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3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!

They should be able to help you with getting the CC info if you have submitted the orders on their site.
Helloar all!

My first posting here - be gentle :)

I am a new PC consultant who jumped in with both feet by doing three FB parties immediately. One was quite successful, the other two a total bust. :cry: I'm about to submit the parties, however because the two that didn't work well are under the $150 I'm obviously unable to submit it as a party. I have no problem doing them as individual sales (even combined the parties didn't equal the $150) but I am unable to change their Credit Card information. I am assuming that I have to contact those individuals who DID purchase something and ask them if they want to cancel their order or re-do their payment information? There's no way around it right? Just want to be sure before I look like an a$$.

Thanks everyone!
Unfortunately you will have to contact them to get their payment info. I'd tell them that you have to combine some orders to save them on the shipping and that you are $xx away from what you need. Then ask if they can wait for a bit while you find that order or if they want to just pay the direct shipping on their order.If they are already paying direct shipping then just tell them that you had a glitch and PC needs their CC info again.Welcome to CS and to TPC!! Home parties are your bread and water so "get on the phone"!
I would advise contacting them anyway because their shipping costs are going to be higher. I have learned the hard way to always write down CC numbers in case this happens or I just managed to fat-finger a digit. I then shred the numbers after the party is submitted.

If the orders were submitted on your PWS, you can still access the CC info. When you go online to work with one of your shows in the PWS, you can "review" orders that were submitted online. The CC info is there. When you download it to P3 (or the beta system?), it will not show there. Hope this makes sense.
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Thank you both!!~Marcia
lt1jane said:
I would advise contacting them anyway because their shipping costs are going to be higher. I have learned the hard way to always write down CC numbers in case this happens or I just managed to fat-finger a digit. I then shred the numbers after the party is submitted. If the orders were submitted on your PWS, you can still access the CC info. When you go online to work with one of your shows in the PWS, you can "review" orders that were submitted online. The CC info is there. When you download it to P3 (or the beta system?), it will not show there. Hope this makes sense.
Yes! I meant to add this info on my post but i didn't think about the fact it could still be on the PWS! So glad you did Jane.
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Actually I did try to review...but all the cc info is starred out except for the last 4 digits. Is there another way around it?
It is entirely possible that in the new web (beta site) that you can not see the numbers. Someone who is using the beta site for shows will have to comment on that. On the regular website you can see the full info. Like Jane said, I always print out the order so that I can access the number in case there's an issue and then shred once the order is released for picking.
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If I try to use the old website, it tells me I don't have a subscription to the website. :(
bluexoxo said:
If I try to use the old website, it tells me I don't have a subscription to the website. :(

You should have gotten an email from HO when you started with instructions on how to get on there. That is the site the customer newsletters are generated on so you will want to use it if only for that. I would call tomorrow and ask HO for help.

Related to 3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!

What is the concept behind "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!"?

The concept behind "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" is a social experiment where three Facebook parties are planned on the same night and at the same time, with the goal of seeing which one will be the most successful. The idea is to see how different factors such as location, guest list, and event promotion can affect the success of a party.

How did the idea for "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" come about?

The idea for "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" came about from a group of friends who were discussing the impact of social media on event planning. They wanted to test the theory that three parties held simultaneously could have varying levels of success due to different variables.

Were the parties planned to be identical in every aspect?

No, the parties were not planned to be identical in every aspect. The organizers purposely chose different locations, guest lists, and methods of promotion to create unique and diverse events. This allowed for a more accurate comparison of the factors that contribute to a successful party.

What was the outcome of "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!"?

The outcome of "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" was that the party with the most well-known and influential guest list was the most successful, while the party with the least promotion and smaller guest list was the least successful. This experiment demonstrated the importance of networking and social connections in event planning.

Will there be future "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" events?

There are currently no plans for future "3 Fb Parties - 1 Great - 2 a Bust!" events. However, the concept can be replicated by anyone interested in conducting their own social experiment. It is a fun and interesting way to explore the impact of social media and networking on event planning and success.

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