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What is potato: Definition and 89 Discussions

  1. kam

    Doubling Loaded Baked Potato Chowder

    I have a customer asking about doubling the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder recipe. I have never made it - so I don't know how full the DCB is while making this. Has anyone successfully doubled it in the DCB? My first thought is to tell her to make the first batch and put it in a crock pot and...
  2. DebPC

    Chipotle Chicken Sweet Potato Skins

    Healthy Chipotle Chicken Sweet Potato Skins Ingredients 3 medium sweet potatoes 3/4 pound (about 2 small) boneless skinless chicken breast 1/4 cups olive oil 2 tablespoon fresh lime juice 2 cloves garlic, minced or grated 3 whole chipotle pepper, minced 1 teaspoon dried oregano...
  3. Bren706

    Twice Baked Potato Bites - No Small Ridged Baker

    My newest consultant wants to make the Twice Baked Potato Bites for her second show, but she (and neither do I) does not have the Small Ridged Baker. For those that have made these, do you think that making them in the Deep Covered Baker would work?
  4. naekelsey

    Loaded Baked Potato Chowder in the Rcb

    Has anyone cut the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder in half to make it in the RCB? If so, now did it turn out? Have a host that wants this but she only has a little microwave.
  5. byrd1956

    Looking for a 1/2 Circle Potato Peeler? Find the Perfect PC Peelers Here!

    I have a customer looking for a potato peeler PC once sold. She says it is a 1/2 circle peeler. Does this sound familiar to anyone? If so, anyone have one?
  6. W

    Baking a Potato in the DCB/RCB: Tips & Results

    Has anyone tried to make a baked potato in the DCB or RCB? What are instructions/times and how did it turn out? Gonna to a Top It Bar show and in our area its in the 100 degree weather and not sure I want to use a grill. :yuck:
  7. K

    Discover the Perfect Tool for Making Twice-Baked Potatoes - Shop Now!

    Ironically I have had 2 people within 1 day ask if we had anything to make twice-baked potato. Whatever product they are talking about works like this: you bake the potato then take it out of the oven. This unknown product then goes around the potato (I'm assuming) and squeezes the potato guts...
  8. K

    Question About Loaded Baked Potato Soup

    I love this recipe and whenever I've made it it's a hit. But is there a trick to getting the cream cheese to be fully incorporated into the soup without looking like little lumps? Don't know if I'm explaining this right, but I always have little lumps of cream cheese in the soup and I hate...
  9. P

    Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper Potato Cups

    Has anyone made these before? They're in the Easy & Impressive Appetizers book. The garlic doesn't want to break down - i have whole cloves in my cream cheese mixture....I'm not sure what I did wrong. :( Also my filling is really runny and pink, not the nice creamy texture they show in the...
  10. J

    What Seasonings Pair Best with Homemade Potato Chips?

    I have an appetizer show tonight, and am going to demo Chile Lime Meatballs. I am also making potato chips with the Microwave Chip Maker (at home before the party) and wanted to make an easy dip to bring along. I am going to do the sour cream/mayo mix, but which seasoning would you use with the...
  11. gailz2

    Loaded Baked Potato Chowder--Can You Double It in the Dcb?

    Has anyone doubled this recipe in the DCB--I was wondering if it would fit.
  12. ChefetteDuJour

    ifMicrowave Swt Potato Hasn't Quite Worked for You ...

    If you haven't been exactly thrilled with the results of your sweet potato chips in the microwave, try this --- it's not the low calorie version, but people will love them. Pre-heat oven to 275 (F). Slice off ends of sweet potato then scrub with a clean sponge to ensure all dirt is...
  13. lakamper

    Loaded Baked Potato Soup on Stovetop??

    I need to double and maybe triple the loaded baked potato soup, has anyone ever made it on the stovetop instead of microwave? I was thinking of maybe doing the potatoes in the DCB just like the recipe calls for but then put the rest in a big stockpot or sometime and finish on the stove...
  14. S

    Blue Cheese Potato Crisps on Stones?

    A couple weeks ago we were talking about doing the potato crisps on stoneware instead of the MMP. I was just wondering if anyone had a chance to try that yet and how did it turn out. TIA, Sandi
  15. kcjodih

    What's the Best Potato Recipe for a Last-Minute Dinner Request?

