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What is notes: Definition and 68 Discussions

  1. DebPC

    Do You Send Handwritten Thank You Notes to Hosts?

    I did until about a year ago. Now I personally thank them over the phone when we close. And when I'm mailing them receipts for outside orders and their order- I do a cute sticker from Sticking To Business and stick it on their receipt.
  2. gailz2

    Ceramic Skillet Has "Divots"--Sticky Notes Don't Stick to It

    I, too, love my new ceramic skillet. And who knew that a sticky note would not even stick to the inside? I noticed on m skillet after warming up some homefries yesterday that there is a divot style pock mark on the inside surface. I have only used scrapers and bamboo spoons on it. Upon...
  3. P

    Director Grow Your Team: Notes from the US National Conference Workshop

    Obviously I wasn't at the US National Conference but I've heard amazing things about a workshop by someone that grew her team to 250 active consultants in something like 18 months. Does anyone have notes from her workshop?
  4. R

    Can I Get Notes from Help Hosts Get the Most Conference Class?

    Does anyone have the notes from a conference class called "Help Hosts Get the Most" from 2010. It was taught by Lura Antokal and Diane McRae. I just listened to it and they were very good. Thanks
  5. byrd1956

    Small Notes for Wedding Registry?

    A wedding registry customer has e-mailed me in need of more 'small notes' to add to invitations. The only thing I have on hand is the business card size cards saying the couple is registered. I have 2 questions 1. would that be what she is looking for or are there some other type of small...
  6. pamperedbecky

    Director Tracking Down "Go For No" Notes from Conferences

    Can anyone put their hands on their "Go For No" notes from either this year's conference or last year's? I'm trying to track down those percentages they gave of how many people give up after however many no's and other tidbits they shared about that. I can't seem to find my notes. I did...
  7. S

    Speakers at National Conference: Notes Requested

    Would like to find out who the speakers they had at National Conference so that I can look for some of there notes. If someone could post them for me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
  8. A

    Director Conference Notes: Promotion Pointers from Cindy Lazor and Nancy Francis

    Cindy Lazor has her notes on her website /cindylazor. She taught "Promotion Pointers: Need-to-Know Strategies for Promoting Directors" and I heard it was great! She was with Nancy Francis. Are any of our fabulous workshop speakers willing to share their notes? Anyone know of any other...
  9. lt1jane

    Were CK Hall and Carolyn Kraham's 2011 Conference Notes Shared?

    I know at least two people on this forum were speakers. CK Hall and Carolyn Kraham, would you be willing to post your notes for us? One of my cluster mates attended Carolyn's workshop and the info looked good. TIA
  10. wadesgirl

    Post-It Notes Work for Out & About Contacts!

    I want to start off by saying I LOVE my sling tote!! I also wanted to share that putting post-it notes for contact information on mini catalogs is an easy and effective way to make sure you get their information! It's easy when you hand them the mini catalog to just ask them to write their...
  11. ChefCKHall

    forThose Interested - My Presentation Notes

    Here is a copy of my presentation for Phoenix Spring Launch! I hope they will help someone.....Looks a little stale compared to being there in person but I managed to get through it! Happy Valentine's Day! CK
  12. NooraK

    Posting Notes of Speakers - Opinions Please

    What's your opinion on posting the notes of a speaker from an event? I'm not referring to notes you personally took while listening, but the actual notes that person put together to get ready for their presentation. The reason I ask is because the speakers are quite willing to share this...
  13. ShelbyMichalek

    What are Julie Ann Jones' Tips for Surviving a Direct Sales National Convention?

    Great Conference Tip from Julie Ann Jones that she shared in July this year. I'll be using it during Spring Launch and FOR SURE using it during conference next year!! http://julieannejones.com/heading-to-your-direct-sales-national-convention
  14. R

    Care to Share Notes From Go for No?

    I couldn't take notes for a few various reasons. I tried taking some pictures of their pop ups, but the screens switched so fast that I missed a few. Anyone care to share them? I really wanted to share them with my husband. Thanks!!!
  15. L

    Workshop Notes: Have They been Posted Yet?

    Is anyone going to post their notes from workshops, or are they already on here and I just cant find them. Last year when I went the workshop leaders gave us their website so we could just go there & print their notes...did they do that again? Thanks for the help!!!
  16. P

    Notes from Director Express with Amy Neal - Share Yours!

