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What is program: Definition and 88 Discussions

  1. esavvymom

    New Host Program Starting March 2014

    So....if you watched the video, what do you think? I think it could be a very good thing- and definitely easier! More positives than negatives, that's for sure. At least in my view. If you are not on the beta Consultants Corner, here is the summary. (By the way, I have not switched to...
  2. P

    Boost Your Business in the Football Program Ad & Support the Team!

    My niece is a cheerleader at my former high school,and she has to sell ads for the football program. I told her I would like to place one. What would be the best way to advertise my PC business while wishing the team a successful season? The ad is a quarter page. I really am stumped for...
  3. P

    Is the Verizon Perks Program Worth It for Family Plans?

    Has anyone recently upgraded or started a new contract with the Verizon Perks program? All I can see is that its up to 20% off select plans but it doesn't give much information as to what the final price per month would be. We are currently on a family plan with my parents and I'm trying to...
  4. C

    Director Did You Receive Your 2014 Incentive Trip Package Yet?

    Spoiler Alert!!! Please don't read if you haven't gotten your package or had a chance to open it. Who got their package? What do you think?
  5. kreaser

    Having Trouble Submitting a Show on New Web Program?

    came across this end of the month. Was helping a new consultant submit a show on Saturday..Thankfully I had just purchased an I pad before I left for vacation on Friday. I had it with me (while camping...lol ) her show kept reading an error and I was back and forth with the home office..career...
  6. DebinIA

    Can Anyone Provide Facts on The Pampered Chef's Help Whip Cancer Program?

    Can you help me? Last year, HO had a flyer on their website that had some facts about our HWC program - what the money is used for etc. I can't find it this year... Did anyone save it to their hard drive?? Thanks! D
  7. babywings76

    What's the Best Mac Program for Making Flyers?

    I've been thinking of purchasing some sort of software like Adobe Acrobat or something, because I really want the ability to put together handouts, flyers, newsletters, etc. for my PC biz and also for church stuff that I do. Is anyone familiar of something that's good for a Mac?
  8. P

    Director Unlock Results with Our $25 Reactivation Program

    Let's share results from the $25 renewal program... anyone have consultants come back?
  9. P

    Director New Consultant Rewards Program Report?

    Anyone know where the New Consultant Rewards Program Report is for the ones who signed March 1st and later is? The one on the Reports tab is just for those who signed prior to 3/1/11.
  10. hmolah

    David's Bridal - Preferred Vendor Program?

    Hello! I have done a couple of vending events at our local David's Bridal store, and have gotten a little response. The events are always on Sundays when traffic is a bit slower (they really should make them Saturdays!). But, I learned about their preferred vendor program, that you pay a...
  11. lockhartkitchen

    Weight Watchers Program Success?

    Has anyone done Weight Watchers and been successful with your weight loss? did you do it with the in-person meetings or online? My new insurance offers Weight Watchers to us for free.
  12. C

    Free PDF Editor: Find the Best Program for You

    can someone recommend a free program where I could edit a pdf file. TIA
  13. Intrepid_Chef

    I've Entered the Cs Poster Protection Program!

    Some of you may not think you know me. But you probably do. ;) Names have been changed to protect the innocent from the guilty. I've had to change my identity to be because of I've learned that anything I say can and will be taken out of context, twisted and thrown in my face Old...
  14. E

    Referral Bonus/Loyalty Program: Do You Use One

    I just read an email from Belinda Ellsworth in which she shared her belief that every direct sales business should have a Loyalty Program/Referral Bonus. I was wondering if any of you have set one up, how it works, and whether you have seen a difference in your business as a result. I can see...
  15. nikked

    Boardmaker Picture Communication Program for Kids

    Hello, all. For those of you who are unaware, we are facing an Autism diagnosis for our 5 year old, Caroline. She is verbal, but struggles with expressive/receptive language. Couple that with having a 3 year old, and we need some help with scheduling! In the therapy community, they use...
  16. RMDave

    Invite Your Friends to Participate in the HWC Program!

