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What is partner: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. pmprdprettyinsnj

    Pampered Partner Reminders: Tips for Managing Parties and Staying Organized

    Okay so I know I have been around for a while as I remember pampered partner and I actually miss the reminder part of that program. When you started a party all the reminds popped up so you didn't forget anything. Did anyone by any chance right these all down. I am trying to figure out when...
  2. S

    Looking for a Non Pampered Chef App Like pp

    Is anyone using an app that can track customer interaction, tasks such as mailing customer catalogs, phone call log, etc. offline? Disappointed that the new tpc mobile app is so limited. Want something similar to the functionality and detail of pampered partner but in an app form for an IPad...
  3. I

    Can Pampered Partner Plus be used on multiple computers at once?

    Is it not possible to have Pampered Partner Plus installed on two computers and have them talk to each other? I assumed that since it's web-based, you would be able to log in in multiple locations. But I installed it on my computer at home and entered the start of an order. I then installed it...
  4. P

    How can I optimize my contact management system for efficient tracking?

    We still have P2 in Canada (not even P3!) and I am trying to use it better because my current system is really time consuming. Does anyone have any notes for how to use the contact management system to its fullest? Even if you have P3 notes, that may work. I'm trying to figure out a way to...
  5. L

    Download and Install PP V 19.5 for Windows 7.0 | Consultant's Corner

    I am trying to locate a copy of PP 19.5 to download and install in Windows 7.0 but don't seem to be able to find it in Consultant's Corner. Am I just overlooking where the link is located?:chef:
  6. T

    Upcoming Changes to Pampered Chef Website: What You Need to Know

    Hi! Does anyone know if they are still planning on shutting down the "old" way, which is still my way, at the end of June? My director is on a Pampered Chef vacation, and I forgot to ask her before she left!! I have some cooking shows and 2 fundraisers that I want to put in for July, but as a...
  7. C

    Sales Receipts: Comparing 2-ply & Pampered Partner Plus

    Hey Everyone, Im fairly new to PC and im placing an order for supplies. Can someone inform me what the difference is between the Sales Receipt 2-ply and the Pampered Partner Plus sales receipts? Each give you 100 but there is like a $5.00 difference and I am wondering why. Thanks in advance!! :D
  8. lmklipfel

    Recovering Old Sales Info from Pampered Partner Plus

    I was a consultant for 3 years took a 2 year break and am back again, we have since got a new computer is there any way to get my old sales info that was in pampered partner plus? I got a new consultant #. Any help would be appreciated
  9. Kjurich

    Reactivating as a Pampered Partner: How to Retrieve Contacts and Old Shows

    Ok so I was a consultant and became inacvtive. So I just rejoined in October, but my question is I had deleted Pampered Partner from my computer when I was trying to clean things up in it. So now that I have resigned is there anyway I can get my contacts and stuff back from there to be able to...
  10. L

    How Can I Manage Multiple Users in Pampered Partner Software?

    I have a recruit that could not get P3 to download on her computer. I understand there is a way to change users on my copy of P3. I came across this here by going to File/Manage users or create new users. I am in Canada and I can not see the File menu or option. Can anyone help as we would...
  11. K

    Why aren't my contacts pulling from PamperedPlus?

    I'm a new consultant. I have had 3 shows over the last two weeks but just set up my PWS today. It says that it pulls from PamperedPlus to create a contact list, but it hasn't happened. Moreover, while there is a link to export from PamperedPlus, I have to know what the file name is to export...
  12. M

    Running Pampered Partner From External?

    Does anyone run the entire program from an external hard drive? Or do you only keep your back up files on one?
  13. Hunter Mom

    April Shopping with Pampered Partner - What's on Your List?

    I love April. It's when I get to feed my habit more. I have had my order on Pampered Partner for weeks. I didn't buy many of the new products that I didn't earn, so will be getting the outdoor caddy. I also need a new pair of chefs tonGs. I also am going to get the dots platter. What are you...
  14. S

    Combining Shows & Transferring Credit Card Info - pp

    Help! I had a show that did not reach $150. I can combine it with another show, but I have 2 credit card orders on the one show. How can I transfer the CC number? Or is there a way to Combine 2 shows on pampered partner?
  15. S

    Entering Amex Card Payments in Pampered Partner Plus

    Okay - I had two ladies at my show last night that I need to get entered to close the show that used AMEX cards - how do I enter them as payments in Pampered Partner Plus - it is giving me an error because they are 1 digit shorter than other card types?!?!?!?!?!
  16. N

