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What is shows: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. Jessica Miller

    Iso Table Runners / Table Cloths / Displays for Craft Shows

    I am in search of Table Cloth's and or Table Runners and/or Displays PC branded with the newer logo please. I have several team members that set up at local craft events and we need more items. We currently have two of the teal table cloths and would love at least 3 more if at all possible! Any...
  2. Admin Greg

    One Tip for Booking Shows to a New Consultant

    If you could only give one tip for booking shows to a new consultant what would yours be?
  3. JenniferB

    Table Cloth/Runner for Vendor Shows

    I am interested in Pampered Chef table cloth or runner to display for vendor shows. Please email me at [email protected] I would greatly appreciate it.Thank you, Jennifer
  4. schoonies

    Back Into the Pampered Chef Family.........iso Several Items for Shows

    Hello all,I am so happy to be back in the PC family after an extended leave (almost 10 years). I am in need of several items to take to shows and wondered if anyone is selling a food chopper, the older bamboo spoons, mix n scrapers, tool turn about etc. If you don't have any for sale do you...
  5. s.cape

    Can I Make Money with Pampered Chef Without Being a Recruiting Pro?

    I'm new to Pampered Chef and just completed my 4th cooking show. I'm learning so much along the way--mostly the hard way (like don't bother with the Save Guest button...use the Save to Contacts or you lose their information forever or running out of catalogs because I didn't order more than the...
  6. kam

    Shipping Costs for Guests & Hosts on Shows

    What are the shipping costs for guests (and hosts?) within shows?Thanks!
  7. Admin Greg

    What Are the Must-Watch TV Shows Right Now?

    I just finished up the last season of Walking Dead and American Horror Story. What is everyone watching and would recommend?
  8. Shelbi

    Looking for Unique Holiday Gifts? Try Our Station-Style Show!

    I have been seeing all these really cute gift ideas using the batter bowls and products and was thinking lately many people do those mason jars with the cookie ingredients or whatever inside just like the batter bowls but what if there was a station styled show where everyone comes and makes...
  9. DebPC

    Chef's Success: My Experience in 6 Cooking Shows

    I got in 1 live cooking show and 5 catalog shows.
  10. DebPC

    What's Everyone Making at Their Shows This Fall?

    I have my first 2 shows coming up in a week and wanted to see what everyone else is doing.
  11. esavvymom

    Pampered Chef- Station Shows - Reviews, Tips, Thoughts, Etc

    Have any of you tried or been doing the PC Station Shows that was recently introduced at Conference? How are they working for you? Has it changed your business or show - for the good, bad, better, different? Do you have any tips to share for the rest of us looking at this style of show...
  12. P

    Dealing with No Show Holds: Tips for Getting Booked and Staying Motivated

    My month of August was very full. However, I only had two shows hold. I'd contact and get the bookings, but after I mailed hosts their packets, I never heard from them again. No responses to emails or multiple voicemails. I don't think people realize this is income for our families. Does anyone...
  13. A

    Question About Mystery Host Shows

    Hello all! I have just renewed my Pampered Chef account and would like to get at least two shows in by the end of this month (I really want the catalog tote!!). I already have my mom set up with a party but I was wondering about doing a Mystery Host show via Facebook but had some questions about...
  14. The_Kitchen_Guy

    Great Portable Table Idea for Shows!

    When I saw this video clip, my first thought was, "I couldda used this for shows!" If you know someone who is a talented woodworker, you might be able to convince them to build one of these for you! http://sfglobe.com/?id=1803&src=share_fb_new_1803
  15. DebPC

    What Tablecloth Do You Use at Your Shows???

    I use a red and white plaid tablecloth 1/2 of the year. I find it easy to add ribbons etc. for Valentines Day, and patriotic holidays. I use a cranberry one for fall and Christmas.
  16. DebPC

    What Is Everyone Making at Shows?

    For your summer shows, what recipes are you demoing? I've just been doing the Strawberry Cheesecake Bombe or Milky Way/ Snickers Dip with dippers in the Cool N Serve Tray. Thinking of also doing the Slap Your Mama Margaritas in Quick Stir Pitcher.
  17. T

    Theme for Spring/Summer Shows 2014

    I have a customer wanting to host a spring themed brunch. Does anyone have any fun girly theme ideas? TIA
  18. esavvymom

    Book More Cooking Shows- Teleseminar (Tammy Stanley)

    Just wanted to share this information with you guys. Tammy Stanley is doing a teleseminar geared towards Pampered Chef consultants specifically. I think she may have been chatting with consultants recently about the new host program, etc. She has a very down to earth style and approach...
  19. esavvymom

    Experience Feedback: Hosting a Successful Mystery Host Show in January

    Has anyone done a Mystery Host show lately? What worked, what didn't work? I need a show for January to remain a consultant. I'm thinking of doing one on the 26th of this month (Jan). I know it's short notice, but really was just thinking of inviting folks in my neighborhood. I live quite...
  20. DebPC

    January Shows: $1k Early Show Bonus with 1 on the 3rd

    I have 1 on the 3rd. She always has $1k shows, so I'm excited. She really wanted the early show bonus.
  21. MissChef

    Need Some Help With Verbage for Booking Shows

    Okay, I should know most of this, but I have allowed myself to become overwhelmed! lol, I've been selling for over 14 years and was even a director for 3 1/2 of those years. Over the last 7 years I have worked and have never lost my career sales, sometimes doing pretty well, and other times not...
  22. B

    How Do You Handle Orders From Booths or Vendor Shows?

    How does everyone handle orders they get at a booth? Do you have it direct shipped to the customer or do you deliver the products? I have done two that were close to where I live and delivered the products to each person. I will be doing another about 20-25 miles from where I live and I am not...
  23. S

    Efficient Order Forms for Shows: Tips and Tricks for Consultants"

    What does everyone use for Order Forms at Shows? I am running out of the 2 ply ones and am trying to decide if I want to order more or not. Do you just use the outside order forms you can print off of Consultant's Corner and then send them an email receipt? Could be a great way to make sure they...
  24. scottcooks

    A Modern Take on Shows: The 'Next Generation'?

    This seems the 'next generation' of shows for us - no paperwork, no need for receipts. Has anyone had a show like this yet?
  25. DebPC

    What's Everyone Making at Their Shows This Month?

    Tonight I'm making Chick Brocc Braid and Deep Dish Peach Pie in DCB.
  26. naekelsey

    Dir Krista Dove Shows Are Only 1 Hour..

    I read in the September Consultant News that Director Krista Dove shows ONLY last an hour, Opening to Checkout. Does anyone know how she does this?
  27. A

    Where is my Consultant Tote? Submitted 2 Shows on 10th

    Has anyone who submitted 2 shows already received their new consultant tote? I submitted 2 shows on the 10th and haven't even received anything saying I earned it. Any idea how I can check on the shipment status to see if it's even been shipped yet?
  28. kam

    Do I Need a Pws to Use Beta to Submit Shows?

    Ready to make the leap but I don't have a PWS.
  29. DebPC

    July's Free For All Promo: See How Many Shows You Can Catch!

    How many shows do you have booked for July's Free For All Promo?