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What is future: Definition and 97 Discussions

  1. byrd1956

    Your Future Recruit Can Win a Rockcrok

    I have tried to find the rules by following the link in the e-mail, but they do not come up. Are they somewhere on the PC site? When I click 'read the rules' it takes me to survey monkey to fill in the entry form.
  2. mrslulu2012

    Is Hosting a Pampered Chef Party Essential Before Becoming a Consultant?

    Hi Everyone! I am new to this forum and am so intrigued by The Pampered Chef business opportunity. I love to cook and host dinner parties. And I also enjoy trying new recipes. I have never hosted a PC party before, but have attended a PC party like 10 years ago. I have been searching online...
  3. C

    Future Party Pick Woes: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?

    I just found out on Saturday, after many hours Friday night of trying to figure things out and not succeeding, that a Host who has booked a future show cannot be entered as a "guest" and order the "future party pick" or anything else for that matter, as a guest order - like we could do in P3. I...
  4. S

    Can I only have one future party pick for my Pampered Chef show?

    I had a show last night where I had several past hosts present. Last night's host had booked her show through one of those past hosts. By the time I got to that past hosts order, another past host had selected the future party pick and the website would not let me give the past host that...
  5. leshelman

    Ready to Party in the Future? Check Out Our Flyer and 50% Off Products!

    Here is the flyer I created. I will attach it as a Word File so you can change what you want (or just tell me and I will change it) and I will also attach one as a PDF so you can print a lot easier! And here is the list form Consultant's Corner that lists ALL products at 50% off!
  6. pampered1224

    Secure Your Future: Get Life Insurance with Final Expense Coverage

    I am on another adventure! I decided, after much deliberation and no job as of yet, to try my hand at selling insurance. Sounds weird but hey, I have nothing to loose. Pat does as he is putting up the fees to get licensed but he decided to night, after having his taxes done, that he can afford...
  7. byrd1956

    "Show Date Cannot Be in the Future"

    A show was booked from a July Show for Aug. 31. Although there are no orders yet, I noticed the date in red. When I check the summary tab the message says 'Summary' tab -show date cannot be in the future. What!? Of course the booked show has to be in the future. I did do an up date and then...
  8. M

    Can My Show Date Be Set in the Future?

    So I finally have my first show after being inactive for 4 months. :thumbup: The show date is March 19 and I set it up in P3 but it keeps telling me that the show cannot be in the future?
  9. dannyzmom

    Director Planning Your Team's Future: HO Outline & Deviations

    So, who's working on planning theirs? What have you got in store for your team? Are you following the outline from HO or deviating at all?
  10. C

    How Can You Search for Future Bride Lists?

    Does anyone know how to search for future bride lists? I did a bridal show once and it cost alot and I didn't get anything out of it. I am really looking for ways to boost my business this coming year.
  11. C

    Maximizing Fundraiser Bookings: Benefits for Hosts

    Does anyone know if a host of a fundraiser can get the host specials from the bookings of the fundraiser? I tried to find a host number for her and there wasn't any.
  12. colegrovet

    Should I Join My Friend's PC Consulting Business or Start My Own?

    A neighbor is thinking of becoming a consultant, we have a party planned for at the end of July She posted on FB what she planning.. She got a reply from an old friend of hers from another state, stating she was a PC consultant. She didn't come out and ask her to sign under her, but...
  13. P

    Is PPP not allowing future show bookings after Jan. 31st?

    I'm wondering if anyone else is having a problem booking shows in PPP after Jan. 31 -- all of my shows after that date indicated I can't book a show in the future. Let's me put it in, but it gives me the big red dot and the show info headings are in red. When I go to Finalize to figure out...
  14. PamperedchefDaly

    Rant: Son and Future Dil Won't Use Registry

    ARRGH!!! My son finally popped the question and is getting married next year. He loves Pampered Chef (has the 12"skillet, food chopper, etc.). I was so excited (besides the fact he's getting married and I love his future bride), that I would be able to have them do their wedding registry...
  15. M

    Unsure About the Future of My Business...