    Trouble Adding Tax Rate to Online Order in pp

    Please help! I received an online order for a show. It was for two boxes of beer bread which doesn't get taxed in our state. Of course, the order was totaled and paid for with a credit card. Now there is a yellow sign next to her name in Pampered Partner and when I click on finish it says...
  17. B

    Troubleshooting Tax Rates in Pampered Partner Plus

    I just installed Pampered Partner Plus and am entering a show. It says that tax rates are automatically set based upon the "ship to address," but it's not figuring out the tax rate or automatically entering the county. Help! Do I have to do anything to make it figure out the tax rate? I know I...
  18. M

    Creating a Successful Host Order for Your First Show - Tips and Tricks

    Hi, I'm getting ready to close my first show, but I need help with the host order. When I start entering items that my host wants, it immediatly does the first 4 items as half price, and then the next items just come up regular price. She is supposed to get $225 in free merchandise. How do I...
  19. D

    What Laptop Do I Need for Internet, Email & pp?

    I am researching laptops and don't know what I need to look for. I will only need it for internet searching, checking e-mail and Pampered Partner. Can any tekkie out there suggest the minimum requirements I will need or do you know what is required to adequately run Pampered Partner? Thanks!
  20. A

    Installing Pampered Partner on New Vista Computer!

    okay, so I have a new computer with windows vista, but I can't get pampered partner-Canada installed. It keeps giving me a runtime error. anyone else have that problem? any solutions? thought I'd check here before I sent an email to tech support--- TIA
  21. H

    Update Your Account: Receipts, Partner ID & More

    How long does it take for your account to be updated after you have e-mailed your receipt and your partner ID? Also which account will you get? Thanks
  22. H

    Where Can I Find My Partner ID Number in iContact?

    I just signed up for icontact and I am trying to find the Partner ID number to forward with my receipt to tasty tidbits but I can't find the ID number anywhere. Does anyone know where it can be? Thanks
  23. EpTxGuy

    Confess: Who Hasn't Moved to Pampered Partner Plus?

    Ok old-timers, time to fess-up. Who here hasn't made the switch from Pampered Partner to Pampered Patner Plus? My sister is a director and just barely made the switch. Any other peeps dragging their feet? Time to come clean. :)
  24. C

    Urgent Recover Lost Data from Pampered Partner Plus | Troubleshooting Tips

    I didnt really know where else to put this... but my computer completely blue screened then crashed and there was no way to restore it, so I lost everything that was stored in Pampered Partner Plus. I had backed it up but it had been a while since I last backed it up(my fault of course). I need...
  25. jenniferlynne

    Troubleshooting PP Plus: Tips for Switching and Adding Orders

    OK. I am not liking this new PP Plus. I don't order a lot and didn't realize I had to make the switch by Feb 28th. My customer was actually supposed to close her show before then, and of course didn't. Now here it is the last day and I am trying to get it done. I have downloaded PPP from the...
  26. C

    Solving Run-Time Error '429' with Pampered Partner on Laptop

    I haven't submitted a show yet and had installed Pampered Partner on my desktop computer at home. After reading some threads about consultants bringing their laptops to shows, I decided to load PP on my laptop. The problem is, everytime I try to open the program, I get the following message...
  27. D

    Supply Order Shipping: Pampered Partner Plus & Consultant's Corner

    How long does it take for Supply Orders to get processed and shipped out? I just submitted one through Pampered Partner Plus, but I don't see a check mark like I do for the regular shows I submit. I do see "submitted on such-and-such date..." Is there somewhere in Consultant's Corner where I...
  28. S

    Urgent Troubleshooting: How to Print Guest Receipts with pp Plus Conversion - Schel

    I have converted, and am HATING IT... Can't figure out how to print guest receipts. Could anyone help the computer challenged person here to do this? I need to do this soon, my host has her things and I need to get receipts over to her within the hour... Thanks. Schel
  29. S

    Troubleshooting Pampered Partner Receipt Printing Issues - Tips and Solutions

    My laptop crashed about a month ago. I had done a back-up for Pampered Partner - but now I can't get my receipts to print ('Print' isn't even an option). I can get everything else, like Reports, to print - but not receipts? Has anyone else had this happen to them? I am wondering if there is a...
  30. T

    Troubleshooting Pampered Partner Plus: Help Needed!

    I'm having a problem with my Pampered Partner Plus program. Everytime I try to open it, it looks like it's gonna work and then I get a message that says something like " An error has occured. Check program log" Have you had this happen ever?? Or have any idea what to do? I've tried everything...