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What is stop: Definition and 61 Discussions

  1. esavvymom

    2 Questions Direct Sellers Need to Stop Asking

    This is an article from Direct Seller Speaker, Julie Anne Jones. (Click on the title of the article below, if you want to go to her website for more info, etc. I am not affiliated with her, but do try to give credit where it's due.)
  2. ChefPeg

    Handing Out Recipe & Consultant Info: Was There a Request to Stop?

    A popular thing that some consultants had been doing was putting a small amount of a rub in a small resealable food-safe baggie (very small, like 1" x 2") and handing them out at vendor events with a recipe and consultant info on them. Then I could've sworn that HO asked us to stop doing it...
  3. nikked

    Stop Using Credit Cards! You're Throwing Money Down the Drain!

    Unless you are one of the minority who actually PAYS OFF the credit card every month, you are wasting money on interest. After going through Financial Peace University, boy did we ever learn a lot. We haven't accumulated new debt in about six months, including having our FIRST debt-free...
  4. pampered1224

    Lost It All but Hey, That May Not Stop Me!

    For those of you who have had a rough go of it, I am in my 11th year as a PC Consultant. And I had no parties in June or July. Just could not get it together enough what with the new job and weird, ever changing schedule. It has NOT been the same days or times each week so I could not schedule...
  5. Deb Bixler

    Stop Recruiting and Start Making Friends!

    The best FREE recruiting tip I can give you is to STOP using the word recruiting! The word itself is a technical term with negative connotations. By eliminating it from your vocabulary and replacing it with words like sharing, creating income or sponsoring you will improve your ability to...
  6. jcsmilez

    Help Stop Forced Deportation of 3 US Children to Zimbabwe

    Dear Cheffers, A friend of mine is forced to send her 3 children on a plane to Zimbabwe by April 20th unless our country intervenes beforehand. This is so beyond me, I really don't even know where to begin other than to get the word out about this injustice. The press release: U.S...
  7. The_Kitchen_Guy

    Have You Seen the Hilarious Parody Thread for 'Oh Stop It!'?

    Oh, stop it! It was just crying out for a parody thread.
  8. babywings76

    How many vendors should we have for our Christmas Stop & Shop event?

    A friend of mine sells 31 and asked me if I'd like to help her organize a Stop & Shop event for the beginning of December. She has a friend who runs a local hotel and might be able to let us use a banquet room for free or at a low cost. Having never done one before, I'm looking for ideas...
  9. A

    Personal When Do You (As a Parent) 'Stop' Celebrating Your Kid's Birthday?

    Several questions regarding birthdays: For those of you with older kids, what age did you stop inviting guests over, having a huge cake & making a big deal (I mean really BIG) out of a birthday? For those of you without kids (or if you would like to answer the question), what did your...
  10. Intrepid_Chef

    Should the Super Rich Be Paying More in Taxes?

    Whatever your political persuasion, you gotta love Warren Buffet ... yes the SAME Warren Buffet that owns Pampered Chef. He presents a very thoughtful, rational, well thought-out argument for raising his taxes, saying higher taxes do not kill jobs and he thinks it's ridiculous that he pays only...
  11. F

    Can't Find Stop Sell - Tools Flier?

    Anyone able to locate the new stop sell flier for our catalogs?
  12. NooraK

    Can I still purchase Chef's Tools on Stop Sell?

    Just got the following email:
  13. ShellBeach

    Rant Why Did Cranberry Plates Stop Selling So Suddenly?

    Aaargh. I was horrified when I tried to submit my host's show from February. Got a message that the small & medium cranberry plates were gone! Didn't collect all the funds from the host until Monday on the way to work. Had to wait until Tuesday to deposit to my bank. Wish I would have made...
  14. F

    When to Stop Calling: Tips for Hosting a Successful Catalog Show

    I had a lady that booked a catalog show with me at a show in August, I sent her the information and did host coaching the beginning of September, she seemed to be really excited about it all. And that was it........I have not heard from her since, I have left a few messages and nothing. So do...
  15. chefkathy

    Director Why Does a Stranger Keep Sending Me Friend Requests on Facebook?