    Does anyone have a tried and true, favorite potato recipe? I have NO idea what I'm looking for but the MIL from h#&& just called and left a message at 10 o'clock at night that my hubby can bring the potatoes for dinner on Sunday...two hours away. BIL birthday, too far for me to be interested...
  16. P

    How Does Himalayan Sea Salt Affect Potato Chowder?

    Have you used our Himilyan Sea Salt in it instead of regular salt? Its a little corser than regular table salt and was just wondering how it would incorporate into the chowder. I saw a thread on the $99 DCB special and thought that would be a good thing to include in the bundle.
  17. P

    Why Did My Loaded Potato Chowder Turn Out Runny?

    No clue what I did wrong when I made the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder in the DCB the other night for supper. It came out extreamly runny! I ended up adding some corn startch and put it back in the microwave and it helped a little. Did that twice and it got somewaht thick, but I can't do that...
  18. chefsteph07

    Thickening Potato Chowder: Tips and Tricks for a Creamy Soup

    Has anyone tried to make this soup thicker? I absolutely love the ease of this recipe, but I do feel it is too watery...esp since I've had other versions of potato soup and love the thickness. Do you think I could add a little flour and chicken broth to the baker in the micro or cook the...
  19. M

    Soy Milk in the Baked Potato Chowder?

    As I'm finding my lactose intolerance getting a little worse, I've been looking to try substituting soy milk for regular. Was curious if anyone had tried it in the chowder and how did it taste? I might make it and see, and then see if my family will eat it too! :) My DH is a bit resistant to my...
  20. wadesgirl

    Have you tried Loaded Baked Potato Chowder with Red Potatoes?

    Has anyone tried this with Red Potatoes instead of Russet?
  21. B

    Delicious Primavera Potato Bites - Perfect for Weekend Shows!

    I am making these for two shows this weekend. I thought I read somewhere that fresh tomatoes work better than the sun-dried ones. Thoughts? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Jennie4PC

    Urgent Cooking a Baked Potato in a Rice Cooker - Help Needed!

    I am workning on getting dinner done and I really want baked potatoes. BUt I can not find out how long I need to cook them for in the rice cooker. Can anyone please help me.
  23. C

    Easy Microwave Mashed Potato Recipe for Cluster Meetings

    Its hard for me to go to cluster meetings and I was wondering if anyone has done a recipe for mashed potatoes in the batter bowl and cooked it in the microwave, what exactly did you do and what words did u use at your shows.
  24. K

    Need tips for making the perfect Loaded Baked Potato Chowder?

    Hi Everyone, This is my 1st post, so wish me luck! I just became a PC consultant a week ago and my 1st show is scheduled for the 15th. I'm a little nervous/a little excited! Anyway, I was thinking I would make the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder to showcase the DCB & the Garlic Bites to...
  25. 1PamperedMommy

    Loaded Baked Potato Chowder Recipe Cards

    Does anyone have extras they'd like to sell? I'm looking to buy about 10-20 packs. If anyone bought too many and wants to get rid of them, please email me or post here. TIA!!
  26. Meigs

    Should I Peel Potatoes for Loaded Baked Potato Chowder?

    Just a stupid question..... Do I peel the potatoes before I start, for the Loaded Baked potato Chowder?? =-)
  27. kcjodih

    Urgent More Help Needed - Loaded Baked Potato Chowder

    My host for tomorrow left a message on my machine that she has 14-16 guests coming now. She'd like me to double the chowder. I planned on following Becky's and Amanda's outlines combined but now don't know what to do. I've never made this at a show and only have one DCB. My director is in...
  28. Rosebud

    Where Can I Find My Potato Chowder Recipe Cards on P3?

    So I handed out all my potato chowder recipe cards that I got really good results with and I just went into P3 to order more and I can't find them!! Does anyone have more then they need and be willing to part with or know where I can find them on P3? The cookies were a good hit around the...
  29. finley1991

    Director Easy Potato Peeling Tip: Save Time & Make Perfect Potato Salad

    I like to share time saving tips at my shows... I haven't tried this yet but a customer of mine passed it along to me... thought it was interesting and wanted to share! If you take the time to watch this, you will not only be glad you did, but you will share this with all your daughters...
  30. kcjodih

    Can I Double the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder?

    and will it all fit in the DCB or do I need to make it twice? This is for our dinner tonight and I just know I'll need more than one batch. Also if I can't double it and have to do two batches, does it reheat well?