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What is lead: Definition and 153 Discussions

  1. cookinforyou

    Director New Director CS: Ready to Learn & Lead!

    Hi Everyone I am really excited to finally be on the director CS!! In the coming days and weeks I will be going through a lot of the threads and learning from all of you as much as I can I pray I can be a great leader to my team And I am sure I will drive you all crazy with a lot of questions...
  2. Bren706

    The Ups & Downs of Trying to Book an HO Lead

    I finally get an HO lead after many, many months of getting nothing (although I have been eligible). The person was wondering if I travel to their town, about 50 minutes to an hour away. I called as well as emailed her to let her know that yes, I have done a few shows recently in her town as a...
  3. Sheila

    Recruit Lead Fled Today, That's New! Lol

    I'm awful about doing in person interviews. I usually hand people recruiting info in person when I first meet them & then follow up by phone or e-mail. But in following up with someone who was interested in hosting, she said she was considering the business opportunity & wanted to meet to...
  4. C

    Director My First Lead & Understanding the System

    I just got my very first Lead for a show since they changed the system! She booked for January. I am so confused as to how this works, because last month and this month I've had a plethora (at least one a day this month!) of orders placed, but no booking or recruit leads. Where are those...
  5. M

    Pampered Chef Ceramic Cookware ...Is It Lead Free????

    I've read that if ceramic cookware is not glazed properly it can release lead into our food. Also, who is the manufacturer's of the cookware?
  6. MissyPC

    Iso Tablecloths, Lead Boxes, Etc

    Hello ALL. I am looking for tableclothes, lead boxes, or other items you think I would need to start setting tables up at local events. New to this world. I am trying to make my new season and this year and fantastic one. I would like to have sales 1000 plus per month, start doing...
  7. P

    Director Holy Cow!!! I Just Got a Lead Like We Used to in the Old System

    I got a "You have a lead" email today!!! What the heck is going on?? I thought those were gone... on hold with HO right now to find out what is happening... the lack of communication is astonishing!
  8. pamperedbecky

    Director Are You Excited to Be Back in the Lead System?

    I've been so bummed to not have been in the lead system since late last fall. It was mostly because of the darn recruit requirement. Even when I put my business on the back burner to go back to work in my previous field, I was still hitting pretty decent sales for barely doing anything. But...
  9. P

    Director Dealing with the Worst Ho Lead: Why Buying Used Products is Not Worth It

    Lead comes in "purchase products" ughhhh right we know these are rarely fruitful. This is my 3rd this month to purchase products. 1st one was someone who wanted me to pay shipping on her $30 order.. uhmm not I am not in the business of losing money to make a sale. 2nd one wanted a replacement...
  10. chefkathy

    Director Seriously??? What a Waste of a Ho Lead!

    Current consultant put in for a lead because her director won't call her back & she has questions about her status. I called the solution center and they gave me her director's name/number, so now I need to make an awkward phone call tomorrow! Thanks for wasting my HO lead...
  11. gailz2

    Ho Lead Said I Called at 11:59 Pm!

    I just had HO call me about one of my HO leads. The lady called them and said I had called her at 11:59 PM, which is outrageous! I usually head to bed at 9, and usually finish any calls by 7:30 or 8 PM. This lead was mad as she gets up for work at 2:30 AM, so she hasn't responded to me. She...
  12. P

    Director Best Dots Dinnerware Set - 2 Plates, 1 Bowl, and 1 Platter for Only $143!

    Item Qty 2056 Dots Dinner Plates 2 2033 Dots Large Round Bowl 1 2083 Dots Oval Platter 1 Total: $143.00 WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :money::money::money::money::money:
  13. P

    Director Venting Frustration: Consulting Mishaps That Lead to Missed Opportunities

    I had a consultant join in March. She never did anything. I booked a show for her at her show with someone who was VERY excited. She never did it and I felt really bad for this lady because she was SO EXCITED to have a party. Anyway.....I saw another friend of hers at a party recently and...
  14. P

    Director HO Lead Experiences: What Have You Heard?

    I received a HO lead from an organizer of a chapter in this organization. Anyone have any experience with it.. good, bad??
  15. S

    Recovering Lost Home Office Leads: How Long Will I Have to Wait?

    I lost my HOL at the beginning of this month due to lack of recruiting for 4 months. I have enough in sales and team members being active for Team leader status. I just recruited a new consultant a few nights ago. Does anyone know when I will get my leads back? Does she have to submit first or...
  16. B

    Just Got a Lead on a Fundraiser!