    For those of you who have attended Director Express with Amy Neal, where she does the Preshow Intro, Beginning, Middle and End, did you all take notes on how she did that - meaning her words? Also, notes on her Consultant A and Consultant B comparison. If you are someone who takes awesome...
  17. PampMomof3

    Notes From Upper Level Call......

    I. Directors shared what we got out of Spring Launch and how it’s impacted our Consultants – great results already (new team members signed up just in the last few days with Team Leader promotions – wa-hoo!), lots of ah-has! II. Director Express – 90 days to Director • Home Office goal - 500...
  18. baychef

    Director Did We Discuss This at the Last Conference? Notes Wanted!

    I believed we learned about this at the last conference. Am I dreaming this? If we did, does anyone have some brief notes on it? :confused:
  19. esavvymom

    What Were Your Top 3 Takeaways from the Spring Launch Training?

    I'm not necessarily asking you to post ANYTHING that lets out any surprises, but if you have notes for your training...I'd love to see them. Or if you'd rather wait until Saturday..that's ok too. I'm really looking for your top 3 "Aha" moments or things you learned from your speaker. I'll...
  20. A

    Host Coaching Presentation: Notes & Ideas

    I am going to do a presentation for my team on Host Coaching for my team, and was wondering if any of you had notes from previous leadership/nat'l conference you would share with me. Also if anyone is using a different system than the three call system outlined by the company if you would share...
  21. Jolie_Paradoxe

    Notes from Conference: Help New Consultants Succeed

    Hello all, Here are the notes I typed up from conference. The "Help new consultants..." are the speaker's notes. They are pretty rough, and I hope it helps everyone. Would love to notes from everyone. Thanks!
  22. Shawnna

    Enjoy Chicago Conference - Learn from Workshops & Share Notes!

    I hope you all enjoy your time in Chicago. Conference is always an awesome experience. I also hope you will all take notes and share with those of us who can't attend. The workshops look very informative. I am interested in: 1. More Booking From Every Show 2. Out & About 3. Powerful...
  23. C

    Boost Your Bookings: Training Tips for Cluster Meetings

    Do any of you have notes for " Increasing you Bookings at every show" I have to do training at my cluster meeting on Monday and would like to see how everyone else trains on this topic or any wonderful advice that you guys tell your cluster! Or if you have notes from conference! Thanks for any...
  24. finley1991

    Director Director Retreat Notes: Insights from Amy Neal - COLLEEN's Recap

    I attended my director's director retreat two weeks ago. I have my notes written up and wanted to share. I'm sure they are a repeat of what others have posted recently but wanted to share them in case anyone missed them. Amy Neal was our guest speaker and laid out her success plan that got...
  25. P

    Director No Receipts After Shows? Streamlining Business with Sending Thank You Notes

    I was talking to a local AD not too long ago and she was telling me that she did NOT send receipts to the host after the show closed (and she hasn't done it in over a year). She gives a copy to the guest at the show, she keeps the original and just sends the host a thank you note and has her...
  26. B

    Create Your Own "Dots" Letterhead to Send Out Notes!

    Has anyone created "dots" letterhead... I was wanting to use the lettehead to send out a note with the new spring/summer mini to my past hosts and top customers! :chef:
  27. F

    What Makes Don Funt's Training in KC So Fantastic?

    Hi- Thought I'd share the notes from the training Don Funt did here in KC. FANTASTIC!! If you get the opportunity to ever do training with him---find a way & do it. He's sooooooo funny!!
  28. scottcooks

    Leadership Workshop Notes: Share and Benefit from Valuable Insights

    Please post your notes from Leadership Workshop, if you'd like to share. This can be a valuable resource for folks who saw the same session as you, to get a different perspective...and for folks who couldn't get there, to benefit from great trainings. I've got to post from another computer...
  29. susanr613

    Notes From Lyn Conway's "Golden Week" Call

    Hi- I was one of the lucky 54 people who dialed in to Lyn Conway's call this morning. The subject was on how to maximize the week between Christmas and New Years for CCC, bookings, and recruiting. It was very good. I am posting my notes for anyone who is interested. If you were in on the...
  30. wadesgirl

    Missed FD Call? Clarifying Qs & Sharing Notes

    I missed the FD call yesterday, I know they said it is recorded for a month but how long did it last? Does anyone have any notes they would like to share?