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Are You Team Edward or Team Jacob?

I just finished book 4 this week. I liked the series but I didn't love it. Book 4 was my favorite. I haven't watched "Twilight" the movie but I plan to in the near future.I haven't read any of the books but I have several friends who are "addicted"....my 17 yo started reading them and then we rented the movie for her to watch...I watched it with her and well, I guess I'm just going to have to read them now....I didn't get the fascination at first, but now I guess I'm hooked....I read all four books in a week (didn't get a lot done otherwise, but I was hooked).I saw the movie in
I know alot of Highschoolers are into this but I absolutely love the books and I am on book three, and most likely in love with a 110 yr old vampire (LOL) Twilight the movie was good and I can't wait for New Moon. Stephanie Meyer is an awesome author, she makes it suspensivle and romantic at the same time!
I JUST read the 1st one while spending 14 hours in the car this past weekend. My friend has all 4 and is passing them on to me. (Of course since the 1st chapter of book 2 was at the end, I couldn't stop myself from reading on.) I'm a teacher AND and avid reader, and I generally can't read for enjoyment during the school year, b/c I don't have enough sense to put the book down and do what I'm supposed to!! LOL! I have a few days off coming up where I'm going to a convention, so maybe I can squeeze in some reading time.

Loved the book, but I was concerned throughout the whole thing about the girl in my 2nd grade class who is "into" the whole Twilight thing. I would guess that she's seen the movie.........that makes me VERY uncomfortable!!!!
I have read the complete Twilight series. (just finished book 4 this week) I liked the series but I didn't love it. Book 4 was my favorite. I have not watched "Twilight" the movie but I plan to in the near future.
I haven't read any of the books but I have several friends who are "addicted"....my 17 yo started reading them and then we rented the movie for her to watch...I watched it with her and well, I guess I'm just going to have to read them now....I didn't get the fascination at first, but now I guess I'm hooked....
I read all four books in a week (didn't get a lot done otherwise, but I was hooked). I saw the movie in theaters, didn't LOVE the movie because I think it could have been better, but it wasn't terrible either (the movie is never as good as the book in most cases, anyway). I do think that New Moon will be a better movie because so much more is being invested in it (the production of Twilight was done with a very low budget). I'm not "addicted" to the series, but I do think the books are a good read if you want an interesting story...drama and action and all that. And I usually take one of the books with me to read during planning periods on days that I sub, so it's funny when kids in my classes (usually middle school) see it on the desk and freak out when they find out that I've read them/am re-reading them. :) I guess that makes me the "cool" sub in their eyes. The main reason I ever even picked the first one up was because my niece wanted to read them and I usually give my SIL a heads-up on whether or not it's appropriate for her (she's only 12).
Me too!!! One of my friends kept talking about them and i love to read anyways. So I bought Twilight and read it and had to go back to walmart to get the rest and buy the movie. I am so addicted. If you go to Stephenie Meyer's website she has a ton of extra stuff on there. There is also A 256 page online book on there of Twilight's first couple chapters from Edwards's point of view. It is a must read.
Can't wait till New Moon comes out in November and then Eclipse will be out next July.

sklay723 said:
I read all four books in a week (didn't get a lot done otherwise, but I was hooked). QUOTE]
I read all three in just a few weeks, two days for each one with a break in between(not by choice!).

I just finished the Host a couple weeks ago and loved it! I heard a rumor that Stephanie Meyer is making that into a series also. I hope so, I loved the characters in that book also!
I want to read the host as well but after spending all that money on the twighlight series I couldnt bring myself to by The Host-just yet!! :blushing:

Symara said:
I read all three in just a few weeks, two days for each one with a break in between(not by choice!).