    I was reading a post on one of our local DJ's about needing to raise money for her learning center that she was opening. Of course, this DJ had just been fired, so this person didn't know how the DJ could help out anymore.... I private messaged her and offered my services of TPC fundraising...
  17. Sheila

    Suyb 2011 Discussion: Where's the Lead?

    W - waiting areas / word of mouth / welcome baskets / wedding expo H - hosts / health club / holiday gatherings / hiring fairs / hotels E - educators / elementary schools / employment office R - referrals / restaurants / realtors / reunions / receptions E' - everywhere / local eatery / event...
  18. finley1991

    Director Help Needed: HO Lead Online Order on Hold

    I have a HO Lead online order that came through. On the Shipping Status page, it's showing as Hold. When I got to resolve credit cards, it shows there are no cards that need to be resolved. I REALLY don't want to have to call HO right now so I am wondering if anyone has run into anything...
  19. dannyzmom

    Director Shop Pampered Chef Products - New Bamboo Sets, Forged Knives, Cookware & More!

    Got this one today - what a waste of a HO lead: Hello, How are you doing today..Its is of mixed feeling to me having you as one of the great independent consultant..Here are the list of pampered chef products needed for me to set up my kitchen below: Bamboo 3 pc Slotted Spoon Set - New...
  20. K

    Director Finding Hope After Missing a Consultant Lead

    I will feel better if I put this out instead of telling my husband. Why do people go in and request a consultant for a show. I get a lead at 6 I am at a show so I call first thing this morning and she already found someone and has a show scheduled why not try to find someone first and if all...
  21. P

    Director Is this email requesting pampered chef products a scam?

    I got a HO lead this morning requesting products, clearly a bogus phone number. I sent an email and this is the response I got. I called HO Career Center and the repsonse I got was less than helpful. I was told I could not go back into the lead system... wasn't asking too. I wanted them to know...
  22. C

    Director Why Did HO Lead Me to a Potential Home Buyer Instead of the Consultant?

    I get a lead today - and it's a lady saying that she's looking for a specific consultant. In Tennessee. (I'm in Michigan) Not because she wants to order anything, but because while she was on vacation last week, she looked through the lady's house and wanted to buy it. The lady was a PC...
  23. C

    Hold Placed on an Online Lead Order?

    I have an online lead order on my Shipment Status page, and the status is "hold". I can see that it's an $85 Outlet product order, but of course, the personal info is blocked, so I can't contact the customer. In that case, does Home Office contact them about the problem??? I've never had...
  24. J

    Got a Home Office Lead Last Night...

    from a girl that wanted information on the business. This was my first home office lead like that (the other 2 were someone that was local that also owned a DS company that wants to have "networking meetings" and the other was a girl from out of the country whose H would be here for work and...
  25. C

    Director Lead Question (Slightly Embarrassed....)

    I just received a Home Office Lead, and I have a phone # to call - but the first name on the lead is something that I have NO idea how to even begin to pronounce. Not even sure what Ethnicity it would be.(um, and the last name is no better....) I'm hoping maybe someone here has seen this...
  26. heather223

    Effective HO Lead Thank You Email for Customer Orders

    Hi! I was wondering if someone has an email they use to Thank customers who place orders via the HO Lead System. I call when I get the order to make sure they got it, but have never gotten a call back. Was thinking I would follow the calls up with an email in the off chance they may respond...
  27. L

    Humor Good Leads vs. Bad: My Experience With Lead System

    Just wondering the ratio of good solid leads to unproductive downright bad leads you have experienced coming through the lead system??? I was soooo excited that I was qualified to get leads in Dec for the first time ever....but what a let down: 3 leads total and here's the outcome: 1-...
  28. Liquid Sky

    Lead System....love It and Then....

    sometimes hate it. Can't PC put a disclaimer on the lead system that if the customer requesting any "help" from a consultant, and has needs OTHER THAN making a purchase, booking a show or attaining more biz info to call the main line directly? For example, if they need to return or exchange...
  29. LauriChick

    Sound Like a Ho Lead Scam From Other Ds?

    So I am wondering if anyone else has had this happen before and if it's a scam: I received a HO lead the other day for someone who was interested in the biz. I called her up and she tells me that she was but she also just met with someone from Melaleuca and she signed right up and was no...