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Anyone Not Make the Switch to Pp3 Yet??

uh...out without testing it first. I think we're all just waiting for the bugs to be worked out so we can switch without all the hassles.
Okay, I need to confess, I haven't switched over to PP3 yet. I honestly have not had the time! I have been so busy with shows, fundraisers, upcoming Host packets, etc. that I haven't even had a chance to look at the new program. I'm bad. :eek:

Anyway, is there anyone else out there who hasn't changed over yet? Can I import with "open" shows (not transmitted yet) in the old Pampered Partner? Is there some sort of deadline that I HAVE to switch over?

I know, I'm confessing to not doing it yet. I'm not scared or worried, I just haven't had the time - honestly!!

I haven't switched haven't had the time but mainly 'cuz I'M SCARED & WORRIED hard to teach an old dog new tricks
I confess.... I'm just not ready to switch.....
I also have not changed over yet, I've heard to many problems to be comfortable with switching. I don't remember reading when we "had" to go over, I'm sure they'll tell us. Hope not soon!!! Want those bugs worked out.

Have not changed over and probably won't until they force us.
I haven't changed over either. My director was one of the test pilots for it and she told me to hold off until they work the bugs out. Too much stuff missing and not working properly.
It'll probably be at least a year before P3 is the mandatory version. When they went from the old 8-bit PP to the current one, there were 2 versions available for a couple of years.
From someone who just started...Now I'm new..but I would consider myself somewhat computer savy...keep the old one as long as possible..I am not impressed with PP3 at all.
I am scared to switch - Is there a time when we will be forced to switch??
  • #10
I have an IT background by I am nervous about all the concerns that I hear
  • #11
jasonmva said:
I haven't changed over either. My director was one of the test pilots for it and she told me to hold off until they work the bugs out. Too much stuff missing and not working properly.

I'm waiting for the bugs to be gone as well. I have it installed on my puter & play around with it, but I do EVERYTHING on PP, so far it has not impressed me, but when the time comes I'll change over....:cool:
  • #12
ChefinHarmony said:
Okay, I need to confess, I haven't switched over to PP3 yet. I honestly have not had the time! I have been so busy with shows, fundraisers, upcoming Host packets, etc. that I haven't even had a chance to look at the new program. I'm bad. :eek:

Anyway, is there anyone else out there who hasn't changed over yet? Can I import with "open" shows (not transmitted yet) in the old Pampered Partner? Is there some sort of deadline that I HAVE to switch over?

I know, I'm confessing to not doing it yet. I'm not scared or worried, I just haven't had the time - honestly!!



Yes you can import with open shows. But keep in mind that if you don't intend to use it to submit the shows when they are ready to send it may not be worth it for you.

I have been using it since we got it and am not having any problems with it. I still have PP on my computer to reference all of my business from July 04 to Dec 06 on some reports that aren't already on P3 but I can still on P3 get summaries of all of my shows, etc.

Take the plunge Joanne! You'll be glad you did.

By the way I heard that those that have not switched to P3 still have at least one more year to go before they have to switch.
  • #13
I was told that we will have to switch within the next year.
  • #14
I have not switched, and don't plan to until I absolutely have to. My director has not because she can't download cluster management stats. I personally wish this could be dual platform, or all available online when we log onto an account, or java-based or something.
  • #15
I have it loaded but haven't even played with it. I guess I should put on my "big girl panties", watch the demo, and just do it.
  • #16
Go ahead Val--you'll never know until you try and the demo really helps you out.
  • #17
jasonmva said:
I haven't changed over either. My director was one of the test pilots for it and she told me to hold off until they work the bugs out. Too much stuff missing and not working properly.

My SD was one of the test pilots too, and she said the same thing! In fact, she couldn't believe they rolled it out so quickly....lots of bugs when they were testing it!
  • #18
Teresa Lynn said:
I haven't switched haven't had the time but mainly 'cuz I'M SCARED & WORRIED hard to teach an old dog new tricks

Same here. I'm not sure I'll change until I must.

