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Are My Job Fears Justified After Workplace Layoffs?

In summary, a few jobs were eliminated from a workplace, including two of your colleagues. You were not on the list, but your boss sent you assignments. You are relieved that you were not around when the layoffs happened, as it was not pretty. You remind yourself to praise God when things are good and to rebuke fear. You are glad that your position was changed and that you are still employed.
Silver Member
I got an email today stating that several jobs were eliminated at my workplace, including two collegues. My name was NOT on the list, but then again, I was off today. Part of me is REALLY scared to go in Tuesday afternoon because I might be next. However, I also got two e-mails from my boss with assignments and I don't think he would have sent them to me if I was going to be laid off.

I am so worried my hands are shaking and I can barely type. Please pray for peaceful sleep for me and especially for the people whose jobs were eliminated.
Your in my prayers.
You're in my prayers. I know it's so scary when others get "the notice" and you are not sure who is next! Remember my verse...Jeremiah 29:11! God knows what is going on!
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God has been leading me to Matthew 6 and Luke 12 lately.

I told my roomate ... and mentioned some jobs I had found online which really are not me. I hated the reply, "Beggars can't be choosers." I was very clear that AT THIS POINT I AM NOT A BEGGAR and if I WERE unemployed, these would be the first jobs I would apply for.

I really do not think I would have gotten the other e-mails with work assigments if I were on the list ... I think I will just get a bunch of work dumped on me without the hours to do it!
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Well, my job is not on the chopping block this round.I'm glad I was off yesterday. People were crying and everybody was afraid they'd be next. I am really glad I was not around yesterday ... it was not pretty.
Once again you were protected, rejoice in the blessing!
I know what you are going thru. twice last year, colleagues of my very small company were laid off. each time led to survivor guilt and panic that i was next. like you, i received assignments for the long term, so that helped. finally i started cracking jokes about me being next until my bosses got annoyed and came clean about the financial picture. they also gave me a small raise and small bonus. that shut me up ;-)

if you're still getting assignments, you should be ok.
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I am rejoicing ... thank you, Janet. And thank you again for counseling me not to worry. I did a search of the word "Worry" and found that every time it comes up, we're told not to do it!But Susan, you're right ... there's a lot of survivor guilt around here ... it's really scary. The desks next to me and in front of me are empty. I'd like to use the file cabinet next to me now ...
First I want to say that I am so glad that your job was spared. What a tremendous blessing!

My husband's job was in danger just last month. He works for AT&T. They were told there was going to be a big layoff coming and to be ready. We were worried but knew that God had gotten this job for my husband and that HE was our provider, not AT&T. So instead of putting in a transfer to another position that paid half of what he makes now, he waited and trusted the Lord.

Well the day came and they did lay off 60 cable splicers out of 94. My husband is number 11 on that list so he was spared. God is so good and we must trust him no matter what. He is ultimately in control of everything that happens in our lives, good or bad and through it all we must love and trust him. Prayer is powerful! Let us pray not only in the bad times but in the good. Jesus is worthy!

Debbie :D
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An hour or so before I got this news, I talked to a friend, who said her church had a really good study on fear. They said to read Psalm 67 which didn't make sense to me, so thought they meant Psalm 68. I ended up rebuking fear through praise.My position has been changed. I'm now handing a different area which is of greater importance. Too bad I'm not getting the hours to go along with it ... but I am blessed to be employed.You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will CHOOSE to say
Blessed be your name!

Related to Are My Job Fears Justified After Workplace Layoffs?

1. What does it mean when jobs are eliminated at my workplace?

When jobs are eliminated at a workplace, it means that the company has made the decision to no longer have those particular positions or roles within the organization. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as restructuring, budget cuts, or changes in the business' needs or priorities.

2. Will my job be eliminated next?

It is natural to feel concerned about job security when you hear about jobs being eliminated at your workplace. However, it is important to remember that every situation is unique and it is not possible to predict if or when a particular job may be eliminated. The best thing to do is to stay informed about any changes happening in the company and to continue performing your job to the best of your abilities.

3. What happens to employees whose jobs are eliminated?

When jobs are eliminated, the affected employees may be offered a severance package or other forms of compensation, depending on the company's policies and the terms of their employment contracts. They may also be given the opportunity to apply for other positions within the company, if available. It is important to consult with HR or your manager for specific information about your situation.

4. How can I prepare for the possibility of job elimination?

It is always a good idea to have a backup plan in case your job is eliminated. This can include updating your resume, networking, and keeping your skills and knowledge up to date. Additionally, it is important to have a financial plan in place in case of job loss, such as having an emergency fund or exploring other potential sources of income.

5. What can I do to support my coworkers who have lost their jobs?

It can be difficult to see your coworkers lose their jobs, but there are ways to offer support and comfort during this difficult time. You can reach out to them and offer to help with their job search or connect them with potential opportunities. You can also be a listening ear and provide emotional support as they navigate this transition. Additionally, if you are still employed at the company, it can be helpful to maintain a positive attitude and support the remaining team members during this period of change.

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