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What is life: Definition and 168 Discussions

  1. A

    How does Pampered Chef fit into Amy's busy life in Minnesota?

    I am Amy Knutson, Team Leader With PC! I live in Minnesota and am a full time Special Education teacher! I do Pampered Chef on the side! I it!
  2. byrd1956

    Where to Find Life Tastes Great Flyer Online

    Has anyone found the Life Tastes Great flyer on the website? I would like to use parts for pics. Hoping to be able to see the back online.
  3. sue

    Can Pampered Chef Help Me After Losing My Job?

    I'm a Wife of 33.5 yrs, mom to 5 grown men, Nana to 8 beautiful people that has used Pampered Chef for over 25 years so trying to sell now that I've lost my corporate job.
  4. A

    Old Join Us, Booking Slide, Your Life Your Way & Discover Us Brochures/DVDs

    Old "Join Us" "Booking Slide" "Your Life, Your Way" and "Discover Us" Brochures/DVDs I have and old booking slide, old discover us (50 count) and join us (5 count) and your life your way (5 count) with my labels on them if anyone could use them/re-purpose them Id hate to just throw them away...
  5. mspibb

    Ain't Life Funny!? - Missed My $1500 Goal by $300

    So I am not going to hit $1500 this month, missed it by less than $300; my 3rd show, a catalog show of over $800 became my new recruit's first show. will now have to take my laptop and move all the orders under her name. I am not really working much @ PC right now because of issues at my FT...
  6. R

    Taste of Evanston: Creative Sample Ideas for Relay for Life

    I'm participating in our local Relay for Life which is having a "Taste of Evanston" where different restaurants donate 100 samples and the relay is selling tickets to get a taste of each sample. Anyway...I've been doing a sample idea where I use won-ton sheets in the mini-muffin pan, add a...
  7. A

    Transform Your Life w/ 5 CD Set & 2 Books - Just $25!

    2 CD set- Make up Optional- Lyn Conway $10 Love 'em & Lead 'em 5 CD set from Lyn Conway- $15 you can visit her site to download the workbook- afreshperspective.com 4 CD's from Ilene Meckley & here Yes you can have it all book- $10 Steve Wiltshires-...
  8. S

    Managing HWC vs. Relay for Life Fundraisers: Tips for New Consultants | TIA

    If someone wants to do a Relay for Life fundraiser , how do we put that on manage my shows so, PC doesn't send the check directly to ACS but to the RElay for life team? I just became a consultant in November so this will be my first HWC month. :chef: TIA
  9. The_Kitchen_Guy

    A Reflection on Withdrawing from Life

  10. pampered1224

    Secure Your Future: Get Life Insurance with Final Expense Coverage

    I am on another adventure! I decided, after much deliberation and no job as of yet, to try my hand at selling insurance. Sounds weird but hey, I have nothing to loose. Pat does as he is putting up the fees to get licensed but he decided to night, after having his taxes done, that he can afford...
  11. ChefBevShu

    Locating 2012 HWC Fundraiser Flyer for Relay for Life

    I seem to be having trouble locating the flyer that was on here last year for the HWC products. It was an order form showing the HWC products at the top and then space for the guest name, address and phone numbers. Does anyone have this updated for 2012? I have a fundraiser group that wants...
  12. esavvymom

    Relay for Life Fundraiser Questions

    I have never done a fundraiser before, but I want to try to get some fundraisers this spring. I always seem to wait too long for the Relay teams (or find out about them too late).Does anyone have a file/flyer they use to 'advertise' their Fundraiser to the Relay teams? I know of at least one...
  13. C

    My iPad: Making Laptop Life a Burden & Keeping Me Connected!

    So my hubby got me an iPad for Christmas. I am LOVING it! It makes my laptop seem like such a burden and not as portable lol. Anyways, I'm on CS from it right now and I like that I can do that without lugging out my computer, not to mention Skype and make phone calls back to the States with the...
  14. brandynichoal

    After What Seems to Be Like Life Just Kicking My Butt All Over the

    After what seems to be like life just kicking my butt all over the place, I submitted what I thought was going to be a small party, enough to get me back on the active side with PC, and it turned into a whopping $962.00!!! I know a few people that will be getting some awesome Christmas presents...
  15. cookingwithlove

    Director I Am Pmsing and I Was Verbally Abused My Entire Young Life!!! I Want

    I am PMSing and I was verbally abused my entire young life!!! I want to really tell off an arrogant host, who asked me for a party!! WE are all BUSY not just you!! You made a commit to me!! I did not threaten you or beat you. You wanted to do this. I had not heard from her and left her a VM...
  16. O

    PWS Newsletter - Keeping Anal Order in Life

    HI Is the PWS newsletter due out today? I used to have this down pat, but the past 2 months, the dates have been changed....I need some anal order in my life:eek:
  17. raebates

    Life in the Bates Bungalow: Drama and Gratitude!