Right now my computer focus is just trying to get all my stuff moved from my ancient desktop to my new laptop. Ugh. Talk about stress. I'm computer illiterate and I don't want anything to get messed up. The last time I had something done on my computer, I thought the tech lost my entire email address list (3+ years of names). That will scare you!
  • #19
I'm still waiting... It doesn't have half of the reports!
  • #20
nope I haven't switched yet either...to scared :eek:
  • #21
reba515 said:
nope I haven't switched yet either...to scared :eek:

What are you afraid of? You won't lose any of your information that you had in PP.
  • #22
pamperedharriet said:
What are you afraid of? You won't lose any of your information that you had in PP.

Except all of the non-existent reports in P3;)
  • #23
If I was newish I would change over to P3 - why get used to the old format and then have to relearn. If you aren't savvy with PP do the switch.

As a director who has been using PP for 5 years I will not switch until they have finished the P3 program to include all the reports. I do, though, have P3 installed on my computer so that if a new consultant has a question I can help her. I have advised my team to decide which way they feel most comfortable and I will help them with either program.

The thing I hate the most about P3 is how long it takes it to open!
  • #24
pamperedharriet said:
What are you afraid of? You won't lose any of your information that you had in PP.

oh I know I guess I am just comfortable with PP like someone else said, "teaching a old dog....."
besides why do they need to fix it if it aint broke?:D
  • #25
BethCooks4U said:
The thing I hate the most about P3 is how long it takes it to open!
That's directly related to the amount of RAM you have in your computer.
  • #26
chefann said:
That's directly related to the amount of RAM you have in your computer.
True, I'm sure. But NOTHING I run takes that long to start up and it's way longer than PP takes. lol
  • #27
It's the longest-starting thing for me, too. But it's faster when it's the only thing running. So now when I need to use it, I start up P3, and once it's really running, I start up my browser (or whatever).
  • #28
me!I haven't yet, scared to I guess, hate change! I will I suppose, when they make it mandatory or when they have all reports abilities on P3 as they do in PP!

Ps. I didn't even realize they had a Topic area for PP!
  • #29
BethCooks4U said:
True, I'm sure. But NOTHING I run takes that long to start up and it's way longer than PP takes. lol

I TOTALLY agree with you Beth, my PPP takes about 10 seconds to open up & my puter is almost brand new & is equipped with some powerful stuff...:cool: I D/L updates faster...;)
  • #30
I haven't noticed mine taking that long to open. Guess I will have to give it a closer look.
  • #31
Wow! Only 10 seconds? Mine's at least a full minute. And that's the quickie start when nothing else is running.
  • #32
I won't, no way , no how, not until I am forced. I HATE IT!!!

  • #33
I have been using it since we got it and I am not having any problems with it. I still have PP on my computer.
Last edited:
  • #34
Well, I've come to the conclusion that there will those of us using P3 and those that won't until it is mandatory. I know they are working on getting more of the reports over from PP to P3 and seeing that I am not a director I don't have the same issues. Yes, I miss a few reports but I know they are coming and was told not to uninstall PP until everything I may need is on P3.
My director had a teleclass on P3 and we were told we can and should use it.

Personally I like it and can adapt to new ways of doing things of the most part. Some people accept change better than others.
  • #35
I agree with you Harriet!!! I have everyone in my cluster meeting emailing me to help them with PP3. LOL
  • #36
I have not even looked into it at all haven't even read much about it!! Talk about being resistant to change!!!

  • #37
pamperedharriet said:
Well, I've come to the conclusion that there will those of us using P3 and those that won't until it is mandatory. I know they are working on getting more of the reports over from PP to P3 and seeing that I am not a director I don't have the same issues. Yes, I miss a few reports but I know they are coming and was told not to uninstall PP until everything I may need is on P3.
My director had a teleclass on P3 and we were told we can and should use it.

Personally I like it and can adapt to new ways of doing things of the most part. Some people accept change better than others.

