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What is suggestions: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. Sara Dawn

    How to Plan a Battle of the Sexes Italian Cooking Show?

    I have a cooking show the first weekend in February and my host wants to make it a Battle of the Sexes type show with an Italian theme.How can I pull this off and make it fun at the same time? I was thinking of doing some kind of trivia first and the team that gets the most right gets an...
  2. C

    Sugar Cookie Recipe - Experiences and Suggestions

    Hello all, Has anyone tried sugar cookie?? I saw a recipe online and was thinking to prepare it. I would to hear you experiences with baking cookies. This is the recipe which I saw http://www.heritagehomedesign.ca/blog/sugar-cookie-recipe-holidays/. Has anyone tried it before?? I would like to...
  3. C

    Tax Day Sale Ideas - Any Suggestions?

    Has anyone done a tax day sale? If so what did you do? Any suggestions? Thanks!
  4. J

    JT's Campfire Gear: What to Bring and Use

    Hello everyone, I'M new to PC and new to the site. I am going camping this weekend and wanted to show off some products that can be used by the campfire. Any suggestions? I don't have a ton of stuff but I do have the rock crock? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks JT
  5. byrd1956

    Suggestions for Shower Goodies??

    A host is needing yummy recipes for a wedding shower. She would like them to be made ahead and easily re-heated for serving. She said something about little pancakes with strawberries that she saw someplace. (the shower is to be at 11am) She was hoping I can help her with some great looking...
  6. wadesgirl

    Girls' Weekend in Chicago: Hampton Suites Suggestions

    My sister is planning a girls weekend in Chicago after the new year and we are trying to find a hotel that is reasonably priced, not too expensive to park, possibly a suite since we will have 4 adults and 1 teenager. The best one I could find was Hampton Suites (The Hampton Inn & Suites Chicago...
  7. Bren706

    Dessert Recipe for Show Suggestions

    I have a few hosts this month that want a dessert recipe demo. I usually do appetizers or dinner in a dash type recipes, and haven't done anny desserts in a while. One host chose the Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies. What are some dessert recipes that you have been doing at shows lately? I need...
  8. T

    Stock the Pantry" Party - Ideas & Suggestions Welcome!

    I'm thinking of doing a "stock the pantry" party to focus on our Pampered Pantry items. Has anyone tried this before? Anyone have a good flyer or suggestions for it?
  9. raebates

    What are some make-ahead and travel-friendly savory breakfast options?

    I'm going to be joining a Tastefully Simple rep in providing breakfast for a networking group we're part of. She mentioned bringing a breakfast bread. I thought I'd concentrate on something savory. Here are the keys: I must be able to make it ahead. There are no kitchen amenities at the...
  10. ally44

    Planning a No Buying Show - Need Suggestions!

    Hi Everyone, I couldn't find it on here anywhere, but doesn't anyone have the information about a No Buying Show. My Director recommended me shooting for the end of August to have one, but because of my schedule, it is going to be September 1st. Any information or suggestions would be...
  11. thepartylady

    What sexy appetizers will spice up my adult party?

    Doing a show for a friend, but it is a combo show with an Adult party. Looking for suggestions for some "sexy" appetizers. HELP!!!!!!!
  12. N

    What are some great supply order suggestions for my upcoming show?

    Unfortunately I did not earn any PC dollars and am about to do my 2nd show on the 15th (YAY!) so I figured I would order some Door Prizes. Would love to hear your suggestions on what to order because I'm looking at this form and I want it all :) Carmen
  13. S

    Has anyone suggested a product to Pampered Chef and seen it in the catalog?

    I emailed Pchef a suggestion to get a burger patty shaping tool, I have an old school tupperware one for the 80's but it's kinda warpped from age and I can't find anything that works as well, even the new tupperware. I got an email back thanking me for the suggestion. But, I wonder has anyone...
  14. EmilyStraw

    How can I increase sales for my $99 show?

    Hey everyone! I have a show that is currently at $99.50. I would really love to see it go to $150 so I can submit my second show for the month and get my free tote, but the host hasn't been able to get any outside orders. (So far at least 2 said they would order, but never did). Any suggestions?
  15. L

    Panicking Over Planning a Cooking Show: Ideas & Suggestions Needed!