I just finished the Host a couple weeks ago and loved it! I heard a rumor that Stephanie Meyer is making that into a series also. I hope so, I loved the characters in that book also!
I've read all 4 of the books - easy read - pretty good stories. I have to share this - my mom who is 65 years read all 4 of the books before me (she gave me her copies to read). She has seen the movie 3 times in the theatre and numerous times on DVD - I have to say she's a bit obsessed with Edward - we keep telling her we're going to get her a t-shirt with his picture on it. So they definitely appeal to a wide audience. Of course, my teenage nieces all love them as well!
  • #10
I have readt all 4 books 2 times! first time finished in less than 2 weeks and that includes waiting 2 dayf for Amazon to ship them!

I admit I am a complete nut over everything twilight. I preordered the movie from Amazon then found out Target has a 3 disc special eddition... Now I have BOTH!!!

Team Edward Baby!
  • #11
I have read the 1st 2 so far. My DH bought me twilight for christmas because he knew I liked vampire stories. (we both are big fans of true blood those books are equally if not more addictive) I loved it, I've just recently finished New Moon and can't wait to read the next 2. I saw the movie once about 2 weeks or so ago or whatever weekend it came out. My friend who has read all 4 had a "Twilight Party" and had food and we watched the movie. I liked the movie. The book is obviously better but I thought the movie followed the book pretty well. I can't wait for New Moon to come out!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
I bought the soundtrack today and its pretty good, my DD who's 12 has a big crush on Jacob, I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree (lol). She saw the movie poster inside the cd cover and wants to put it in her room. Everytime she sees teen mags she always points out Jacob to me! I cannot wait for New Moon. Thanks for the tips about the website. I like all the vampire stories, too but Edward is way better looking than Brom Stoker or Beli Lugosi (sp) (LOL)
Keep the comments coming
  • #13
Last summer a read a series of "beach novels" called the "Vegas Vampires". Quite a bit racier than Twilight, but a fun read!
  • #14
cewcooks said:
I bought the soundtrack today and its pretty good, my DD who's 12 has a big crush on Jacob, I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree (lol). She saw the movie poster inside the cd cover and wants to put it in her room. Everytime she sees teen mags she always points out Jacob to me! I cannot wait for New Moon. Thanks for the tips about the website. I like all the vampire stories, too but Edward is way better looking than Brom Stoker or Beli Lugosi (sp) (LOL)
Keep the comments coming

When I see Jacob in the movies I just keep picturing Shark Boy. My kids watched that movie so many times. :rolleyes:
  • #15
Symara said:
I read all three in just a few weeks, two days for each one with a break in between(not by choice!).

I just finished the Host a couple weeks ago and loved it! I heard a rumor that Stephanie Meyer is making that into a series also. I hope so, I loved the characters in that book also!

the host was like the second twilight book in that it had reeeeeally slow points. but once it picked up i couldnt put it down! that would be great to have it in a series - SO much can happen to the characters!!

Gina M said:
I've read all 4 of the books - easy read - pretty good stories. I have to share this - my mom who is 65 years read all 4 of the books before me (she gave me her copies to read). She has seen the movie 3 times in the theatre and numerous times on DVD - I have to say she's a bit obsessed with Edward - we keep telling her we're going to get her a t-shirt with his picture on it. So they definitely appeal to a wide audience. Of course, my teenage nieces all love them as well!

heres a shirt for your mom :love:


kcmckay said:
I have read the 1st 2 so far. My DH bought me twilight for christmas because he knew I liked vampire stories. (we both are big fans of true blood those books are equally if not more addictive) I loved it, I've just recently finished New Moon and can't wait to read the next 2. I saw the movie once about 2 weeks or so ago or whatever weekend it came out. My friend who has read all 4 had a "Twilight Party" and had food and we watched the movie. I liked the movie. The book is obviously better but I thought the movie followed the book pretty well. I can't wait for New Moon to come out!!

everytime im at target i think about buying the first true blood book. but i have a small OCD problem with buying books either all in hardback or all in softback. and target only has the first 2 books in softback and the last two in hardback. i know - weird problem i have. but i WILL read them!
  • #16
Great shirt Meghan!
  • #17
I am on book 3 and I am obsessed. My 12 yr old niece told me a little of what happens in book 4....all before I read them when I swore up and down to her that I would NOT read them....it wont really spoil it, makes me want to hurry and finish book 3 even more so that I can get to book 4!
I've heard the movie is not at good as the first book and I really didnt expect it to be. I plan on renting it over the weekend!
And YES - love the shirt!
  • #18
I too am really into Twilight. I "devoured" the books in just 4 days. One book each day.

