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Anything With Being a Future Director?

In summary, Anne has 5 active recruits, 2 inactive, and has written one recruit off. Andrea has 3 active recruits, 1 inactive, and has written one recruit off. They both advise waiting until the recruit has submitted 6 shows before promoting.
Gold Member
Does anything change on CC? I see my two recruits listed under Performance Tracker, but I don't see any changes anywhere else. I thought I read somewhere that I would be able to run reports & such.

Just curious.

In Pampered Partner you can run reports with the button next to the regular reports. I don't know what kind of reports, but it sounds fun! (I know I am a nerd, no need to alert me!)
Yes! You go onto CC. Go to Consultant Leadership and Training, the reports. You can select FD Reports. Its a taste of what Directorship will bring.
Smartie pants strikes again!!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks for your help! I thought that there was something I could do, but....when I go to CC & look for the reports, there's only the Ind. Perfomance Tracker. Nothing else. Do the recruits have to qualify for me to become a future director?
Did you just sign your second person last month? If so, it may not be officially updated on CC yet... probably by tomorrow
It does take a bit to show up.
gilliandanielle said:
Smartie pants strikes again!!
But of course! http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aetsch/cheeky-smiley-032.gif
AJPratt said:
But of course! http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aetsch/cheeky-smiley-032.gif

Okay, Anne, where did you get the icon???
  • #11
OMG...there are some really funny smilies on there...some of them so bad that I don't think we could use them here!!
  • #12
soonerchef said:
OMG...there are some really funny smilies on there...some of them so bad that I don't think we could use them here!!
You know those are my favorites. LOL
  • #13
Have you been sending Dave dirty smiley messages again Anne? You naughty Jersey girls!
  • #14
I just tried to make Anne a "smartie pants" smilie but that part of the site is down...
  • #15
Can't wait to see what that looks like!

Andrea: Your two recruits, is that going to make you FD or Director? Either way, congrats!
  • #16
AJPratt said:
Can't wait to see what that looks like!

Andrea: Your two recruits, is that going to make you FD or Director? Either way, congrats!

I have 3 active personal recruits, 5 total with 2 inactive that won't call me back and I have no idea what's going on with them so I have written them off...7 total on my downline that are active. So, 2 more active personal recruits to director. I sat down with DH and explained to him all of the director bennies and he said "what have you been waiting for, promote already!". I told him that I needed his support and help and he has been more supportive than ever and he is trying to find recruits for me to boot, plus he is seperating all of my shows and delivering them to my hosts...now to just get him to make those calls for me :rolleyes: !!

I know that's a longer answer than you were expecting but I'm feeling a little gabby this morning.
  • #17
soonerchef said:
I know that's a longer answer than you were expecting but I'm feeling a little gabby this morning.
What? That was a GREAT answer. I'm a little disppointed when I ask a question and get a one or two word answer. BTW, I'm thrilled for you!!!
  • #18
AJPratt said:
What? That was a GREAT answer. I'm a little disppointed when I ask a question and get a one or two word answer. BTW, I'm thrilled for you!!!

Thanks, I know I feel what every one else has felt before me...I feel as if I am fighting an uphill battle but I know it will be worth it in the end!!
  • #19
I have one inactive and the other on the verge. I tell ya, from now on, NO ONE signs with me until they have the six set shows.

PS My commission check had my overrides in it. $30 for doing what I've already been doing! Love it. Its only $30, but its still cool!
  • #20
the FD overides are nice for doing really nothing except what I think would come naturally...I can't wait for those director perks though. Glad to know you know what I mean, getting people to get motivated is what I find the hardest.
  • #21
I'm right there with you! One girl is painfully shy and is afraid of asking. :confused: I toldr that my biggest fear is going out of business and she has decide what worse rejection or being out of business.
  • #22
Recruits progressIs there anyway that I can see what my recruit is doing, show-wise? I know she was going to submit her first show soon. My advise about promoting is welcome~~
  • #23
I think a day or two after her show has been submitted you will see her under you in the Individual Performance Tracker.
  • #24
Yes, it will be in IPT, find the link on the far right hand side of CC under "commonly used links" or something to that effect.
  • #25
My recruit said she submitted, but it hasn't shown up. How long is it supposed to take?
  • #26
It usually takes a day or so.
  • #27
Future director question - do the people need to be qualified for you to be a future director????
  • #28
A future director is a consultant with two active personally recruited consultants under them. So that would mean that they don't have to be qualified, but they do have to stay active after their super starters for you to count them.
  • #29
My one recruit has gone inactive. She submitted a $110 order. My director says she needs to submit $90 this month and it shouldn't change my status. But I don't know about the incentive points.
  • #30
If they go inactive at all before qualifying then you don't get the points :( Bummer Anne!
  • #31
gilliandanielle said:
Have you been sending Dave dirty smiley messages again Anne? You naughty Jersey girls!
OK, so I just caught that.
  • #32
gilliandanielle said:
If they go inactive at all before qualifying then you don't get the points :( Bummer Anne!