    I know I'm planning ahead, but I figure it's better to know now then when it's actually upon me. I've been a consultant for a little over 3 months and I'm really enjoying it. The income I'm earning is all extra for savings, not something we rely on. My hubby and I have been married for almost...
  16. babywings76

    Future Recruit's Letter: Tips for Success in Joining Our Team

    My last host is really interested in signing on, but she's going to wait till May or June when her schooling is done and she'll have more availability to do shows. I'm pretty sure she is going to start up and not just saying that because when I met with her to close her show, she was talking...
  17. ChefErin

    Future Bookings from Cooking Show: Benefits for Hosts?

    I know I should know, but I'm seriously spacing out at the moment. How do future bookings from a coking show benefit the host? Do they get additional free product value or does it incrementally bump up their discount percentage?
  18. chefannie

    A New Path Ahead: My Journey as a Future Director and Team Leader

    I just sent in my second agreement. So for the next 20 days I am a "Future Director" then starting April 1st a "Team Leader". I never thought I would ever recruit! Yah for me!
  19. OhmyDLM

    Director When Does a Future Director, Become a Future?

    I have a member of my downline (a recruits, recruits, recruit) who signed two people last week. She asked me a question and I honestly don't know the "defininate" answer to give her. Is she now a Future Director or does it take until the 1st of the month to activate or once her new team...
  20. Deb Bixler

    Dieting? How About Healthy Recipes for Pampered Chef Future

    Now is the time that everyone is thinking about joining a gym or going on a diet. Is that a New Year’s resolution you have made in the past? Did you know that the average New Year’s dieter loses interest in her or his weight loss program by January 14th? I wish Pampered Chef would focus...
  21. P

    Host Coaching Conference Calls: Join Us in the Future!

    Are you all still doing conference calls? Unfortunately I couldn't participate in the Host Coaching one but I listened at it was FANTASTIC!! Are you planning to host more? I would love to participate in the future.
  22. P

    Unlocking January Booking Benefits for Past Hosts | TIA

    What does the past host get as a booking benefit in January? TIA.
  23. JTNT8704

    Maximizing Incentives for Future Directors: A Guide for Consultants

    So I recruited my third consultant last month. My original has been inactive for about a year and my second is still active. So before #3 I was back as a consultant. I never received an incentive the first time I got FD, so as far as I can read the rules, Im eligible this time around. So...
  24. smilesarepriceless

    Unlock the Benefits of Becoming a Future Director by Dec 1st - Get $100 Cash!

    Become a future by Dec 1st, get $100 in cash..( they have to both be qualified by the 1st, correct)? 1% override on the recruits sales, plus 1% on personal sales IF personal sales are at $1250 is this correct? anything else?
  25. wadesgirl

    I Have Two People Under Me and I Was Wondering What All You Future

    I have two people under me and I was wondering what all you future directors do for recognition. I know my director takes care of a lot of things for team recognition and stuff but do you at least send postcards or emails to congratulate them on things?
  26. stacywhitlow

    Reactivating an Inactive Future Director: Will I Regain FD Status?

    I was a future director until about a week ago (3 of 4 are inactive). If one should reactivate, will I get my FD status back or do I need to recruit 2 new? I do have one that is doing very little & is trying to get going.
  27. P

    Book Now for October Dates! Don't Miss Out on Future Dates too!

    I am doing a fair of sorts this weekend and have a few dates I want to fill on my October calendar~I need an idea that encourages someone to book any of them first....but the catch is that I don't want to rule out future bookings for November or December. I need something with urgency for...
  28. princessmeshelle

    Future Booking Question: Can I Mark a Party as a Booking for Next Summer?

    i have a customer who is interested in having a show, however she doesn't for see it to be until next summer. she is a guest at a party i'm about to submit, and i'm wondering if i should or can mark it as a booking incase she should change her mind and decide to host within the next 6 months so...
  29. OhmyDLM

    Director Ideas for Future Director Recognition?

    Hi Everyone, I have a team meeting tonight where we are going to celebrate the promotion of a new Future Director on my team. I'm curious what everyone is doing for their Future Director Recognition as compared to their new Director recognition. I've never stayed consistent with this kind...
  30. P

    Understanding Future Director Overrides and Qualifications | Bonus Tips

    I signed #2 & #3 at the end of August. I received a letter and the $100 bonus for promoting to Future Director this month. My question is .. do my consultants have to be qualified in order for me to earn the override? I am about $50 away from submitting $1250 this month, and if I need it to...