I didn't read through all of the posts, b/c it is late, but for all of you "addicts" here is a sneak peak at an AMAZING book!! Really makes you look at this all just a bit differently. And wish the already amazing series was complete from both sides. If you go to Stephanie Meyers website and go to publications or books or something and find Midnight Sun that is Edwards version of Twilight. You can download the pdf to your desktop to read. It is not the complete book. Stephanie was writing it and gave out a few unfinished copies and someone leaked one, so she decided to post what is there. It is AMAZING to "see" things from Edwards point of view. AMAZING.
I have the movie bought it when it came out, but I still haven't watched it. My DD has read the whole series as well (in 4 days also) and she hasn't seen it either. At first I was going to watch it with her, but then I get so "selfish" and I want to watch it by myself so I can really "experience" the movie. I didn't discuss the books while I read them b/c I just wanted my point of view. I was so consumed by the books that I couldn't focus on anything else and I want to watch the movie by myself. I should just let my daughter watch it on her own and then I will later when I am ready (I was really consumed by the books, I need to prepare to "fall back into" that phase), but I don't want her to talk about the movie until I have seen it.
I know I am selfish, but that is me. LOL!! I get really into things I like.

I also bought The Host, but I haven't been able to read it yet. In fact I really haven't been able to read anything since the Twilight series.
I will have to check out the True Blood series.
  • #19
Chris - my hairdresser is totally into Twilight and was tellling me about "Edwards book" just this morning while she was cutting my hair. She recommended that I read it after the 3rd book and all that happens with Jacob. I'm on book 3 now. So...I'll be ready! Also rented the movie for tonight and I cannot wait! It has been a long time since I've read a series of books that consumed me like these. I still cant believe I waited this long to start them! :)
  • #20
I love Edward's book. I am so sad that people had to betray Stephenie's trust and leak her story and ruin things. I wish she would still go ahead and finish it because I'd love to read more. It's so good!
  • #21
I love to read & enjoyed this series but I'm not an addict like some I know:p
  • #22
I loved the Twilight series too. The movie is not as good as the book, but still a good movie. I will have to go check out the other book about Edward's side. I hadn't heard about that yet.
  • #23
I love the Twilight series. I told DH I wanted the books since I borrowed them from friends. I also loved the Host, I would love to see them make a series out of it. The funny thing when I was reading the Host I kept thinking that would be great in a movie
  • #24
Cindycooks said:
Chris - my hairdresser is totally into Twilight and was tellling me about "Edwards book" just this morning while she was cutting my hair. She recommended that I read it after the 3rd book and all that happens with Jacob. I'm on book 3 now. So...I'll be ready! Also rented the movie for tonight and I cannot wait! It has been a long time since I've read a series of books that consumed me like these. I still cant believe I waited this long to start them! :)

I would actually wait until you were done with the series. I don't think I enjoyed Book 4 as much as I would have had I not read Edwards book. But that is just my opinion. But it is an AMAZING read and really changes your perspective on the entire series.
  • #25
everytime im at target i think about buying the first true blood book. but i have a small OCD problem with buying books either all in hardback or all in softback. and target only has the first 2 books in softback and the last two in hardback. i know - weird problem i have. but i WILL read them![/QUOTE]

you should make sure you do have them all at one they are that addictive. My friend gave me all but the last one for my birthday and I flew through them all. I'm still waiting for the last one to come out in paperback!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
We rewatched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Edward (Robert Pattinson) was in it as Cedric Diggory... just thought you'd all like to know
  • #27
I also love the twilight series and the true blood series. just finished book 3 of the true blood series...cant wait to get #4!
  • #28
When the adds for twilight the movie were on tv I kept thinking... "hey that's Cedric!" I "puffy heart" :love: Rob Pattinson....

