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What is newsletter: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. esavvymom

    Pampered Chef Newsletter- Too Many?

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that PC is sending too many automated emails to customers now? I think it's once a week? I haven't tracked it, but it annoys ME...so I bet it annoys customers. People get too many emails as it is. I can see twice a month tops, or special sales, but...
  2. raebates

    Want to see our family Christmas newsletter?

    My Christmas cards have been sent out. Thought I'd share our family Christmas newsletter. I'd love to see yours. Share it here.
  3. esavvymom

    Last Minute Cyber Monday Newsletter: Hurry and Grab the Best Deals Now!

    Did your newsletter Cyber Monday email go out yet? here it is almost 2:30pm eastern time, and mine has not gone out yet. My SED came out around 10:30am Eastern.Seems quite late to me...people will no longer be shopping online come the afternoon, or they are broke. ;)I don't usually get much...
  4. O

    TPampered Chef's Major Warm Call Report Fail: Venting Frustrations

    Well we have the second month in a row for a major fail on the warm call report. It is beyond my comprehension how such a huge organization as TPC cannot grasp this feature. Maybe I am one of the few who uses ths as a tool - I dont know. I wish they would either get a new IT supplier or research...
  5. DebPC

    Posting Newsletter Link to Fb Page

    I have a Pampered Chef business FB page. I have seen on others pages that they post the link to their company newsletter. How do I do this? Thanks!
  6. esavvymom

    New Pws- Newsletter Steps You Have to Take

    FYI..... I almost learned the hard way that my contacts which were imported to the new system, did NOT AUTOMATICALLY get put in my newsletter group. They were all in a "Newsletter Group" in the old system, but the programmers in their infinite wisdom, didn't use the same group name for the...
  7. M

    Find Alternatives to Tasty Tidbits Newsletter for the Upcoming Discontinuation

    Since this newsletter service is being discontinued at the end of the year, what other services are any of you using besides the HO newsletter? I really liked Tasty Tidbits because I have control of what's in it, when it goes out and extra info I want to put in there. I'm really bummed that...
  8. A

    August Newsletter: Upped Special Amount, Looking Forward to New Products

    Just got the August newsletter in the mail. I'm glad to already have October's specials, since I have customers looking to book then. But...I have to say, I'm unhappy that they upped the guest special amount to $75 again. :( I know they don't have to give away anything for free, but $75 to get...
  9. gailz2

    Effortlessly Switch to PC Newsletter with Our Newsletter Help!

    I've been selling PC for 7 years, and used to have Joy from Tasty Tidbits as my newsletter provider. I kept all my contacts in an archaic word file, with only email addresses. I then cut and paste into the newsletter. Now I'm ready to switch over to the PC newsletter, but can only do that for...
  10. A

    How to Use Newsletter With New Web?

    I am a relatively new consultant and I am using the new web. I havent figuered out yet how the newsletter works using the new web...
  11. pjpamchef

    How Often Does the Pampered Chef Newsletter Go Out?

    Ok, I finally got on board with the Newletter. quick question: how often does it go out, and can I re-send it now that I've cleaned up my contacts and entered additional ones??
  12. ilovpc

    March Newsletter: Catch Up on the Latest Updates from PWS | TIA

    Did the March Newsletter went out already? I subscribed to PWS in January and I think it was too late because my February Newsletter was never sent out. Now I don't see the March Newsletter. Was this send out already? TIA
  13. DebPC

    Are You Seeing Good Results from the Pampered Chef Newsletter?

    Now that we've had the PC Newsletter for customers for awhile: Are you getting good results from it?
  14. O

    No Festive Desserts in December Newsletter?! UGH!

    Hi Did anyone notice that there are Thanksgiving recipes in the December newsletter? the same that were in November? I sent an email. What a bummer - I would have thought there would be more festive desserts, cookies, the cookie press...something other than turkey & stuffing? UGH!!:confused:
  15. naekelsey

    Stay Up-to-Date with Our September Newsletter | Subscribe Now!