This is going to sound mean and I apologize. I feel like I have just wasted my time. She just doesn't want it. She won't ask for shows. She could turn into a very successful consultant, but I was just being selfish about the incentive points because I have spent a TON of time with her giving her ideas, offering for help, giving her leads... In addition to all of the training and support, she was recently at my home and spent several hours here and we brainstormed and made a list. Then, I tell my director about what we did, only to find that she did the same thing with my director and never told me. Two days later this girl tells me she lost the list. :mad: I'm upset because I want this to be good for her because she has had a tough go of it.

One of the other girls on my team asked me "Do you think she doesn't realize what is happening to you?" I mean, how do you tell someone... Ummm, I lost my Fut. directorship and the few incentive points I'll get because you couldn't/wouldn't find one more show? I know its not about me, but c'mon. I have cause such a rift with my husband because of the time I have invested with her trying to help, and is it wrong to want a little return for my investment? And what about her committment to PC for her kit? I think I am officially giving up on this one.
Last edited:
  • #33
My director just sent out an e-mail to our cluster congratulating me on being a Future Director. I did my recruit interview myself today and obviously it was successful. My director did my frist one because that person came out of my first show - Looks like my first recruit is starting to come around so he may stay active
  • #34
I've been feeling a little bit guilty because I'm not doing as well as I know I should and called my director and sort off appologized for going slow. As we talked I mentioned that the show I'm doing on sunday gets me qualified and I have enough orders already to have the show over $150. I'm really hoping the 3 shows still to finish will get me up to at least $750 so my recruiter gets the cookware for 1st recruit.
  • #35

I do not think it is wrong at all to want something for your time and efforts. You deserve a reward for the time you put in!! New Consulants (of which I am one - just came out of SS) should realize this. I am about to sign my first recruit and I sure hope she realizes it!!!!
  • #36
You are totally right to feel this way Anne! We put our time and effort into our businesses because we are connected to them. Some new people just don't feel the connection and could care less what is riding on it. I am so sorry that this happened to you, and do the bless and release thing when you feel it is a good time. It isn't worth getting your emotions all wrapped up in someone who could care less.
  • #37
I just read some old notes someone posted from leadership that Belinda said about new consultants. She said to do an intro show for them. Where you do the intro, booking and recruiting talk and let them do the demo. I am going to offer that to my recruit and see what she says. Maybe I can get her butt qualified yet. I feel so guilty about the points thing. But I can't help it.
  • #38
Give her the bookings from the intro show (make sure you specify that they go to her) but you get the sales if you do the demo. I think I would do the demo just so they can see what it is like. Maybe do two recipes so you show the first, and then they do the second one.
  • #39
I'm not taking the sales. I'm trying Belinda's suggestion of giving her sales and bookings. Maybe I would take any recruit leads?
  • #40
If she does the demo that is fine, but remember that it is against PC rules to do a show and then put it under another consultant's name. I am not sure how they would find out, but just warning you! Don't make me pin my handy scraper badge on, LOL!!
  • #41
gilliandanielle said:
If she does the demo that is fine, but remember that it is against PC rules to do a show and then put it under another consultant's name.
Oh, I know that, but this is an idea I got from Belinda's Leadership talk. If its something we couldn't do, someone would have said something by now. She will do the actual demo part. Easy with that scraper little lady.
  • #42
If she does the demo then I would say it is her show. I don't see a problem with you talking about recruiting, bookings, etc. I don't see that as being against policy. You are basically there to help with information and for support.
  • #43
In the RFS there is a "training" show. I believe it is set up so the recruiter gets the sales and the recruit gets the bookings.
  • #44
Shawnna said:
If she does the demo then I would say it is her show. I don't see a problem with you talking about recruiting, bookings, etc. I don't see that as being against policy. You are basically there to help with information and for support.
Right. That's exactly what I want to do.
  • #45
I understand what you wrote, I just wanted to remind you not to do the demo. If it was me I would have a hard time not adding things to her demo and doing more of it than she would. Like I said before, no one would even know who did the demo, but maybe give her a stab at the booking and recruiting talk first, then fill in anything she forgot. And BTW, I am probably the last person that is qualified to carry a PC badge!!
  • #46
This girl is so painfully shy... I am hoping to get some sales under her belt and some bookings, since she is having such a hard time asking. I'll have her do something simple for the demo part. I'll be in the next room getting drunk. LOL
  • #47
Careful not to go overboard and moon her, LOL!
  • #48
THAT will be a challenge for me. I've been listening to Belinda's CDs and she suggests doing an itro show, but she also says work with those on your team wiling to work. So, IF we do this intro show and she gets bookings and nothing happens... I'll take that as a sign. I have another on my team who said to me that she just seems like she wants to come and hang out. That's fine, but she needs to let me know if she doesn't want to do the business.

I'm just tired. I have two that are inactive and I have been putting so much work into them... maybe I won't. I mean, I'll be there for them but I want to invest my time wisely.
  • #49
I would give your two inactive consultants a talk saying that they need to shape up or quit wasting your time. It seems harsh, but you might be so busy trying to get them active that you will miss a real recruit that is actually going to work.
  • #50
I am going to focus on those who do want to work. I figured I'd give them each one last effort and then, not write them off completely, but just let it go.

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