I've been spending some time looking at my team stats for the past year. Those who did submit in December last year are no longer active. Last January was horrible - Nobody submitted a single sale!!:cry: So, I'm trying to be a little pro-active in my approach. I know it seems early, but I normally only have 2 "working" members. They are always back & forth for top sales. But everyone has been very inconsistent in their shows schedules (me included). I have 1 new recruit that is about to give everyone a little friendly competition(finally!) I know that they are all excited about sell-a-thon, so this is the email that I'm considering sending to my team. Right now, I think the 3 carrot chasers would definitely bite on this and push to get to the next level. Do you think it would help motivate the others?
November is Sell-A-Thon Month!
I've attached the flyer that was in the Consultants News. It is also available on Consultants Corner.
Ok, here's the challenge:
When you reach the following levels in November I will reward you with:
$1500 level - $10 PC Dollars
$3000 level - $25 PC Dollars
$6000 level - $50 PC Dollars
PC Dollars will be paid on the HIGHEST level that you reach!
For December, for EACH show that you HOLD & SUBMIT, I will put your name into a drawing for the MOST EXPENSIVE New Product from the $3000 level. product will be awarded AFTER the samples are shipped!
Ok, we all want to do great for Sell-a-Thon! But the key to maintaining your business is planning for AFTER the Holidays! So, you really want to start thinking about getting your January booked BEFORE Thanksgiving! I have a series of postcards that I will be sending you that you can mail to your January Hosts DURING December/Christmas to keep their party on their mind. Host Coaching is essential during this time!!!
SO, here's what I have in store for you for January!
For EACH January show that you HOLD & SUBMIT, I will put your name into a drawing for New Product only available from the $6000 Level!! AND, when you submit the highest sales over $1000, I will give you a $25 Gift Card to the merchant of YOUR CHOICE!!!
November is Sell-A-Thon Month!
I've attached the flyer that was in the Consultants News. It is also available on Consultants Corner.
Ok, here's the challenge:
When you reach the following levels in November I will reward you with:
$1500 level - $10 PC Dollars
$3000 level - $25 PC Dollars
$6000 level - $50 PC Dollars
PC Dollars will be paid on the HIGHEST level that you reach!
For December, for EACH show that you HOLD & SUBMIT, I will put your name into a drawing for the MOST EXPENSIVE New Product from the $3000 level. product will be awarded AFTER the samples are shipped!
Ok, we all want to do great for Sell-a-Thon! But the key to maintaining your business is planning for AFTER the Holidays! So, you really want to start thinking about getting your January booked BEFORE Thanksgiving! I have a series of postcards that I will be sending you that you can mail to your January Hosts DURING December/Christmas to keep their party on their mind. Host Coaching is essential during this time!!!
SO, here's what I have in store for you for January!
For EACH January show that you HOLD & SUBMIT, I will put your name into a drawing for New Product only available from the $6000 Level!! AND, when you submit the highest sales over $1000, I will give you a $25 Gift Card to the merchant of YOUR CHOICE!!!