I take to change quite well. YOU are missing the point of what ALOT of people are saying....If "I" am going to change to something NEW & IMPROVED...that is what I want...NEW & IMPROVED NOW...not 6 months from from now....PLEASE!!! STOP!!!! putting other people down, because they choose to wait for something to be what it should be......
  • #38
Ginger428 said:
I take to change quite well. YOU are missing the point of what ALOT of people are saying....If "I" am going to change to something NEW & IMPROVED...that is what I want...NEW & IMPROVED NOW...not 6 months from from now....PLEASE!!! STOP!!!! putting other people down, because they choose to wait for something to be what it should be......
I agree fully with this!!
  • #39
pamperedharriet said:
Well, I've come to the conclusion that there will those of us using P3 and those that won't until it is mandatory. I know they are working on getting more of the reports over from PP to P3 and seeing that I am not a director I don't have the same issues. Yes, I miss a few reports but I know they are coming and was told not to uninstall PP until everything I may need is on P3.
My director had a teleclass on P3 and we were told we can and should use it.

Personally I like it and can adapt to new ways of doing things of the most part. Some people accept change better than others.

I know that you are a kind & helpful person.....but this was a bit harsh!

I am someone who actually enjoys change, and have been applauded for adapting and leading the way in change in different situations! (Even though I am not a "techie" person, in a previous job, I was chosen as the district-wide trainer on a new computer system -because I was so willing to embrace change & learn something new!)
HOWEVER - as Ginger already stated, I see no need to change to a program that is not going to work for me as well as the program I have now. I have no qualms with change, and welcome change and advancement....but only if it is a change for the better - and P3, in my estimation is not there yet!
  • #40
I haven't done it either.....will probably wait til my director is comfortable with it that way ifI have any questions....she'll know what to do. So I guess I'm waiting just as well as everyone else.
  • #41
I'm sorry if my comments came off wrong. I surely did not mean it to come out that way. Don't worry you won't hear me comment about this product again. Those of you that I have helped install and answer questions know where and how to get in touch with me.
  • #42
not any time soon
DebbieJ said:
Have not changed over and probably won't until they force us.

I agree. I'll keep things the way they are. If it ain't broke....don't fix it. Once they get all the kinks worked out and tell me to, then I'll jump on board.
  • #43
I did not think that Harriet came off a bit harsh! Some people are posting about how they dislike or like PP3 and Harriet was just trying to help.

Everywhere you look, every company is updated their hardware, software, just like XP for windows.;)
  • #44
Ginger428 said:
I take to change quite well. YOU are missing the point of what ALOT of people are saying....If "I" am going to change to something NEW & IMPROVED...that is what I want...NEW & IMPROVED NOW...not 6 months from from now....PLEASE!!! STOP!!!! putting other people down, because they choose to wait for something to be what it should be......

I did not see what Harriet said as a put down. She is trying to give her postive feedback on her personal experience. We all are in different places in our business.

For some, like myself, I will not switch to it until I can get all of the reports I need. However, as a Director, I need to put on my Big Girl panties and at least load it onto my computer to get somewhat familiar with it so I can assist my new recruits with it if they have problems.

Harriet has recently spent a TON of time typing up a trifle recipe book. She is only trying to be kind and helpful.

I only saw her as encouraging others to not be so afraid of it. She simply stated a fact. That fact is "Some people accept change better than others." She was not putting anyone down. She readily admitted that she was not a director and that their were some reports that she missed.

I see Harriet as someone who in the future can help others (us) learn PP3 because they will eventually make it mandatory as they have other switches in the past.
  • #45
I've installed it and imported my data. I've played with it. For me the main reason I'm not using it is the only report I run weekly is not available in P3. I am continuing to play with it, I've created fake shows, I've added new "play" contacts, and I updated it regularly to see if the things i want are there yet. I do think it is important to play with it, get familiar with it, and give your feedback to HO.
  • #46
I've been using P3 and I really like how it works. Sure, there are several reports not available yet, but honestly, I haven't really missed them yet. They've already added a few things and will continue to do so.

I switched immediately because I wanted to be able to feel comfortable with it so that I can help my new recruits. I'm glad I did!

For the things in P3 that I do NOT love yet, I will be very excited when they do update it! :)
  • #47
I made the change to P3 and I am getting used to it (sometimes it is pretty frusterating too!). I do like the new program, but am dissappointed in some of the limitations (and the fact that I have to search for something that I think should be plainly obvious to find and not hidden from me in some obscure place). I think that HO was a little pre-mature in sending it out to us when most of the reporting that we need is not yet available. My Director has loaded it to practice and help her downline, but she refuses to use it until all of the director reports that she needs are available to her. I decided to make the leap since I am actively recruiting and the only option available to my recruits is P3.