    I posted a picture of an Ice Cream Nachos recipe that I made at a show recently and shared it on the main Pampered Chef page. Several people have requested the recipe and that's fine--I will share it.One gal keeps sending me a friend request and even sent me a private message saying she looks...
  16. S

    Urgent Update on DCBs: Stop Sell & Host Only Cranberry Flavor in July

    Just got an email about the DCB's being on stop sell, and as of July, the cranberry one will be host only!!! That bites, I have been pushing them hard!!!!!:cry: I sure hope the issue gets resolved, I have no parties in June, and 2 parties in July. I may have to send out an email to my past...
  17. M

    Calling HO: Did Glitch Stop My Commissionable Sales?

    I'm guessing I'm going to have to call someone at HO for help but I thought I'd ask if this has happened to anyone else: So the party I did on Friday was a booking from my party last month. I want to order the mixing bowls for 60% off. I put it in P3 along with my past host number and for...
  18. C

    I Need to Stop Pre Judging Customers

    I was at a mechanic shop today wearing my PC shirt and started talking to the only 2 females that worked there about PC. A mechanic (male) came up to me and asked if he could order a pizza stone. I would have never thought to approach him first about PC.
  19. Liquid Sky

    How Do I Handle Other Consultants Advertising at My Party?

    I had a show last month. A TW consultant was the host. During her PC show she kept referring to her TW biz. It was annoying, but was tolerable...kinda. Fast forward to last weekend. Did a cooking show for the SIL of the TW consultant. Saturday's host booked off of TW lady's show. So, of...
  20. KellyTheChef

    Did We Stop Selling the Strainer?

    Sorry for the dumb question...I have been "out of it" business wise since Connor was born, and I just had a customer email me about her strainer, so I popped online to check how long the warranty was...but I can't find it on my webiste online catalog!! (It's the one you would drain pasta by...
  21. C

    atWhat Age Should a Child Stop Wetting the Bed?

    My DS is 4.5, and still has to wear a pull-up to bed. Occasionally he has a dry night, but only occasionally. We limit his drinking after dinner, and he goes potty just before he goes to bed. Once in a while he will half-way wake up in the middle of the night, crying and thrashing around...
  22. gailz2

    Things to Stop Doing With Pampered Chef in 2009

    And, what will we all want to stop doing in 2009? My first thought is no more than 2 trips to my car to carry into parties, if I have to make 3, I'll cut down my stash.
  23. E

    Advice on Holiday Stop N Shop Event

    Hey guys~ I scheduled a Holiday open house type event (called it a Stop N Shop) on a Saturday, Dec 6th and I'm not getting a good turn out in terms of RSVPs..do you think I should either keep it that day and hope the maybes come or reschedule to a weekday evening? Just not sure what to do...
  24. S

    Maximizing Your Stop and Shop Orders: Hosting Tips for Quarter Auctions

    Hello everyone! I just have a quick question. I am doing a Stop and Shop tomorrow and hopefully I will get some orders. My question is, can I put the orders in like I hosted my own show? The reason I am asking is, I do Quarter Auctions and I would like to use the free products for my auction...
  25. KellyTheChef

    What items are on stop sell right now?

    Sorry to sound so silly....with all that is going on in our family life, I can not remember what items are currently on stop sell! Is it still all of the Christmas stuff...plates, platter, and spreaders? I remember reading that the spreaders will NOT be available at all, but I don't remember...
  26. P

    Back Order -Or- Stop Sell -Or- Okay? ..... I Need a List!

    I'm starting to get confused as to what is okay and what isn't! This is what I think: Holiday Spreaders - Stop Sell Dot's Wine Glasses - Back Order What about the Holiday Plates and Platter? Anything I'm missing?
  27. KellyTheChef

    Track and Notify Interested Guests for Stop Sell Items - Holiday Specials

    Hey all! I haven't seen one of these yet, so I made one up for my show. You can track guests who are interested in our stop sell items (Holiday stuff) and then call them when they are available!
  28. kam

    Is There a Centralized Stop Sell Section for Discontinued Products?

    I just sent an email to HO asking for a section on CC that lists the info we get in the PC News Wire for discontinued/stop sell products. I know we have the BackOrder section, but it doesn't really provide good info. For example, why is the Chillzane mini-bowl still listed when many on here...
  29. S

    Which products are on Stop-Sell or BO for the new season at CDN Consultants?

    I am SO confused - what products do CDN Consultants have on Stop-Sell or BO for the new season? Even my D is confused!
  30. H

    Why Isn't Fork & Spoon on Stop Sell?

    Maybe I'm missing the boat on this one, but why isn't the fork and spoon on stop sell if the spreader is? I e-mailed HO about it and never got a response. :confused: