!"?

You can submit a question for "Ask the Directors!" by clicking on the "Submit Your Question" button on our website. You will then be prompted to fill out a form with your name, email, and question. Alternatively, you can also submit a question through our social media channels by using the hashtag #AskTheDirectors.

Can I ask multiple questions for "Ask the Directors!"?

Yes, you can submit multiple questions for "Ask the Directors!" However, we ask that you limit your questions to one per submission in order to give everyone a fair chance to have their questions answered.

How are questions selected for "Ask the Directors!"?

Our team carefully reviews all submitted questions and selects a variety of questions that represent the most common and relevant inquiries from our customers. We strive to choose questions that will provide valuable information to our customers and benefit the entire Pampered Chef community.

When will my question be answered on "Ask the Directors!"?

We cannot guarantee a specific timeline for when your question will be answered on "Ask the Directors!" However, we aim to answer a new set of questions every month, so keep an eye out for updates on our website and social media pages.

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