  • #29
cedric was cute in harry potter. but its his character in twilight that makes him so attractive. just the way he loves bellas. ::sighs::
  • #30
I love the Twilight series. When we were in Florida two weeks ago we watched the movie every night. My daughter and her friend are 14... By the end of the week I was telling them that I loved Edward:)

One rainy day we were at Walmart and I almost bought a Team Edward shirt just to embarrass my daughter, but I couldn't because that would be too cruel. She is so shy...Now, if I had seen the Mrs. Cullen shirt...it would be mine.
  • #31
Saw the movie and liked it ... but I'm really not sure about Edward ... if I was in her place, I'd wonder if he'd still love me if I wasn't human anymore.I heard Bella becomes really whiny and needy in the future books, like "I'm nothing without my man." Not a great role model for young girls.
  • #32
I just finished Twilight and don't know what to think of it. I read it in 2 days, which would make me think I LOVED it, but half-way through - I didn't know if I was interested in it or not....????
  • #33
stefani2 said:
I just finished Twilight and don't know what to think of it. I read it in 2 days, which would make me think I LOVED it, but half-way through - I didn't know if I was interested in it or not....????

I read it too fast the first time through and didn't re-read it until just recently...and surprisingly, I picked up on a lot of details I missed the first time. Didn't "not like" it before (obviously, since I inhaled the 2nd, 3rd and 4th immediately), and the movie doesn't do it full justice, but I definitely liked reading it better the second time around.
  • #34
sklay723 said:
I read it too fast the first time through and didn't re-read it until just recently...and surprisingly, I picked up on a lot of details I missed the first time. Didn't "not like" it before (obviously, since I inhaled the 2nd, 3rd and 4th immediately), and the movie doesn't do it full justice, but I definitely liked reading it better the second time around.

maybe that is it. When I get a book that others say it is good - it usually takes me 1-2 days to read it. It took me a long time to get into the book - but kept reading it cuz everyone says it is so good. I don't know if I should continue into the second one or not....maybe it just isn't my thing......
  • #35
i am only on book 3 - so I may be missing something. I really like Jacob Black though....
  • #36
I felt the same way about "missing something about Jacob Black" because I rushed through the books breezing over Jacobs parts. "Yeah, yeah ...where is Edward?"

Embarrassingly, I will admit that I just finished reading the series for the 3rd time. First time I was Team Edward (Mrs. Cullen), second time I switched to Jacob's team and now I see how Bella loved them both. Oddly, my sales dropped a bit this April. Yikes! So the Twilight series has been shelved into my daughter's room permanently. She has been on the Twilight Sucks forum (Gasp!) and I told her to reread them because she will really see it differently when she slows down.

Hello, I'm Elaine and I'm a Twilight-adict... No more...but I will get on here and chat about it...Hehehehehe
  • #37
Elaine - you are funny. :)

I LOVE Jacob! :love::love::love:

Related to Are You Team Edward or Team Jacob?

1. What is the Twilight series about?

The Twilight series is a young adult fantasy romance novel written by Stephenie Meyer. It follows the story of Bella Swan, a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen.

2. How many books are in the Twilight series?

There are four books in the Twilight series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. There is also a companion novel, Midnight Sun, which retells the events of Twilight from Edward's perspective.

3. How old is Edward Cullen?

In the books, Edward is 110 years old. He was turned into a vampire in 1918 when he was 17 years old.

4. What is your favorite part about the Twilight series?

Personally, I love the suspense and romance in the books. The way Meyer blends the supernatural elements with the love story is captivating and keeps me hooked until the very end.

5. Are there any other books or movies related to the Twilight series?

Aside from the four books and the companion novel, there is also a spin-off series called The Twilight Saga: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. The books were also adapted into a successful movie franchise, with five films: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2.

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