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Director Are Online Leads Worth the Hassle?

In summary, the lead was a guy that was interested in hosting a show, and it seems that someone entered his information
Gold Member
I love getting the random sales :happyforyou: woot woot Free Money!!!

But all other leads generally lead to nowhere! This guy, who was a HO lead about a week ago, and I have been playing phone tag. He was interested in "Starting his owm PC Biz" Well, we finally talk tonight. He wants to recruit ME to join his Melaluca team! :yuck: Nope, I told him that I was not interested and that this was supposed to be all about him and that I'd love to help him get started with his PC biz :goodluck: lol he said he'd think about it some more and call me back....lol
Sorry girl. Wasted leads are no fun. :(
Desperation at its finest! :yuck:
I'm fairly certain, based on the # of times it's happened to me, that Melaluca reps are trained to do that.
I got one last week for starting her own biz...called her right away and she says "Oh sorry in th mean time I told a friend and she referred me to her consultant so I already called her and am signing up on Saturday." Seriously? In a matter of hours you already called someone else? Sheesh, patience....
BTW: haven't heard of anyone selling melaluca since early 90s. Didn't realize they even still existed.
I got you beat. I had a HO lead that was a guy and it said he was interested in hosting a show. I left a few messages and sent an email or two. He finally called me back and told me he had no idea what PC even was. Looks like someone punked him and entered his info. He sounded really young, too.
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  • #8
finley1991 said:
Desperation at its finest! :yuck:

Yes, he sounded very nervous when I talked to him. He thought our businesses would compliment each other....really? I told him I was not interested, but I'd help him get started and he could work them woth each other and let me know how it works together.
I have a friend that sell. Always on FB trying to get her friends to buy and start selling too. I don't even know what it is as her posts are annoying because that's all it ever is. Many each day.
  • #10
I hope you explained to him that he "stole" a lead from you and that if someone is interested in HIS business they will contact HIM through HIS website that HE pays for!
  • #11
Had one last year where that lady make "bling" tshirts and how she just knew I would love them and want to buy them for my team. I politely explained to her that in fact if I was interested in HER business I would have sought her out. And that we have a compnay that produces our licensed logo wear and that she should reconsider this as a way to build her business. As I go out and find people interested in my business by networking and doing fairs.
  • #12
Melissa78 said:
I got one last week for starting her own biz...called her right away and she says "Oh sorry in th mean time I told a friend and she referred me to her consultant so I already called her and am signing up on Saturday." Seriously? In a matter of hours you already called someone else? Sheesh, patience....

That happened to me, except within the couple of hours, she already joined another company.
  • #13
Ok...remember, I AM so grateful for having HO leads back! I had not been online for a few hours but just checked my e-mail. I had a lead who checked every box so I wasted no time in calling. My heart was jumping for joy when she told me that she had already signed up for her kit!!! Then she told me...."with another consultant my husband told me about" I believe she may be very deep down in my downline but not sure yet, she hasn't shown up on the report yet. :cry::cry::cry::cry: There are about 4 of us that I know of that are eligible for leads right now so I will patiently wait my turn.
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  • #14
I got an HO lead this morning that was "Interested in hosting a show" ... Nope, she wants me to join her Direct Sales Networking Group so we can "help each other in this bad economy since people don't want to have parties in their homes any more" ...huh??? I told her I hadn't recognized that as a problem. And that Direct Sales was a relationship-based business and the best way for her to grow her business was to get out there and meet people. She does some biz I've never heard of, something to do with manicure nail art (the decorative film that you put on your nails).
  • #15
pamperedlinda said:
I got an HO lead this morning that was "Interested in hosting a show" ... Nope, she wants me to join her Direct Sales Networking Group so we can "help each other in this bad economy since people don't want to have parties in their homes any more" ...huh??? I told her I hadn't recognized that as a problem. And that Direct Sales was a relationship-based business and the best way for her to grow her business was to get out there and meet people. She does some biz I've never heard of, something to do with manicure nail art (the decorative film that you put on your nails).

UGH!! What a waste of time!!! :(
  • #16
pamperedlinda said:
I got an HO lead this morning that was "Interested in hosting a show" ... Nope, she wants me to join her Direct Sales Networking Group so we can "help each other in this bad economy since people don't want to have parties in their homes any more" ...huh??? I told her I hadn't recognized that as a problem. And that Direct Sales was a relationship-based business and the best way for her to grow her business was to get out there and meet people. She does some biz I've never heard of, something to do with manicure nail art (the decorative film that you put on your nails).

Jamberry nails? I met a lady who got into that after considering PC. She seemed happy, but at the event I met her at NO one was interested in her product.
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  • #17
Chef Kearns said:
Jamberry nails? I met a lady who got into that after considering PC. She seemed happy, but at the event I met her at NO one was interested in her product.

Yes! That was it.
  • #18
pamperedlinda said:
I got an HO lead this morning that was "Interested in hosting a show" ... Nope, she wants me to join her Direct Sales Networking Group so we can "help each other in this bad economy since people don't want to have parties in their homes any more" ...huh??? I told her I hadn't recognized that as a problem. And that Direct Sales was a relationship-based business and the best way for her to grow her business was to get out there and meet people. She does some biz I've never heard of, something to do with manicure nail art (the decorative film that you put on your nails).

This frosts me...what a waste of an HO lead but I guess they are not screened so we take what is given to us. Has she watched the commercials where you can buy something for $9.95 from the Shamwow company (making the Shamwow part up)? And while I am on this...how is the Shamwow...now Schitcky guy get away with some of those lines he uses. The one that makes my jaw drop is about your cat shedding. (now, I am no where being a prude but just on tv that stuff bugs me)

Related to Are Online Leads Worth the Hassle?

1. What are online leads?

Online leads refer to potential customers or clients who have expressed interest in a product or service through an online platform such as a website, social media, or email.

2. Why do online leads drive me crazy?

Online leads can be overwhelming and frustrating because there are often numerous leads to follow up with, and not all of them may turn into actual sales. It can also be challenging to determine which leads are most likely to convert into paying customers.

3. How can I manage online leads effectively?

To manage online leads effectively, it's essential to have a system in place for organizing and prioritizing leads. This can include using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, setting up automated email responses, and regularly following up with leads.

4. What are some strategies for converting online leads into customers?

To convert online leads into customers, it's important to have a strong online presence, provide valuable and relevant content, and engage with leads through personalized communication. Additionally, offering special promotions or discounts can help incentivize leads to make a purchase.

5. How can I avoid feeling overwhelmed by online leads?

To avoid feeling overwhelmed by online leads, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your target audience and focus on quality over quantity. It's also helpful to set realistic goals and prioritize leads based on their potential to convert into paying customers.

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