    Ok all I've got a repeat hostess who's done great shows for me in the past and frankly I've not done a cooking show for a large crowd and she's expecting a large crowd right after work on FRIDAY, this Friday....and the only thing she's told me for sure is she wants a Sponge(ish) type cake for...
  16. S

    Short on Sales for March, I Need Suggestions Please!

    This month has been slow for me. I did a party on Mar 7th and only one person came and I got no orders at all. My host was going to order $150 just so she can get to a show, but then she cancelled her order. I also had a catalog show (hoping to get my two shows) but one of my friends cancelled...
  17. slhalepc

    Planning a Church Fundraiser: Suggestions Welcome!

    I just addressed 72 invites for a church fundraiser, and that is only the ones who do not come regular. We are doing somthing in the Bi weekly newsletter for the "regulars". I have 16 people with packets and have about 5 more to see this week. Not to mention the facebook event that I have...
  18. R

    What to Do When Starting a Pampered Chef Business? Suggestions Here!

    vendor cost*updated with other ? at post5*I contacted a womens expo, which honestly would be a GREAT opportunity to start my PC business, since I am just starting, and I asked them if they were looking for vendors and how much it would cost and told them who I was. Well she said they were $150...
  19. B

    One of My Suggestions Is a New Product!

    I was SO excited to see that one of my many suggestions is now a new spring product! After seeing my recruiter burn her hand on the metal tip of the Executive Cookware handle, I suggested a protective sleeve to cover the entire handle. Not only did they create that sleeve for the longer...
  20. J

    Suggestions for a "Tea and Talk" Presentation

    A local gift store is attempting to start a series of networking lunches, designed to help small, home-based businesses. I've been invited to do a 15 minute presentation on The Pampered Chef, where I'm not focused on selling, but rather just giving background on the company, etc. Also...
  21. M

    How Can I Improve Sales for a Repeat Fundraiser?

    I have been asked by a group I did a fund-raiser for last year to do another one this year. I believe in the group and want very much to help them. However, last year their total sales were $1999.50 - not bad but for an organization with 65 members, it SHOULD have been much higher. I typically...
  22. byrd1956

    Fundraiser -Any Demo Suggestions?

    I have a fundraiser next month. I finally heard back from the host (broken computer) and she said they have food at the meeting so I will not have to prepare a thing. Just a demo. She sends the groups newsletter so she will be doing the invitation in the newsletter and will be telling the...
  23. F

    Hand Held Game System Suggestions Needed

    My soon to be 7 yr. old is wanting his own hand held game system. Currently he & his brother share a Dsi Xl. His obvious request is the new 3ds. I know there are other handheld games out there through ipods and so on. So, for the gal not current up in the tech. world. Give me some pros/cons...
  24. C

    Is the Bose Wave Radio worth the investment?

    I've been thinking about a Bose Wave Radio for my home for quite some time (8 years I think!). Yes, I am treating myself for Christmas this year (I hope!) and need advice. (Big investment for me! so I've been procrastinating!) Does anyone own one? How do you like it? Is the 5 CD changer worth...
  25. B

    Submitting Ideas to HO: How to Get Your Voice Heard

    If we have an idea for a new product or product improvement, how do we get this information to HO?
  26. chefheidi2003

    Is It Tacky to Use Business Thank You Cards for a Wedding?

    I am considering purchasing the Thank You cards from Merrill to use as our thank you cards for our wedding. Opinion: Do you think that it would seem that I am trying to advertise my business? Do you think it would be tacky to use for my wedding thank you cards? Suggestions: If I do...
  27. J

    Pdf Fillable Flyers for Advertising or Suggestions

    HI I am just starting and trying to figure out how to book some shows. Are there any flyers that you suggest for posting places or can you offer any suggestions or things that have worked for you? Overall anything you can offer would be great. Lots of small towns around here and I have a...
  28. P

    Email Signature Line - Suggestions

    I'm looking for suggestions for what to add to my signature line. I currently have my name, title, phone number, and personal website. I don't want too much, but would like to know what has worked for you. Thanks
  29. S

    Find the Perfect E-Card: Suggestions Welcome!

    Does anyone have any good e-card sites they like? Need suggestions! Thanks! Sandi
  30. L

    Selling in May: Ideas & Suggestions for Getting Orders Beforehand

    OMG, I'm having the WORST luck, I've talked to people, shown the flyers and everyone says they "Look nice" but would really like to see in person....can I order these this month to get before May?? So I can show and hopefully sell more?? Also having terrible time getting people to STICK...