    I was just wondering if anyone missed me while I was gone. We've had a little drama in the Bates Bungalow. In mid-July The Furry Guy was putting a 40-foot ladder against the house to aid in installing a light so I would stop tripping over cats and sidewalk cracks in the dark. He thought he...
  18. M

    Donating to Relay for Life: Cool n Serve Tray, Gift Cert, Recipe Card, Catalog

    I am donating a product and gift certificate for a raffle for a Relay for life fundraiser. I have a cool n serve tray, a gift certificate in an envelope with my business card and a recipe card and a catalog. Should I include a letter or little note in there? If so, what should it say...
  19. chefmatula

    Booking Shows with a Busy Home Life: Tips and Advice

    I've been in a show rut for the past four months. I know what some of my problems are, it's just that with two small children at home, it's hard to stay on top of things. I have just cleared my calendar for every Tuesday night to make phone calls, and I hope that will help. Do ya'll have any...
  20. pampered1224

    Rant Navigating Unemployment and Job Insecurity: A Frustrating Reality of Life

    I got home from school today at 12:30 to find Pat was home. Now, mind you I am in school, should be done by the end of July. I am no loger getting Unemployment because our state is lying about the number of people who went back to work. The number show how many people lost benefits or simply got...
  21. P

    Relay for Life Booth: Creative Ideas for Table and Tent Decorations

    I'm going to be doing a booth/table at our local Relay for Life later this month. I'm looking for ideas on ways to dress up my tables (I'll have a total of 16 feet of table space, but it will be configured probably as 2 L's) and my tent (one of those 10x10 instant-up canopies). Of course most of...
  22. babywings76

    Bringing Your Booth to Life: Thinking Outside the Box!

    I'm thinking about doing something different for a booth I have on Saturday. A Relay for Life team is doing a fundraiser at a fire station. I'm considering bringing a bag of potatoes and enough ingredients to make 2 batches of Mango Salsa. The booth is from 8-2pm. I could even tell people...
  23. F

    Relay for Life Fundraiser: Promoting HWC Products and Supporting Multiple Teams

    I would like to do a fundraiser for my Relay For Life team. I will promote the HWC products but also do this as a traditional fundraiser. I am also going to offer this to other teams in the event. How is the check handled, is it made out to the team name and mailed to the team captain? Does...
  24. S

    Do ACS Fundraisers Receive the Same Percentage as Relay for Life Fundraisers?

    A customer is a breast cancer survivor and wants to do a fund raiser for her Relay Team. Will she get the same % for sales as the chart on CC shows for an ACS fund raiser? I need to callher tonight and don't want to give her bad information. TIA, Sandi
  25. emiscookin

    Welcome Back! Life with Baby Leah Nicole :)

    Hey everyone! Gosh it has been forever since I posted on here. ;) I have had my beautiful baby girl, Leah Nicole, and she is two months old now. :) Life is so wonderful with her. Anyway, I haven't been able to do PC so much since her birth. I've decided I am only going to do catalog...
  26. Bren706

    What Should I Bring to the Relay for Life Kick-Off Meeting?

    Our local Relay for Life Kick-off meeting is this Monday, and I will be there offering fundraising information. For those that have presented at the meetings, what do you suggest I bring, besides catalogs with fundraising packets? Do you set up a table with products? Do you present host...
  27. pampered1224

    Taking Charge of Life: How to Be Assertive and Build Your Business!

    I have read so many things out here about not wanting to be rude about taking a tote to another DS party, not having bookings or even my own things about not having a job and I hear in my own "voice" that sound of squeaking, shaky, cowardly, whining. I am done. I have decided that if I want my...
  28. esavvymom

    Storage Tips for Fruits & Veggies: Maximize Shelf Life

    *just realized I misspelled 'counter' in the title...sorry:blushing: hit the submit button before I edited. * Saw this article today from Mint Life Blog: