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A Crazy Night - But Hoping Your Show Was Awesome!

In summary, the conversation involved a woman named Linda who had a successful show with over $700 in sales and two bookings. She also shared that her host had $215 in free products and may be interested in becoming a consultant. Linda made chicken fajitas and used PC products at her show. She also mentioned the possibility of snow in the South and joked about living in a colder climate. Other participants in the conversation shared their own experiences and plans for upcoming shows.
Gold Member
How was your show tonight???
I am sorry I had to hang up so abruptly -- I was running the kids to soccer and as we were driving, we passed their Dad and he was heading to the wrong field and the kids are yelling "Call Daddy - tell him we're at the other field!!!" It was utter chaos...
Anyway - thanks for the call...I hope you had an aweseom show tonight!:D :chef:
It was a fun fun show! There were @ 10 ladies there and sales are over $700 with two bookings.
Carolyn - I'm chuckling that you are taking kids to soccer on a field while we are cross-country skiing!!!!
pamperedlinda said:
It was a fun fun show! There were @ 10 ladies there and sales are over $700 with two bookings.
Yay, Linda! I love shows like that! Congrats!:thumbup: :balloon:
MissChef said:
Yay, Linda! I love shows like that! Congrats!:thumbup: :balloon:
Me too! Whan I told my host that she has $215 in free right now she said, "I'm not done yet! I've got more orders coming in" ......I think I love her :love:
pamperedlinda said:
Me too! Whan I told my host that she has $215 in free right now she said, "I'm not done yet! I've got more orders coming in" ......I think I love her :love:
Recruit her!!!!!!!! :D
YEAH Linda that is awesome!!!!
MissChef said:
Recruit her!!!!!!!! :D
She's not interested. She does Avon. I'll work on her some more though.
  • #10
Congrats on an awesome show! :D

Sorry if you already posted this but details wanted woman! What'd you make, did you change your show at all? Try interactive, no demo, what?
  • #11
Jodi, I made Becky's Chicken Fajita's in the microwave (see the I Love.... thread). Several of the guests were past hosts who are PC junkies! One of the gals who booked a show used my mix 'n masher to make the guacamole and she raved about it. They also loved it when I cut the onion with the apple wedger.
  • #12
Whoohooo, Go Linda!
  • #13
Hey Linda. I noticed you are from GA. I'm from AL. Are yall expecting snow tomorrow night? They are saying we are likely to get 3-5 inches!!! I'm so excited. I know I won't be able to sleep. I want me and my baby to build a snow man. Heck, it hasn't snowed significantly here in 10 years. I'll probably be out there doing snow angels. LOL
  • #14
tabnat80 said:
Hey Linda. I noticed you are from GA. I'm from AL. Are yall expecting snow tomorrow night? They are saying we are likely to get 3-5 inches!!! I'm so excited. I know I won't be able to sleep. I want me and my baby to build a snow man. Heck, it hasn't snowed significantly here in 10 years. I'll probably be out there doing snow angels. LOL
I have crap loads of it that you can have!:rolleyes: LOL!:D Only about 10 degrees tonight! ughhh, I'm dreaming of using the new outside party sticks!!!!:balloon: sunshine!! ahhhh what a dream! If I tried to put those sticks in the ground, it's is so darn frozen it would break the metal! LOL! :)
  • #15
Hey, Linda! You didn't say you had a show when you called me yesterday - glad it went well for you. And you are such a sweetie to call and check up.BTW- I'll be at work again today. :)
  • #16
Wow what a great show - congrats! Sure beats the heck out of mine that was only $50 on Monday! She's trying to get outside orders though. Her goal is the $500 mark. Just hoping she gets to the $150 mark, if you know what I mean!

I have 3 more this month, hopefully they will be much better!!

All of you in the South are welcome to have our Northern snow anytime:)! I must say I really don't enjoy it anymore unless I don't have to drive in it! Of course now it's even worse because I have a teenage driver!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
janetupnorth said:
Carolyn - I'm chuckling that you are taking kids to soccer on a field while we are cross-country skiing!!!!

LOL - and I am having to remember to sunscreen them, too! LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #18
pampchefrhondab said:
Wow what a great show - congrats! Sure beats the heck out of mine that was only $50 on Monday! She's trying to get outside orders though. Her goal is the $500 mark. Just hoping she gets to the $150 mark, if you know what I mean!

I have 3 more this month, hopefully they will be much better!!

All of you in the South are welcome to have our Northern snow anytime:)! I must say I really don't enjoy it anymore unless I don't have to drive in it! Of course now it's even worse because I have a teenage driver!

Sorry about hte $50 show Rhonda...I bet your other 3 will ROCK and well mke up for this one. As for the snow...thanks, but you can keep it - LOL But I'd be happy to bottle up some of our sunshine and ship it up to you!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
pamperedlinda said:
It was a fun fun show! There were @ 10 ladies there and sales are over $700 with two bookings.