    Has the September newsletter gone out yet? In the pre-view part, it is still showing Augusts newsletter..
  16. Bren706

    Do you follow up with customers from the warm call report for PWS newsletters?

    I didn't want to hi-jack Amanda's thread, but there was mention about following up with customers from the warm call report for the PWS newsletters. I have not gotten into the practice of following up with those that I see are opening the newsletter and clicking on links, but maybe I am...
  17. O

    PWS Newsletter Update: August 2012 Message Now Available for Download

    Has anyone been able to upload the latest message for the PWS Newsletter? Last month's is still there and in last weeks newswire, it said it would go out on 8/1/12.....I am confused.................:yuck: and unable to update
  18. J

    Why Did PWS Newsletters Go to Opt-Outs?

    Just saw this on CS...I know some are not on there, so thought I would share. I thought it was odd when I got a very angry e-mail from a customer who was ticked that she got a newsletter when she had opted out -- I showed her opted out and didn't have her e-mail info in P3. Yikes! The...
  19. O

    Why the Rush? Changes to Website Newsletter Needed by 4/26/12

    Hi In the PC newswire last night - we were told to make all changes to our website newlstter by 4/26/12. Don't know why but I am not going to question it.....however - even as of now - 8am on 4/25/12 - the custom message page is not updated. Does anyone know why all must be made ready by...
  20. Bren706

    What Are Your PWS Newsletter Visitor and Open Rates?

    For those who use the PWS newsletter, what are your percentages for visitors and opens? My average is right around 10%. I am just wondering if that is the average for everyone or not.
  21. naekelsey

    April Newsletter: Is It Worth Paying For?

    Does anyone have a copy of the newsletter that got sent out to your customers for April? I can't decide if I want to get it or not.. Is it worth paying for it?(until the price gets combined with the website price)
  22. O

    April Website Newsletter: When Will it Arrive?

    Hi Does anyone know when the April website newsletter will be sent?:confused:
  23. P

    Can You Help Spice Up Our Newsletter with Motivational Content?

    This isnt' a very active forum is it?! Anyway - I'm wondering if we can share some more motivational posts / quotes / stories, etc...that we can include in team newsletters. I think I've exhausted all 3 of the "excerpts" files that are on here...
  24. S

    Has Anyone Gotten Their April Newsletter in the Mail Yet?

    I was hoping to get mine today but it didn't come. I have a recruit trying to decide to join March or April. Can someone tell me what the April bonus is? You can send me a PM if you would like. Thanks Sarah
  25. C

    Is the Pampered Chef Newsletter Worth It? Hear from Those Who Use It

    I have been hearing that things are better with the PC newsletter. For those of you who use it, do you agree? Since I am being charged for it, I need to decide if it's worth it instead of another service. Thanks for your input.
  26. babywings76

    Impressed with PWS Newsletter Service - Improved Functionality & Results!

    Wow! I'm really impressed with the PWS newsletter service. I had waited till just this month to switch over to it. My contract with Mike's newsletters was up and I just decided with all the new website and app features on their way, I should just simplify things and use the tools PC offers...
  27. PampChefJoy

    March Newsletter - Can You Check?

    Would any of my subscribers mind logging in and proofing the March newsletters I loaded last night? I was having a REALLY hard time and felt like I kept retyping and copying and pasting the wrong thing... in the end, I am not sure I didn't duplicate or miss something... I would really...
  28. esavvymom

    Easy Way to "Forward" a Pws Newsletter to Someone?

    I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to Forward a PWS Newsletter. I've had several people in the last few days that wanted to be added to my PWS Newsletter, but my newsletter already went out for February obviously. I really wanted to forward it to them while it was still...
  29. naekelsey

    Unraveling the Newsletter Puzzle: Who Does What?

    Can someone tell me how this works? Do you make up and send out the newsletter or does HO?
  30. babywings76

    What makes a successful newsletter for direct sales businesses?

    I got an e-mail from both Julie Ann Jones and Tammy Stanley about a teleseminar series, The Mind Aware, and went ahead and registered for it. It's free and will have playbacks available if I can't listen to things live. After I signed up for it, they sent an e-mail with a bunch of different...