I say, if you are ready then go for it but realize that EVERYTHING is not there yet.....if you are not ready to make the change then don't, no-one is forcing you to. :)
  • #48
baychef said:
I did not see what Harriet said as a put down. She is trying to give her postive feedback on her personal experience. We all are in different places in our business.

For some, like myself, I will not switch to it until I can get all of the reports I need. However, as a Director, I need to put on my Big Girl panties and at least load it onto my computer to get somewhat familiar with it so I can assist my new recruits with it if they have problems.

Harriet has recently spent a TON of time typing up a trifle recipe book. She is only trying to be kind and helpful.

I only saw her as encouraging others to not be so afraid of it. She simply stated a fact. That fact is "Some people accept change better than others." She was not putting anyone down. She readily admitted that she was not a director and that their were some reports that she missed.

I see Harriet as someone who in the future can help others (us) learn PP3 because they will eventually make it mandatory as they have other switches in the past.

Well said Ann!
  • #49
i'm not switched, i just got a handle on this one :) i do the updates etc. and it works fine still for me i will switch but when the kinks are worked out
  • #50
I don't think Harriet has a mean bone in her body. She is a very sweet person and is just trying to make the change a positive one. I think everyone has to try to not take things so personal. You know that things come out one way over email when you really mean it a different way. I applaud Harriet for trying to make the change a little easier and for trying to show the positive points to the change. She has said nothing but positive things in my eyes.
<h2>1. What is PP3 and why should I switch to it?</h2><p>PP3 stands for Pampered Partner 3, which is the latest version of our software program for consultants. It offers new features and improvements to make managing your business easier and more efficient. We highly recommend switching to PP3 for the best experience.</p><h2>2. Can I still import with "open" shows in the old Pampered Partner?</h2><p>Yes, you can still import open shows from the old Pampered Partner into PP3. However, we recommend completing any open shows in the old version before making the switch to PP3 to avoid any potential issues.</p><h2>3. Is there a deadline for switching over to PP3?</h2><p>There is no specific deadline for switching to PP3, but we encourage all consultants to make the switch as soon as possible to take advantage of the new features and improvements. Additionally, the old Pampered Partner will eventually be phased out, so it's important to switch over before that happens.</p><h2>4. What if I haven't had the time to switch over to PP3?</h2><p>We understand that running a business can be busy and overwhelming at times. Don't worry, you can switch to PP3 at any time when it's convenient for you. We recommend setting aside some time to familiarize yourself with the new program and its features so you can make the most of it.</p><h2>5. Will I experience any issues if I haven't switched to PP3 yet?</h2><p>No, you will not experience any issues if you haven't switched to PP3 yet. However, we do recommend making the switch as soon as possible to ensure you have access to all the new features and improvements. Our customer support team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have during the transition to PP3.</p>

Related to Anyone Not Make the Switch to Pp3 Yet??

1. What is PP3 and why should I switch to it?

PP3 stands for Pampered Partner 3, which is the latest version of our software program for consultants. It offers new features and improvements to make managing your business easier and more efficient. We highly recommend switching to PP3 for the best experience.

2. Can I still import with "open" shows in the old Pampered Partner?

Yes, you can still import open shows from the old Pampered Partner into PP3. However, we recommend completing any open shows in the old version before making the switch to PP3 to avoid any potential issues.

3. Is there a deadline for switching over to PP3?

There is no specific deadline for switching to PP3, but we encourage all consultants to make the switch as soon as possible to take advantage of the new features and improvements. Additionally, the old Pampered Partner will eventually be phased out, so it's important to switch over before that happens.

4. What if I haven't had the time to switch over to PP3?

We understand that running a business can be busy and overwhelming at times. Don't worry, you can switch to PP3 at any time when it's convenient for you. We recommend setting aside some time to familiarize yourself with the new program and its features so you can make the most of it.

5. Will I experience any issues if I haven't switched to PP3 yet?

No, you will not experience any issues if you haven't switched to PP3 yet. However, we do recommend making the switch as soon as possible to ensure you have access to all the new features and improvements. Our customer support team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have during the transition to PP3.

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