That's AWESOME!!! Way to go girl!!:balloon:
  • #20
I am sitting here laughing to myself as to how many of us (other than the intended, Linda!) who have read and/or posted on this thread!!

That's what happens on a board of nosey, <cough> I mean helpful, ladies!! LOL
  • #21
tabnat80 said:
Hey Linda. I noticed you are from GA. I'm from AL. Are yall expecting snow tomorrow night? They are saying we are likely to get 3-5 inches!!! I'm so excited. I know I won't be able to sleep. I want me and my baby to build a snow man. Heck, it hasn't snowed significantly here in 10 years. I'll probably be out there doing snow angels. LOL
Yes we are. I'm on the south side of town and we aren't supposed to get that much. I've got shows on Sat & Sun and I hope they don't cancel on me!
  • #22
chefann said:
Hey, Linda! You didn't say you had a show when you called me yesterday - glad it went well for you. And you are such a sweetie to call and check up.

BTW- I'll be at work again today. :)
I was driving to my show when I called. You have to let us know when you will be 'working'. When you are away for more than and hour I start to worry about you!
  • #23
pampchefrhondab said:
All of you in the South are welcome to have our Northern snow anytime:)!
Tempting offer, but I'll pass this time.
  • #24
janetupnorth said:
Carolyn - I'm chuckling that you are taking kids to soccer on a field while we are cross-country skiing!!!!

I was thinking the same thing ! I would give about anything to go watch a soccer game OUTSIDE right about now!! Although I do love the snow it gets old after 30+ inches in a single month
  • #25
KellyTheChef said:
I am sitting here laughing to myself as to how many of us (other than the intended, Linda!) who have read and/or posted on this thread!!

That's what happens on a board of nosey, <cough> I mean helpful, ladies!! LOL
I had the same thought, Kelly. :)

It's like that old joke about the 3 fastest forms of communication: telephone, telegraph, and tell a Cheffer. :D
  • #26
KellyTheChef said:
I am sitting here laughing to myself as to how many of us (other than the intended, Linda!) who have read and/or posted on this thread!!

That's what happens on a board of nosey, <cough> I mean helpful, ladies!! LOL
nah, it's just a bunch of us girlfriends having a little chit-chat! :love:
  • #27
pamperedlinda said:
nah, it's just a bunch of us girlfriends having a little chit-chat! :love:

I personally forgot Linda's last name and had to click to see if she meant PamperedLinda!!!!

So, yes, some curiousity...

Then, when she posted show results, I HAD to cheer her on... :D

If Carolyn wanted privacy, she would have sent a PM. :p
  • #28
P.S. Carolyn - it is -1 here right now!!!!
  • #29
janetupnorth said:
P.S. Carolyn - it is -1 here right now!!!!
1....as in 1 freezingasscold degrees? :eek:
  • #30
Yup - started a cold weather check-in thread for all of us today...Actually nope, that is NEGATIVE ONE degrees.
  • #32
ChefBeckyD said:
No Linda - she said Minus 1!

Exactly, I'll take those 2 degrees today!
  • #33
Yikes! that's all I can say.....well, I can also say brrrrrr!
okay, I've procrastinated away enough time this morning. I gotta go to the bank (deposit last night's show :D ), fill the car with gas since it's gonna be snowing here tomorrow and well, I guess the car needs gas if it's gonna snow - right? and, then off to the gym :eek: , DH added me on his Gold's Gym membership so I'm gonna start today (I've been saying that all week! :rolleyes: ). If I don't make it back here this afternoon, you'll know that I died of pure exhaustion at the gym!
  • #34
janetupnorth said:
I personally forgot Linda's last name and had to click to see if she meant PamperedLinda!!!!

So, yes, some curiousity...

Then, when she posted show results, I HAD to cheer her on... :D

If Carolyn wanted privacy, she would have sent a PM. :p
Me too, I figured it was Linda but I had to double check:p .
  • #35
I'm back!

They didn't kill me at the gym. I took a cynergie (sp?) class - kind of a cross between pilates, yoga, and stretching. I am now stretched! It felt good too.
  • #36
pamperedlinda said:
I'm back!

They didn't kill me at the gym. I took a cynergie (sp?) class - kind of a cross between pilates, yoga, and stretching. I am now stretched! It felt good too.

I did Zumba last Saturday for the first time...it was pretty decent - didn't totally kick my butt, we'll see when I go back tomorrow though!
  • #37
janetupnorth said:
I did Zumba last Saturday for the first time...it was pretty decent - didn't totally kick my butt, we'll see when I go back tomorrow though!
What is Zumba?
  • #38
heat123 said:
What is Zumba?

It is a newer latin-style workout class...

Google it and you'll see TONS of stuff on it.

