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Adjusting Expectations for Success in Pampered Chef Business

big...problem.The past two months I've done about $1500 in sales, but I'd like to do $2000. I had huge hopes on this fundraiser I did this past weekend to get tons of bookings and got none. All of my follow up calls go to voicemail (which I understand because I didn't used to answer the phone when I don't know the number before I started doing this either). I was hoping for $1000+ in sales since supposedly 100 people were going to be there, but only have about $450 as of now and about 40 people showed up. To be fair, it was an open hosue with three other vendors so people were splitting their money up.
Hi everyone!

I've been with Pampered Chef about three months now and am doing pretty well but I think I need to work on my expectations or get some new motivation or something.

The past two months I've done about $1500 in sales, but I'd like to do $2000. I had huge hopes on this fundraiser I did this past weekend to get tons of bookings and got none. All of my follow up calls go to voicemail (which I understand because I didn't used to answer the phone when I don't know the number before I started doing this either). I was hoping for $1000+ in sales since supposedly 100 people were going to be there, but only have about $450 as of now and about 40 people showed up. To be fair, it was an open hosue with three other vendors so people were splitting their money up.

Now I have an open house next week and have invited alnost 200 people. I haven't passed out invitations to my neighbors (probably about 30 condos, only a couple of which I have any kind of acquaintance beyond knowing faces) yet but so far through e-vites and facebook invitations have 40 no's, 8 maybes and 1 yes (my cousin). What should I expect for this type of thing? Those of you who have done them before, will I be surprised by the numbers that show up without RSVPs or just be hanging out alone drinking sangria for two hours. I will send out reminders and make a couple calls but I can barely keep up with my CCC's!

I don't want to sound like i'm whining, I think I just need a kick in the pants! I have a handful of people interested in having shows, just no firm dates set and start out great with my 3 contacts a day on Monday and Tuesday but it all falls apart by Thursday. I have two shows on the books for September and two shifts and booths scheduled. I really want to make this work. My husband was laid off in October and his phone isn't ringing and I have twins at home and don't want to get an outside job!

I should probably add that half my problem is that my first four parties were amazing and its sort of leveled off since then, so should I expect the $500-$800 parties that those were or the $400 and weeks apart parties I've had since?

So am I doing good for a newbie or should I be disappointed? Because I feel disappointed and discouraged but maybe I've expected too much too soon...
And if you're still reading my ramblings by now, you guys rock!
I have a few suggestions for you - as far as your open house - call everyone you've invited and see if they are coming (and encourage them to bring friends) - let me know you'd like to know to have enough food/drink etc. If you don't follow up with them - you'd hate to have a bunch of food ready to go and no one to enjoy it with you. Plus it's a friendly reminder that your open house is coming up and you're excited to see them!

As far as your shows go - you will have some high ones, some low and lots in between. Coach your hosts to invite a lot of people and get them excited for their shows and free products they'll earn so that they'll look to get many outside orders, bookings, etc. Also, make sure you ask everyone if they'd like to host - I didn't do this when I first started out and now I do and I get a lot more good responses that way.

Also, keep calling your friends to get more shows scheduled. If they can't host - ask for referrals - I've met some great, loyal hosts this way. Keep calling and you will do well! Good luck:)
Open Houses rarely work. You need to have a SHOW with a strict starting time.Do you have a supportive recruiter/director that you can work with on a plan of action?
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I think actually part of my problem with phone calls is that my mother--who is supportive in pretty much everything I do but only kind-of supportive in this because she just doesn't like sales oriented stuff to begin with-- told me not to 'bug people too much or they'll start avoiding you" which is partly true because I know I get annoyed with follow up calls from sales people too (but usually much more over the top calls than PC suggests).

So I have this mental block against phone calls. Its a big drama for me, I spend hours avoiding them and psyching myself. I can't even call family members to chat without a big drama. Its kind of sad. Plus like I said, two toddlers. I've been okay at customer care calls but literally out of 20 I've made, I've gotten one person actually live.

But I do have a great director so I need to call her later. In this situation, I do think the open house is the best bet over a show since i just had my kick-off show in late May.

I need to get all around better with the "just ask" to book parties because my insecurities get in the way. Keep the advice coming! It always helps to hear people have been there too.
I agree with DebbieJ that open houses rarely work. In fact, I stopped doing them after several different methods (mystery host, taste testing event, etc). At conference, I did hear an idea to have a close friend/family member to host a Taste Testing/Viewing of the New Products Show. People are more likely to attend.