    Does anybody have a well written, concise and effective sample email that can be sent to hosts, guests and everybody else you know explaining the HWC program and inviting them to participate? I don't care about graphics and ribbons ... as Joe Friday used to say (please don't tell me you don't...
  17. J

    Natural Disaster Program: Get Help From FEMA & Pampered Chef

    From my NED:Just in case you have been really affected by the crazy weather – remember to check our company policy Natural Disaster Program…. P. 31-32 in the policy guide. First you need to see if your county was officially declared a disaster by FEMA. They YOU NEED TO SUBMIT A REQUEST TO...
  18. kreaser

    My Own Creation for "Add Ons" to the Incentive Program

    I decided to create some additional categories for my cluster during this year's incentive program...see attached flyer. My people are excited about the "lower levels" of earning and I feel this way they all have something to shoot for!
  19. L

    What Are the Top Awards Programs in the US?

    Was just wondering what your top awards program is down in the US. Up in Canada they are changing our Top Performance Cluster program this year and was curious what you had.
  20. P

    How will my absence impact my business with the new compensation plan?

    Okay - so NOW I completely see one of the flaws in the new compensation plan! Many of you already know that I am in Florida with my dad who is in ICU (long story short, he was found unconscious in his home and has head trauma and brain injuries accompanied by diabetes). I don't know how long...
  21. T

    Maximizing Business Success: Director Advice for Consultants in Step-Up Program

    What advice are they giving directors about helping consultants with this program?
  22. M

    Tastefully Simple - New Program Sept 1St?

    I'm actually working with a new recruit lead and she's getting a lot of feedback from couple of different selling companies - Arbonne and TS. One of them mentioned new changes coming to Tastefully Simple consultants Sept 1st. Does anyone know what they are?
  23. M

    Slow Program Response: Is It My Computer or the Program?

    This has been happening ever since I first installed it. When I select a show and double click it to see all the details on the right, it takes FOREVER to show up. And alot of times it does the (not responding) in the title bar for a little while and then will go ahead and bring up the...
  24. babywings76

    Antivirus/Spyware Program for Mac?

    Anyone know a reputable, free program I can use for antivirus/spyware protection on a Mac? I was just on Facebook and all this junk came up on my computer looking like it was my computer telling me I was infected with all these worms and trojans, but I was worried it was actually a virus...
  25. etteluap70PC

    No PDF Program? Looking for Help from IT Gurus

    Ok so I do not have a PDF program. I have been looking at some of the free editors and cannot seem to find what I need. I love the PDF's that have been available from here and TT but the margins are wierd and do not print right on my printer. Any ideas from the IT gurus?
  26. P

    Can a 17-Year-Old Sign Up for Our Program?

    .. do you have to be to sign? I had a young gal approach me at a job fair this past weekend who wants to join .. she'll be 18 in a month.
  27. babywings76

    Business Ad in Dance Recital Program

    I have the opportunity to place an ad in my daughter's dance studio's recital program. It's a huge audience, 2 nights of performances in a high school auditorium that even has a balcony. Here's the price: Quarter Page 2 1/8 x 3 1/2 $60.00 Is that the size of a business card? So would...
  28. pamperedpals

    Boosting Team Recognition: Ideas and Tips for Effective Team Meetings

    As of Wednesday, I will be a Team Leader :) and I am going to start holding my own team meetings. I am looking for ideas on team recognition. There isn't much support from my director and I want my team to get the recognition they deserve. Does anyone want to share what they do for...
  29. Intrepid_Chef

    Partylite Launching Fundraiser Program

    I was just at a Partylite show and my consultant (who is a director) said her line is launching a fundraiser program and ... get this ... THE ORGANIZATIONS GET 50 PERCENT! She said their percentage is minimal ... like 5 percent ... She doesn't think it's the whole catalog, but the...
  30. susanr613

    Taking Out an Ad in a Fundraiser Program

    I did a fundraiser holidya open house in November. Sales were light but I booked 2 shows from it. The organization is having a dinner and asked if I wanted to buy ad space in the program. A business-card sized ad would be $30. Has anyone done this and what were the results? Thanks!