It was a lot of work...then we stretched afterwards....
  • #39
I had my Zumba class again today - it's totally fun and we have a guy teaching the class - he's a hoot!
  • #40
Is it anything like the salsa aerobic classes? I tried one of those and dang near killed myself! LOL I will have to look to see if my local gym offers it!
  • #41
heat123 said:
Is it anything like the salsa aerobic classes? I tried one of those and dang near killed myself! LOL I will have to look to see if my local gym offers it!

I guess it is kind of like that but a formal program.

Hey, I have two left feet so if I can, you can! My 2nd class is tomorrow...better got some sleep before they kick my butt tomorrow!!!!
  • #42
Back to the original question - This show closed out at $1041!

Had a show tonight and it is at $1056 with a few more orders to come! (no bookings though :()

I love my job!
  • #43
pamperedlinda said:
Back to the original question - This show closed out at $1041!

Had a show tonight and it is at $1056 with a few more orders to come! (no bookings though :()

I love my job!

WHOHOO Linda - still dreaming about my first $1000 show...maybe it'll be this weekend???? :rolleyes:
  • #44
You'll get there Janet! And when you do we'll celebrate with you. Funny thing, it takes forever to have a $1000 show but once you do they start happening more often.
  • #45
hey lindaHi Linda and everyone
Just wanted to let you know that I am back on...for some crazy reason I have not been able to get on to CS for 2 weeks. I have been going crazy!!! Tried everything...including having Linda get in touch with Deb and/or Greg. I contacted them about 20 times with no avail...I realize they are soooo busy as we are....anyhow, I finally resorted to starting all over again and re-registering and paying again...didn't know what else to do....been having withdrawals. Only thing is, I start back at "ZERO" now with posts and all.
Do want to share that I have a show tomorrow nite and my host is already over $500.00 in outside orders...I am also making the fajitas in the DCB along with the brownie molten skillet cake thingy!!!! Can't wait!!!
  • #46
kreaser said:
Hi Linda and everyone
Just wanted to let you know that I am back on...for some crazy reason I have not been able to get on to Chef Success for 2 weeks. I have been going crazy!!! Tried everything...including having Linda get in touch with Deb and/or Greg. I contacted them about 20 times with no avail...I realize they are soooo busy as we are....anyhow, I finally resorted to starting all over again and re-registering and paying again...didn't know what else to do....been having withdrawals. Only thing is, I start back at "ZERO" now with posts and all.
Do want to share that I have a show tomorrow nite and my host is already over $500.00 in outside orders...I am also making the fajitas in the DCB along with the brownie molten skillet cake thingy!!!! Can't wait!!!

Ok, I'm confused...what WAS your userid??? karlene?
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  • #47
pamperedlinda said:
Back to the original question - This show closed out at $1041!

Had a show tonight and it is at $1056 with a few more orders to come! (no bookings though :()

I love my job!
woo-hoo Linda! You go girl:D :chef: And double points for that too!
  • #48
Glad you are back Karlene, maybe Greg or Deb will see this and get your old ID fixed for you. Sorry I couldn't have been more help.
  • #49
pamperedlinda said:
Glad you are back Karlene, maybe Greg or Deb will see this and get your old ID fixed for you. Sorry I couldn't have been more help.

Hey - I guessed right! :) Yes, just PM or e-mail them, explain what happened and see if they can fix your old one or reset it for you.
  • #50
Karlene is backI'm going to try that...I just didn't know what else to do while I was waiting...And Linda, I appreciated everything you did...
Just glad to be back...I was going CRAZY!!!!!
PS it wouldn't let me use my old user name when I tried to register..it said, " user name already being used...daaaaaa
Well, at least it made me put up a new pic...this is our new family pic with my hubby and 5 kids
<h2>1. How was your show tonight?</h2><p>My show tonight was amazing! We had a great turnout and everyone loved the products.</p><h2>2. Did you have any technical difficulties during the show?</h2><p>No, luckily everything went smoothly and there were no technical difficulties.</p><h2>3. How did the kids handle the chaos during the call?</h2><p>The kids were a bit frantic, but they managed to get through it and we were able to make it to their soccer game on time.</p><h2>4. What were the top-selling products at your show?</h2><p>The top-selling products at my show were the Quick Cooker and the Mix 'N Chop.</p><h2>5. Will you be hosting any more shows in the near future?</h2><p>Yes, I have a few more shows scheduled for the next few weeks. I can't wait to share the Pampered Chef products with more people!</p>

Related to A Crazy Night - But Hoping Your Show Was Awesome!

1. How was your show tonight?

My show tonight was amazing! We had a great turnout and everyone loved the products.

2. Did you have any technical difficulties during the show?

No, luckily everything went smoothly and there were no technical difficulties.

3. How did the kids handle the chaos during the call?

The kids were a bit frantic, but they managed to get through it and we were able to make it to their soccer game on time.

4. What were the top-selling products at your show?

The top-selling products at my show were the Quick Cooker and the Mix 'N Chop.

5. Will you be hosting any more shows in the near future?

Yes, I have a few more shows scheduled for the next few weeks. I can't wait to share the Pampered Chef products with more people!

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