I have the same phone issue. I hate feeling that I'm telemarketing. It's all in your approach and what you say. The only advise I have about the whole phone thing is to change how you think about it. Remember to make it about them, not you, when asking if they would like to have a show. I know I used to practically "beg" people to have a show. Now I tell them what I'm going to do for them (bring a party in my van, invites, food and friends and free products). It's helped me mentally. Good Luck:)
Good luck with the open house. With all that work, I hope you have success. Call in person if you can.You might also try to get out of the same circle of people so you won't feel like you're bugging them. Ask your director for info on booths or fairs that have worked in the past. Wear logo shirts so that you'll meet complete strangers who like PC. Go to the park with your kids and befriend someone there and ask if they've heard of PC. Yes, spend energy on your open house but also start spending energy on meeting new people.....
When you talk to people tell them you are looking for a 'no'. This removes the pressure from you to get a 'yes' and it also removes the pressure from them to say 'yes'. It will also free you up to ask everyone you see - I mean you WANT a 'no' so ... how can you fail? I bet you can't get 100 'No's' in the next 30 days. Go for it!
As for your shows, try redefining success. For me a successful show is one at which everyone has fun and at least one person learns something. Those are things I have control over. Now all of my shows are successful. That makes me feel better, which makes me much more relaxed at my shows.The phone calls are another matter. I think we all struggle with this one. The phone used to way 2,000 pounds when I first started making calls. Now it only weighs 50. I find that it's easier for me after the first call.One suggestion with the calls is to not call with the idea of getting a booking. Just call to either check to make sure a customer loves the products they purchased or to let someone in your life know that you're doing PC now. It takes the pressure off. I'm often surprised by a booking or a sale when I make my CCCs (Customer Care Calls).
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Thanks for all the help everyone! I talked to my director earlier and feel MUCH better. I'm a SAHM with an unemployed DH so I have way too much time to fuss over stupid things. I have a hard time approaching people out in public so that's something i have to work on, new challenge! Of course, with 20 month old twins, I really can't stand around and chat at parks. But they're good conversation starters! I think after this open house is done I'm going to do a 24 in 24 and see if that helps and definitely not include my close family circle (my mom and I had some issues about that...I'm honestly not bugging them about stuff, she's just afraid I will in the future). My friends and family circle is huge so I've broken out a little but there aren't a lot of overlaps (not the same people getting invited to every party by any means). I've got two good fair opportunities next month...my upline and cluster is really good about working together on those so you just have to sign up for a shift, not necessarily find them yourself. I did do one last month and it poured down rain the day I was there, so not a lot of traffic at the county fair!

So thank you everyone! I have issues with too many expectations and then being disappointed so you gave me some great insight. I will celebrate the little victories :)
  • #10
I'd love to have such a motivated consultant on my team. You're doing great!
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  • #11
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom! Just wanted to follow up - open house was last night and it was enough to submit as a show (with a little $20 boost from me) but not much more but it was FUN and that's what counts. I did have people here pretty much the whole time but nobody new, just friends who will come to anything but it was a great chance to visit with them. And even though nobody booked, I did get to talk out plans with potential hosts who just aren't ready to set a date until someother stuff gets straightened out. And I did have one neighbor that I didn't really know stop over and order an ice cream scooper, so that's something.

The show I had on Sunday has barely qualified too but she still has some outside orders coming yet. The killer is I'm $430 away from $5000 in my first 90 days and that deadline is this Monday. May or may not get there, but oh well, can't be so hard on myself!

Thanks again, everyone!
  • #12
Just $430 from $5,000??? That is fantastic! I've been in the biz since November 2007 and it took me nearly a year to do that! Booths are the best way to "break out of your circle of friends"! It amazes me how many contacts I got who are still my customers now that I met a year ago. Hang in there! My Recruit has had a rough time after 2 $1,000+ months in a row and has struggled with barely $150 each month then nothing in July. I think it is mainly because she wants every show to be $500+ or it's not successful! As Rae said, redefine what success is and you'll find yourself "successful"!
  • #13
mindyanne44 said:
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom! Just wanted to follow up - open house was last night and it was enough to submit as a show (with a little $20 boost from me) but not much more but it was FUN and that's what counts. I did have people here pretty much the whole time but nobody new, just friends who will come to anything but it was a great chance to visit with them. And even though nobody booked, I did get to talk out plans with potential hosts who just aren't ready to set a date until someother stuff gets straightened out. And I did have one neighbor that I didn't really know stop over and order an ice cream scooper, so that's something.

The show I had on Sunday has barely qualified too but she still has some outside orders coming yet. The killer is I'm $430 away from $5000 in my first 90 days and that deadline is this Monday. May or may not get there, but oh well, can't be so hard on myself!

Thanks again, everyone!

:eek: :eek: :eek: That is AMAZING!! You don't need to be too hard on yourself...apparently, you are doing fantastic! Keep up the momentum. $5000. Wow!
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pcchefjane said:
My Recruit has had a rough time after 2 $1,000+ months in a row and has struggled with barely $150 each month then nothing in July. I think it is mainly because she wants every show to be $500+ or it's not successful! ]

That sums up my problem pretty well too actually. My first several shows were $600, $700, $500 and $800 with a few potential bookings each and then the last few I can't get much above $300 with no booking interest so I was feeling like they weren't as 'successful' as the first few. I think my first hosts just spoiled me. The one last Sunday hasn't even qualified yet but I redefined success like you guys suggested, and was just happy to get to hang out with a fun crowd and have three potential bookings down the road from it, so it was a success :)

And i have 4 on the calendar now for September so yes, I feel much better about where this is going. Most of my problem is husband not being able to find a job, but that's a topic for another board all together ;)
  • #15
I really set myself up for disappointment with one of the recorded talks available on CC. The gal said if your show wasn't $500, it wasn't worth you leaving the house. Well, that messed up my expectations.
I've recently re-evaluated things, because I didn't like the post-party blues. I reminded myself why I started PC in May, and what my expectations were at that time. My expectations were closer to $400 per show, and only doing one a week--not trying to make Pampered Chef my #1 focus, but having it be a supplement to existing income. Once I remembered why I started and what MY goals are, it is easier to be happier with each show as it is. Plus I have the added incentive that I love watching hosts get free product! I enjoy being able to "pamper" people's kitchens with free product.
I hope your husband is able to find a job, soon!
  • #16
I'm reading your posts and wanted to put in my two cents, for what it's worth.

Seem you have a lot of fear of approaching people in person and on the phone. I read a quote from a movie the other day and it gave me a HUGE a-ha moment. "Do what scares you and the courage will come after that." Think of it...it's scary getting on a roller coaster, but you do it anyway and when it's done, then you have the courage to say "let's do it again!".

As far as "bugging" people, my mom pulled this same number on me when I first started and it took me a looooong time to work through it. These people are your customers and potential customes and it is up to YOU to make sure they're happy and have what they need. If it doesn't come from you, they'll get it from someone else. If they say no to whatever you're offering, you are no worse off than when you first started (thank you, Jack Canfield)...you are no further ahead or behind. So "no" is not a bad thing (except in your own mind)--it's neutral.

Take a deep breath, and make a call or talk to a stranger (dare yourself)...it's not as painful as you might think. Define your success as the fact that you picked up the phone or said those first words of greeting (thanks, Rae...another a-ha for me).

Ok...I'm taking off my coaching hat now. Hope that helps some. At any rate, we're cheering you on!

Related to Adjusting Expectations for Success in Pampered Chef Business

1. What is "aCheck on Expectations?"

"aCheck on Expectations" is a program offered by Pampered Chef that allows customers to track and manage their orders, payments, and deliveries. It also provides updates on the status of products and any special offers or promotions.

2. How do I access "aCheck on Expectations?"

To access "aCheck on Expectations," simply log in to your Pampered Chef account on our website. You will then see a tab labeled "aCheck on Expectations" where you can view all of your account information and track your orders.

3. Can I make changes to my order through "aCheck on Expectations?"

Yes, you can make changes to your order through "aCheck on Expectations." Simply log in to your account and click on the order you would like to make changes to. From there, you can add or remove items, update shipping or payment information, and more.

4. Is "aCheck on Expectations" available for all orders?

Yes, "aCheck on Expectations" is available for all orders placed through Pampered Chef. It is a convenient and easy way to track and manage your orders, no matter the size or type of order.

5. How do I receive updates through "aCheck on Expectations?"

When you log in to "aCheck on Expectations," you will see a "Notifications" section where you can choose to receive updates via email or text message. You can also opt in to receive special offers and promotions through these notifications as well.

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